Russ Devlin Quotes in Condorman (1981)


Russ Devlin Quotes:

  • Russ Devlin: [in Russ's office with Harry] We have a Russian agent, who wants to defect. This agent required a specific person to handle the exchange. Now, we have been given the code name of the agent requested, but we've never heard of it. I want you to go through all the active agents, and find out who is using the code name, Condorman!

    Harry Oslo: [flops down in the chair, stunned]

    Russ Devlin: What's wrong?

    Harry Oslo: I think I know... who's using that name.

    Woody Wilkins: [in Woody's drawing room, Russ and Harry have just explained to Woody what has been requested] Are you serious?

    Russ Devlin: Very.

    Woody Wilkins: I could get killed!

    Harry Oslo: Come on, Woody, it's just a simple defection...

    Woody Wilkins: Simple defection for you, maybe! I just delivered some *simple* papers to Istanbul! Nearly got shish-ka-bobbed by three turkish behemoths!

    Russ Devlin: We would safeguard your every move, Mr. Wilkins. The Bear is very important to us.

    Woody Wilkins: The Bear? Listen guys, I'm sorry. But I refuse to risk my life, especially for someone who goes under the name of The Bear! I'm sorry. I'm sorry,

    [sits down at his desk]

    Woody Wilkins: I'm sorry.

    Russ Devlin: [nods to Harry in a Talk Some Sense Into Him motion]

    Harry Oslo: [sits down next to Woody] Come on, Woody. You said it yourself, you'll never have Condorman do anything in your comics unless it has been tested and proven. Well now, here's your chance! Out of the storybooks, into real life! It's a chance of a lifetime, and we'll be with you every step of the way! Right Russ? Right... Russ?

    Russ Devlin: [has moved to one of Woody's sketches on the wall. He takes a photo out of his jacket pocket, and compares it to the image] . You know, Mr. Wilkins, we wouldn't even be asking you to do this, if it wasn't for the fact that The Bear, insisted on you being the escort.

    Woody Wilkins: Well, how would The Bear know about me?

    Russ Devlin: Because, you've already met her. In Istanbul. Natalia Rombovia. Of the KGB.

    Woody Wilkins: [stands] Natalia?

    Russ Devlin: [Woody shows Russ and Harry his sketches on what he will need for the mission] No. No. No. Absoubtly not.

    Woody Wilkins: Now hang on a minute! You said we would do it my way with my designs!

    Russ Devlin: Yes, but this is going to cost a fortune!

    Woody Wilkins: OK. If I don't get what I need, then I don't get The Bear!

    Harry Oslo: Over to you, Russ.

    Russ Devlin: Well, I don't... I don't know.

    Harry Oslo: Ah, and if all else fails, we are prepared, Russ. We can always go to *Plan B*.

    Russ Devlin: Hmm. OK. Harry, get these down to R & D right away!

  • Harry Oslo: Right away, Russ!

    Russ Devlin: Have everything set up, I want to move on this right away!

    Harry Oslo: Right!

    Russ Devlin: I want you there, yesterday! Plan B.

    Woody Wilkins: [after Russ leaves] What's Plan B, Harry?

    Harry Oslo: I don't know. But I hope to have it ready before you get to Yugoslavia.

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