Houston CapCom Quotes in You Only Live Twice (1967)


Houston CapCom Quotes:

  • Houston CapCom: Hawaii to Jupiter 16. Repeat: Hawaii to Jupiter 16. There is an unidentified object on our screen, closing fast.

    Astronaut - American Spacecraft #1: [Performing an EVA] We see nothing. Can you give me a bearing?

    Houston CapCom: Appears to be coming up fast from astern

    Astronaut - American Spacecraft #1: Hey, NOW I see it. It's another spacecraft! I repeat: it's ANOTHER SPACECRAFT!

    Houston CapCom: Chris, this is flight. Does it look like a close pass?

    Astronaut - American Spacecraft #1: You're breaking up. Say again!

    Houston CapCom: Repeat: Does it look like a close pass?

    Astronaut - 1st American Spacecraft: [inside spacecraft] Hey Chris what's happening?

    Astronaut - American Spacecraft #1: Flight, it's coming right at us! The FRONT is OPENING UP! I REPEAT: THE FRONT IS OPENING UP! It's coming right at us...

    Houston CapCom: Chris, Get back in! Get back in!

  • [first lines]

    Astronaut - 1st American Spacecraft: Calling CapCom. CapCom, this is Jupiter 16. Do you give a go for fourth orbit.

    Houston CapCom: CapCom to Jupiter 16. Can you confirm O2 pressure is within limit.

    Astronaut - 1st American Spacecraft: Roger. Everything looks good in the environmental control system.

    Houston CapCom: Okay. Everything looks good from here. You have a go for fourth orbit.

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