Crow Reporter Quotes in The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat (1974)


Crow Reporter Quotes:

  • Fritz: [various "honky" members of the press are trying to screw the "negress" reporter when Fritz steps out of the truck] Ah, freedom of the press.

    Crow Reporter: [various white men lying on top of her] Hey, Fritz, baby, want to talk to Walter?

    Fritz: Sure. Why not?

    [the crow reporter makes her way out of the pile, smacks one of the reporters in the back of the head, and pulls her panties up as an off-screen male reporter speaks to Fritz]

    Walter: Fritz... does being the first to set foot on Mars ? golly - kind of give you goose bumps?

    Fritz: Ahem. Gentlemen, I've been up and down the four corners of this big old world, and I've seen it all, and I've done it all. I've fought many a good man and laid many a good woman. And I've had riches, fame, and adventure, too. Yes. I've stood eyeball-to-eyeball with death countless times and never, never once squinted. Oh, I've tasted life to the fullest, and still my tortured soul cries out - more! More! Oh, shit! Oh, oh, God, can there be any more?

    Crow Reporter: How do it feel, Fritz? I mean, man, like Mars ain't around the corner.

    Fritz: Oh, you're so right.

    [leading the crow reporter up to the space craft to have sex with her]

    Fritz: Hey, would you like to discuss this in private? Gee, you got a lovely pair of eyes.

    Crow Reporter: In private?

    Fritz: Mm-hmm. Yeah, sure. Listen, doll, I'd kind of like to give you a break. You know, kind of help pay back for what my people did to your people.

    Crow Reporter: Yeah? What kind of a break?

    Fritz: Well, you know, an exclusive - an inside story.

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