Willie the Giant Quotes in Fun & Fancy Free (1947)


Willie the Giant Quotes:

  • Willie the Giant: [pointing at one of the lines on his hand] But what's this here? What is it? What is it?

    Mickey Mouse: Uh-oh! I can't believe it!

    Willie the Giant: Is it bad?

    Mickey Mouse: Why, i-i-it says here that you can change yourself into anything!

    Willie the Giant: Sure, sure! You wanna see me? I can change myself into the darndest things! Go on, gimme somethin'. Anything!

    Mickey Mouse: Anything?

    Willie the Giant: Anything!

    Edgar Bergen: See? Mickey never misses a trick. He's got a good idea.

    Mickey Mouse: Well, uh. Can you change into a fly?

    Willie the Giant: A cute, teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy housefly?

    Mickey Mouse: That's it! A housefly!

    Willie the Giant: Aww, you don't want a fly! How about a bunny with long, pink ears?

    Mickey Mouse: Huh! Well, of course, if you can't do a fly, why, uh...

    Willie the Giant: All right. A fly.

    [suddenly loudly]

    Willie the Giant: WHY?

    Mickey Mouse: Well, uh... because.

    Willie the Giant: Okay. A teeny-weeny fly... with pink wings! Now for the magic wordies. Fe, fi, fo, fum. He, hi, ho, hum. I'm a most amazing guy. Te, ti, te, ti, te, ti.

    [transforms into a bunny]

    Willie the Giant: You sure you don't want a pink bunny?

    [notices that Mickey, Donald and Goofy have a fly swatter]

    Willie the Giant: Hey, what is this? You think you fool Willie.

  • Willie the Giant: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum... I smell...

    Charlie McCarthy: You're telling us.

  • Willie the Giant: Pot roast! Chocolate pot roast, with stispacio... with dismashnee... with dismash... with green gravy.

  • Willie the Giant: [lifts the roof off of Edgar Bergen's house] Hey, has anybody seen anything of a teensy-weensy, little mouse?

    Edgar Bergen: No, I-I-I...


    Luana Patten: Oh, Mr. Bergen!

    Charlie McCarthy: Bergen, speak to me! Speak to me!

    Willie the Giant: What's the matter with him? Something he ate?

    Mortimer Snerd: No, it's uh, it's a fig... fig... figmentation of his imagination.

    Willie the Giant: No!

    Mortimer Snerd: Yeah. Well, good night, Willie. Don't slam the roof. You might wake Mr. Bergen.


  • Willie the Giant: [singing] Fe, fi, fo, fum / He, hi, ho, hum / I'm a most amazing guy / A most amazing guy am I! / Fe, fi, fo, fum / He, hi, ho, hum / I'm the stuff, I'm telling you! / For here's what I can do / I can change myself into an elf / Fly up high like the birdies / I can disappear into atmosphere - Peekaboo! / 'Cuz I know the magic wordies / Fi, fo, fe, foy / Fe, fe, fe, fe... Fi-Fi? I don't know no Fi-Fi!

  • [Willie prepares himself a sandwich]

    Willie the Giant: Feedee!

    [Slices some cheese, taking Mickey but narrowly avoiding Goofy]

    Willie the Giant: Fidee!

    [Takes a chicken leg]

    Willie the Giant: Fodee!

    [Takes some onions, narrowly missing Donald]

    Willie the Giant: Fum!

    [Pours pepper on his sandwich. Mickey sneezes the contents on Willie's face]

    Mickey Mouse: Gesundheit!


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