Training yourself quotes:

  • Every time you speak right, you are training yourself to think right and act right. -- T. B. Joshua
  • You are always training yourself to be, mind and body, as clear as crystal, and you always are, and never change; whereas I am a muddy, solitary, moping weed. -- Charles Dickens
  • I know it's hard for you to allow yourself to feel this. You've gone so long training yourself to block the feelings and emotions out any time someone touches you. -- Colleen Hoover
  • It's dedicating yourself to your craft. Spending thousands of hours in a studio learning how to write a song, learning how to play different chords, training yourself to sing. You know, to get better and better. -- Bruno Mars
  • We have to realize that treating animals well is in our best interests, too. Cruelty is indivisible; when you are cruel to an animal, you are training yourself to be cruel to people, too (and vice versa). -- Jonathan Balcombe
  • Start training yourself. You don't have to have been an elite lifter to be a good coach - I sure as hell wasn't. But you have to at least have been under the bar enough to know why wedon't look up at the bleeding ceiling when we squat! -- Mark Rippetoe
  • Bodybuilding is much like any other sport. To be successful, you must dedicate yourself 100% to your training, diet and mental approach. -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • The more versatile you make yourself, the more work you get. Training makes you more versatile and ultimately gets you more work. Julliard taught me that. -- Ving Rhames
  • You have got to believe in yourself every time you go out there and race. If you have no faith in your ability all that training has been a waste of time. -- Maurice Greene
  • There was one day when I just didn't feel like I could do weight training after my cardio, so I didn't. You do have to know when to stop, or you can hurt yourself. -- Jordana Brewster
  • My family is heavily involved in the Marines and close-combat training, and I was raised doing Japanese sword training, so I've always been of the mentality that you have to be able to defend yourself. -- Samaire Armstrong
  • You have to challenge yourself and your muscles. When you are really regimented, it's the same over and over and you start to get comfortable. Switching up the style of training works your muscles differently. -- Curtis Jackson
  • Don't forget I'm from a military family. I was in special training in the army. I am tall, sporty and - how do you say - you can always protect yourself... I have very strong security. -- Oleg Deripaska
  • Not everyone is going to like what you do or what you have to offer; however, if you can't see yourself doing anything else, and you have the drive and ambition, get the training and go for it. -- Kristin Chenoweth
  • I understand what training camp is for. It's needed. It's necessary, so it's just one of those things that you have to put yourself through and it makes you better. It gets you in good shape, so it's necessary. -- Logan Mankins
  • For the novice runner, I'd say to give yourself at least 2 months of consistently running several times a week at a conversational pace before deciding whether you want to stick with it. Consistency is the most important aspect of training at this point. -- Frank Shorter
  • I was a boarding school product from the age of eight, and I hated it. Though I do have a theory that boarding school is good training for writers because it's so desperately lacking in privacy: you make space for yourself by having an interior life. -- Simon Mawer
  • Almost all our suffering is the product of our thoughts. We spend nearly every moment of our lives lost in thought, and hostage to the character of those thoughts. You can break this spell, but it takes training just like it takes training to defend yourself against a physical assault. -- Sam Harris
  • First, do enough training. Then believe in yourself and say: I can do it. Tomorrow is my day. And then say: the person in front of me, he is just a human being as well; he has two legs, I have two legs, that is all. That is mentally how you prepare. -- Haile Gebrselassie
  • I learned in my Ph.D. the discipline I needed to be successful. Most boxers are not that disciplined. They have talent, but the self-organization - the ability to schedule yourself and your priorities - is lacking. My studies were about the control of training on both the psychological and the physical side. -- Wladimir Klitschko
  • Keep training harder and always challenge yourself. -- Jose Aldo
  • Kill yourself in training so you don't die fighting. -- Alistair Overeem
  • Through training there is knowledge. You can produce compassion, love, forgiveness. you can change yourself. -- Dalai Lama
  • O timid one, awaken, exert yourself, draw back the curtains your training and background have hung over the windows of your soul. -- Spencer W. Kimball
  • See to it that you temper yourself with one thousand days of practice, and refine yourself with ten thousand days of training. -- Miyamoto Musashi
  • Life itself is always a trial. In training, you must test and polish yourself in order to face the great challenges of life. -- Morihei Ueshiba
  • whether you have training or not, the way to make your look make sense is to surround yourself with the things you love. -- Jonathan Adler
  • If you are always allowed to stop training whenever you feel discomfort, you will find it too easy to give yourself permission to quit. -- Jet Li
  • Accept yourself as you are. And that is the most difficult thing in the world, because it goes against your training, education, your culture. -- Rajneesh
  • It took me 20 years of hard training to get the physique I have today. what you need is what i had - BELIEF IN YOURSELF. -- Branch Warren
  • During long, slow distance training, you should think of yourself as a thoroughbred disguised as a plow horse. No need to give yourself away by running fast. -- Marty Liquori
  • [Repentance] means unlearning all the self-conceit and self -will that we have been training ourselves into... It means killing part of yourself, under-going a kind of death. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Subjecting yourself to vigourous training is more for the sake of forging a resolute spirit that can vanquish the self than it is for developing a strong body. -- Mas Oyama
  • Karate-do may be referred to as the conflict within yourself, or a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training, and your own creative efforts. -- Shoshin Nagamine