Thinking about her quotes:

  • We needn't talk about Tessa if you don't want to, you know." "It's not Tessa." This was true. Will hadn't been thinking of Tessa. He was getting good at not thinking about her, really; all it took was determination and practice. -- Cassandra Clare
  • Think about a woman. Doesn't know you're thinking about her. Doesn't care you're thinking about her. Makes you think about her even more. -- Sybil Adelman
  • For the rest of my life I would always be thinking about her. She would always be my biggest what if. -Perseus Jackson -- Rick Riordan
  • But every now and then, when I steal a glance at the Girl, or feel her eyes on me, I helplessly drift back to thinking about her. -- Marie Lu
  • I didn't go to the North Pole to do something about my mother. I was invited to the North Pole and I realized it was impossible to go there without thinking about her. -- Sophie Calle
  • I'm channelling my 14-year-old self. She's thinking about putting on her big hoop earrings and baggy pants and going to the mall downtown. -- Nelly Furtado
  • I was thinking about working with Lady Gaga, not 'Born This Way' but more her old stuff that she did with RedOne from her first album. I think that would be really fun - a cool combination. -- Afrojack
  • I'm not thinking about me that much anymore. Every time I look, I'm looking for my daughter, you know? If I'm in a store, I'm looking at baby clothes. It's so much cuter to find things for her than to find things for me. -- Alessandra Ambrosio
  • You can't really write a full album about your missus. She'll start getting the wrong idea and start thinking I like her. -- Noel Gallagher
  • If you love someone who is ruining his or her life because of faulty thinking, and you don't do anything about it because you are afraid of what others might think, it would seem that rather than being loving, you are in fact being heartless. -- William Wilberforce
  • The original fairy tale was about the youngest sister going into a room in the castle and finding all the bodies of the wives that came before her - she is confronted with truth, thinking about how often we think we know people and we really don't. -- Alice Hoffman
  • My judgement is not good when I am on a book tour. I am not thinking about it that much. What happens is I will go back home. I have a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old and a wife who is now taking care of them who is wondering where her husband is. -- Michael Lewis
  • When I was about 14 I remember thinking when it came to proposing to my future girlfriend, I'd make a CD with all her favourite songs and a message that said, 'Will you marry me?' Shows you what a romantic I was. No one listens to CDs any more. It's all about iTunes. -- Tinie Tempah
  • I want the little lassies who are thinking of going to a nightclub in Cardiff to stop to see what that guy's screaming for, or Grandma to put her knitting down to see why that guy's chatting about Alexander the Great. I'm after pulling in, whether it's in Manila, Beijing or whatever, the biggest possible audience. -- Sid Waddell
  • Now that I have a daughter, I've been thinking about how I'll define beauty to her. I watched a video of Kendall when she was three, and she was putting on makeup. I don't know how I feel about that. But my daughter already watches me do it. When do you let them start wearing it? I don't know yet. -- Kourtney Kardashian
  • I tend to learn things physically - I guess it's my dance training. I never want to make too many choices too soon - so, while I am thinking about the character and thinking about her history, which is very vague in terms of what is given in the text, I am starting to have ideas about what her home is. -- Sharon Lawrence
  • If someone's intimidated by me, that's something they have to deal with. When I walk down the streets of New York and an old woman grabs her purse when I pass by, I'm not going to give it a whole lot of energy because I'm not in the wrong. I'm a millionaire, and I'm not thinking about grabbing an old woman's purse. -- Ving Rhames
  • And without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, Harry kissed her. -- J. K. Rowling
  • There ain't a man in the world cares about a woman's past until he's thinking of her in his future. -- Dru Pagliassotti
  • Happiness isn't something she spends much time thinking about. Survival, discomfort, hunger...these are the concerns that fill her days. -- David Maine
  • The novelist is the person who spends a lot of his or her day thinking about the human drama and emotional complexity. -- Thane Rosenbaum
  • I looked at her and tried to speak, but all I could think about was how shocked she'd be if I said what I was thinking. -- John Grisham
  • Nostalgia is being blind to the bad and only remembering the good. Thinking about all the love I had for her is a positively Helen-Kelleresque experience. -- Jarod Kintz
  • Her education only made her unhappy thinking about it - that no matter how much she changed her life, she could not change the world that surrounded her. -- Amy Tan
  • No matter when, at whatever moment, if she were asked what she was thinking about she could reply quite correctly - one thing, her happiness and her unhappiness. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • Some people consider the way Shakespeare was writing about Ophelia as erotomania-that she was delusional in thinking that Hamlet was in love with her. But I don't think so. -- Jack White