Spiritual paths quotes:

  • Not all spiritual paths lead to the harmonious Oneness. Indeed, most are detours and distractions, nothing more. -- Laozi
  • Never sever ties with a family member you once loved. Each of you might be on different spiritual paths, but both trails are leading you home. -- Shannon L. Alder
  • Man and woman become a devil to each other when they do not separate their spiritual paths, for the nature of created beings is always the nature of differentiation. -- Carl Jung
  • Peace and supreme joy may seem like end-states to practitioners on more difficult spiritual paths, but the path of devotion should be filled with peace and joy from the very beginning. Their absence is an indication that something is amiss. (125) -- Prem Prakash
  • Whereas religious prayers sing of peace and harmony, religion has divided human beings through an atrocious history of enmity and bloodshed. Yet, behind the veil of superficiality and hypocrisy, I always believed in the inherent beauty of God that lies at the essence of all true spiritual paths. -- Radhanath Swami
  • Art is the path to being spiritual. -- Piet Mondrian
  • I was born with a serious spiritual consciousness and for many years studied different paths. -- Steven Seagal
  • Even on the spiritual path, we have things we'll tend to cover up or be in denial about. -- Sharon Salzberg
  • The spiritual path - is simply the journey of living our lives. Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don't know it. -- Marianne Williamson
  • Spiritually, we're all on a path. I haven't declared of defined myself because as soon as you declare yourself you're identifying with a certain dogma. -- Emilio Estevez
  • People in minority religious communities, like Paganism, often feel isolated and even marginalized by others because of the lifestyle differences associated with their spiritual path. -- Brendan Myers
  • Many spiritual teachers - in Buddhism, in Islam - have talked about first-hand experience of the world as an important part of the path to wisdom, to enlightenment. -- bell hooks
  • The great awareness comes slowly, piece by piece. The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. The experience of spiritual power is basically a joyful one. -- M. Scott Peck
  • The Lord is anxious to lead us to the safety of higher ground, away from the path of physical and spiritual danger. His upward path will require us to climb. -- Henry B. Eyring
  • As an individual, I think you have to find your own path. I like the simplicity and purity of Hinduism and many elements of Buddhism. These are all means of accessing spiritual energy. -- Dave Davies
  • People on a spiritual path - personal growth, spiritual practice, recovery, yoga and so forth - are the last people who should be sitting out the social and political issues of our day. -- Marianne Williamson
  • I think most people think that a spiritual path or growing spiritually means that all of a sudden you'll be able to forecast the six lotto numbers and all your bills will be paid. -- Iyanla Vanzant
  • I had to find some clarity about approaching life more spiritually. I think I'm kind of dense, and it makes me pull the process into mind and struggle over it in finding the path. -- James Redfield
  • In my new book, 'Birth,' my goal is to share the path I have traveled in the spiritual sphere and in the business and philanthropic sphere in order to reveal the essential connection between the two. -- Shari Arison
  • Man learns through experience, and the spiritual path is full of different kinds of experiences. He will encounter many difficulties and obstacles, and they are the very experiences he needs to encourage and complete the cleansing process. -- Sai Baba
  • Man is lost and is wandering in a jungle where real values have no meaning. Real values can have meaning to man only when he steps on to the spiritual path, a path where negative emotions have no use. -- Sai Baba
  • I wanted to share the experience of how yoga and meditation have transformed my life, how they have enabled me to observe who I am, first in my body, and then emotionally, and on to a kind of spiritual path. -- Mariel Hemingway
  • Writing is a spiritual practice in that people that have no spiritual path can undertake it and, as they write, they begin to wake up to a larger connection. After a while, people tend to find that there is some muse that they are connecting to. -- Julia Cameron
  • In my own spiritual journey, I became a swami on the Hindu path of Bhakti. In the Hindu tradition, a swami is a monk who forgoes regular family life for the purpose of making the whole world his family and channels his full energy into spiritual practice, devotion to God and service to humanity. -- Radhanath Swami
  • I believe God has a path for me. He's always had a path for me, and I've always been in the right place at the right time - not because of my efforts, but because of my preparation and because of the guides that I have, the mentors that I have, the spiritual walkers that I've had all my life. -- Judith Jamison