Prem Prakash quotes:

  • Peace and supreme joy may seem like end-states to practitioners on more difficult spiritual paths, but the path of devotion should be filled with peace and joy from the very beginning. Their absence is an indication that something is amiss. (125)

  • A yogi is much more disciplined in his speech. Yogic tradition has it that speech must pass before three barriers prior to being uttered aloud. These barriers come in the form of three questions: Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary? (112-113)

  • Our stresses, anxieties, pains, and problems arise because we do not see the world, others, or even ourselves as worthy of love

  • What is important is not the specific manner in which God is worshiped but the degree to which the devotee is filled with love. (48-49)

  • Each soul has its own note to sing in the divine chorus and no voice is more important than another. (94)

  • I am fond of reminding my yoga students of the saying "It takes one to know one" when they become lost I condemnation and judgment of others. The world that we perceive is a reflection of our own states of mind and reveals our own level of consciousness. The world is little more than a Rorschach blot in which we see our own desire systems projected. We see what we want to see. (116)

  • At the end of our lives we hope we will look back and, like an incense stick completely burned away, will have poured forth all our fragrance into the world.

  • The world that we perceive is a reflection of our own states of mind and reveals our own level of consciousness.
