No filter quotes:

  • I have no limits, no filter, no class, no poise. No decorum. Just fun. -- Kathy Griffin
  • If you have a camera in the courtroom, there's no filtering. What you see is what's there. -- Lance Ito
  • We all make mistakes, but when I made mistakes there was no filter between me and the consumer. -- Murray Walker
  • Whereas if you have a camera in the courtroom, there's no filtering. What you see is what's there. -- Lance Ito
  • I tell a lot of fart and poop jokes. I can't help it. I have no filter, and it just comes out. -- Tyler Posey
  • Martin Lawrence had no filter, and to me that was the greatest half hour of all time. Martin was ahead of his time. -- Cory Hardrict
  • We have no filter for music, but we feel it when what's being spoken and sung is telling a story and evidencing a character. -- Marc E. Platt
  • One thing you gotta know about me is I have absolutely no filter. I have no problem saying what the hell I think of someone. -- Kobe Bryant
  • Bitches be like Hair done, nails done But I ain't got nowhere to stay Bitches be like Tonight I'm gonna kill em Taking pictures with no filter. -- Rico Love
  • This whole blogging stuff has been bugging me for years. Talk about no filter on things. People feel free to do and say whatever they want with no vetting, with no editing, with nothing. -- Rick Moranis
  • When I sit down to write a song, there is no filter. I'm not trying to write for anyone or anything specifically. It's just trying to capture a little piece of your soul - even if it's a really ugly part. -- Jenny Lewis
  • Steve Jobes called anybody. He was fearless. When he was very young, he had no filter. He would call the president of Hewlett-Packard and the head of Atari and say, 'I'm Steve Jobs.' He just didn't take no for an answer. -- Joshua Michael Stern
  • Maybe women get to a certain age and they no longer have a filter; they're considered crazy people or something. -- Michaela Watkins
  • I'm interested in sites that help people find information and filter what's available. The Internet is so big that no one can stay on top of everything. -- Garrett Camp
  • When facing the public, politicians constantly filter their ideas through a political sieve. 'How will this affect the environmentalists, labor, management?' Sometimes the sieve gets so clogged by political taboos that no new ideas pass through. -- Madeleine M. Kunin
  • I feel like I missed my era, because I remember the time when black people uplifted each other and looked for the positives. I feel sorry for the people who live their lives in the negative default setting because they filter out what's good, and that's no way to live. -- Michael Jai White
  • The difference between a stranger sending you a message that you might be interested in at a very low volume level, no repetition, just sending it to very few people, and that being done as spam - those things get close enough that you want to be careful never to filter out something that's legitimate. -- Bill Gates
  • Ain't no gay filter for the cash -- Michael Eric Dyson
  • There's no such thing as information overload-only filter failure. -- Clay Shirky
  • I'm usually a no-filter kind of cat. My frown comes really naturally and doesn't need anything else to keep it real. -- Grumpy Cat
  • No matter what happens, the world can be pretty ridiculous and people be pretty ridiculous, but how would you react? That's an easy filter to put any story through. -- Steve Dildarian