Movie marketing quotes:

  • Our platform is a one-stop shop, from marketing and promotion through to ticketing. But even in the early days, in 2006-07, when we were mostly carrying shortform video, we became the premier movie marketing platform. -- Victor Koo
  • Historical truth and the marketing needs of the movie and television industry remain fundamentally incompatible. -- Antony Beevor
  • Books are my art. The movie is someone else's art. But it's great marketing for books. -- Barry Eisler
  • There's a vast difference between marketing a movie and the movie itself. You try to cast as wide and broad a net as possible. -- Joe Carnahan
  • It didn't happen every time for every movie. Ruthless People was a good movie, but we didn't get a good release or marketing. They completely blew the opening. -- David Zucker
  • So many large movies come to you with a huge marketing campaign and it's like you have to see this movie this weekend, otherwise you'll be culturally bankrupt and can't converse with your friends. -- Joe Cornish
  • On the movie side of things, the difficulties come with so few movies being made, and when they are, it seems that it's a marketing game. Story sometimes takes a backseat to that one grand marketing idea. -- Jim Rash
  • I've been careful to keep my life separate because it's important to me to have privacy and for my life not to be a marketing device for a movie or a TV show. I'm worth more than that. -- Lisa Kudrow
  • I have to understand how we are going to market the movie. We view marketing as an extension of content creation... Every time a consumer sees our movie, in whatever form, our obligation is to entertain the audience. -- Chris Meledandri
  • I always wanted to see if I could sell a movie to the public without doing any marketing because my philosophy was like, 'Hey man, I'm reaching my audience everyday. I'm twittering with them. I'm in direct contact with them on the podcast.' -- Kevin Smith
  • I don't sweat the Internet. You know, it's still something I enjoy as a movie geek myself to get on and, like, look at all the websites; however, when it comes to marketing a movie, the Internet is still not the thing that gets people to the theatre. -- Michael De Luca
  • You can have 10 bucks to 10 million bucks and if you got a crew, imagination and a lot of people willing to turn in some work next to nothing, you going to have a feature. But you can't get beyond how expensive marketing the movie is, it's so crushing. -- Kevin Smith
  • There's so many things that can go wrong in the execution of a project like a television show or a movie, so many little elements, any number of things, all the way to marketing - like they could market it poorly and nobody finds it and down it goes. -- Bryan Cranston
  • I don't want to admit it, but I do enjoy the feedback from the audience. It's instant feedback. It's like, you could do a movie, shoot it for a year, wait six months, it comes out and you gotta do three weeks of marketing. Three weeks of that, and everyone goes, 'It sucks.' -- Jimmy Fallon
  • The greatest way for people to experience a comedy is to go in not knowing anything about it. But because of marketing, it's impossible. Marketing meaning that in order to get people to come you can't just go, 'Hey, there's a great movie - we're not going to show you anything from it but trust us!' -- Paul Feig
  • The movie is someone else's art. But it's great marketing for books. -- Barry Eisler
  • Of course, marketing and publicity does an amazing job of prepping everybody for that, but there's nothing like sitting there and experiencing the movie. -- Todd Lieberman
  • For years, my job was to make the movie inexpensively. And I could bring it in. What I can't control are the costs of marketing. -- Kevin Smith
  • Before any movie of yours gets made, it will be vetted by the studio's marketing department. So, you do have to answer the question: Who is your movie for? -- Thomas Lennon