Media and communication quotes:

  • In the United States, both the upper levels of the Republican and Democratic Parties are in the pay of the corporate media and communication giants. -- Robert Waterman McChesney
  • My two daughters live on Facebook, and social media is their mode of communication. -- Tony Goldwyn
  • Although social media is a relatively new form of communication, it has become the primary way retailers and customers are interfacing. -- Ryan Holmes
  • Just as characteristic, perhaps, is the intellectual interdependence created through the development of the modern media of communication: post, telegraph, telephone, and popular press. -- Christian Lous Lange
  • The world is a complex place, and the influence of the media in its representation and its power of communication and interpretation is a remarkable amplifier of emotions, and of illusions. -- Tariq Ramadan
  • Our most tragic error may have been our inability to establish a rapport and a confidence with the press and television with the communication media. I don't think the press has understood me. -- Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Very few people use landline phones for much of anything. So when you talk about things like online chat and social media messages and emails, what you're really talking about is the full extent of human communication. -- Glenn Greenwald
  • Social media websites are no longer performing an envisaged function of creating a positive communication link among friends, family and professionals. It is a veritable battleground, where insults fly from the human quiver, damaging lives, destroying self-esteem and a person's sense of self-worth. -- Anthony Carmona
  • Today, most young women are exposed to technology at a very young age, with mobile phones, tablets, the Web or social media. They are much more proficient with technology than prior generations since they use it for all their school work, communication and entertainment. -- Susan Wojcicki
  • The important thing to remember with the Internet is that there are large companies that have an interest in controlling how information flows in it. They're very effective at lobbying Congress, and that pattern has locked down other communication media in the past. And it will happen again unless we do something about it. -- Eli Pariser
  • As a communication medium, social media is a critical tool for terror groups to exploit. -- James Comey
  • Social media is the most disruptive form of communication humankind has seen since the last disruptive form of communications, email. -- Ryan Holmes
  • Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Serving democracy and nourishing the common good is, for the media, something that requires not only attacking corrupt secrecies in a society, but also defending non-corrupt communication. -- Rowan Williams
  • We have seen a growing mismatch between the command of media communication shown by the most talented politicians, and the halting, uneven progress which they can deliver through the machinery of government. -- Tom Bentley