Looking for happiness quotes:

  • If my life has had a theme, I suppose it has been a typical American theme in that, for most of it, I have been looking for happiness and success. -- Zig Ziglar
  • We are looking for happiness and running after it in such a way that creates anger, fear and discrimination. So when you attend a retreat, you have a chance to look at the deep roots of this pollution of the collective energy that is unwholesome. -- Nhat Hanh
  • If you're looking for happiness in things, you'll never find it. -- Nick Vujicic
  • If you are looking for happiness in this world (dunya), you're in the wrong place. -- Hamza Yusuf
  • The fool is looking for happiness far away. The wise man makes it grow under his feet. -- James Oppenheim
  • When people say they are looking for happiness, I ask, What are you giving to the world? -- Oprah Winfrey
  • Everything is about looking for happiness and God. That was a sentiment shared by my dear friend Ronald Reagan. -- Mickey Rooney
  • Those who are not looking for happiness are the most likely to find it, because those who are searching forget that the surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • I kept looking for happiness, and then I realized: This is it. It's a moment, and it comes, and it goes, and it'll come back again. I yearn for things, but at the same time I'm just peaceful. -- Nicole Kidman
  • One minute I'm just another rabbit and happy about it, next minute *whazaam*, I'm thinking. That's a major drawback if you're looking for happiness as a rabbit, let me tell you. You want grass and sex, not thoughts like 'What's it all about, when you get right down to it?' -- Terry Pratchett
  • Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it. -- Hakan Massoud Nawabi
  • I would suggest that the next generation stop looking for happiness outside of themselves but instead turn inward. -- Gabrielle Bernstein
  • When I was your age...I wish I'd known that I already had everything I needed within myself to be happy, instead of looking for happiness at beauty counters. -- Ilene Beckerman
  • Those who are not looking for happiness are the most likely to find it, because those who are searching forget that the surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Many of us seem to live our lives looking for happiness. That is not always a bad thing, but it can be if we continually believe that happiness is someplace else and not in the present. -- Barbara Barrington Jones
  • One must never look for happiness: one meets it by the way. -- Isabelle Eberhardt
  • The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment. -- Doug Larson
  • People will survive, and they will find happiness. Happiness only comes when you're not looking for it. -- Hugh Laurie
  • I have a talent for happiness. I look with the eyes of a painter, and I see beauty. -- Sylvia Kristel
  • Looking for happiness is a sure way to sadness, I think. You have to take each moment as it comes. -- Benedict Cumberbatch
  • I always looked for a man to rescue me and bring me happiness. I bought into that myth, of course, and looked for my own Prince Charming. -- Linda Evans
  • There are no plans that always work in life. For me, the secret to happiness is being positive and looking at the brighter side of my life. -- Karisma Kapoor
  • Live by this credo: have a little laugh at life and look around you for happiness instead of sadness. Laughter has always brought me out of unhappy situations. -- Red Skelton
  • I am quite miserable because I'm never satisfied with what I've got. You're always looking for that next high, and that is what I would define as happiness. -- Simon Cowell
  • You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. -- Albert Camus
  • Success does not mean happiness. Check out any celebrity magazine to look for examples to disabuse you of thinking that being beautiful, successful or rich will make you happy. -- Shawn Achor
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  • We have the tendency to run away from suffering and to look for happiness. But, in fact, if you have not suffered, you have no chance to experience real happiness. -- Nhat Hanh
  • The thing we're all looking for is happiness, and if we achieve just a modicum of that or even a little piece of serenity even for five minutes a day, we're very lucky. -- Mel Gibson
  • Because economics is all about optimising, doing the best you can with what you have - it's usually the first place you should look for answers if you want to maximise your happiness. -- Emily Oster
  • Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time. -- Pablo Picasso
  • Ever since I was a kid, I've always thought it very important to be happy inside. There's a lot of bad things happening in the world, but it's important to try to stay happy and appreciate what you've got, and don't look externally for the happiness. -- Ana Ivanovic
  • Looking for happiness in the body, mind or world is like looking for the screen in a movie. The screen doesn't appear in the movie, and yet, at the same time, all that is seen in the movie is the screen. In the same way that the screen 'hides' in plain view, so happiness 'hides' in all experience. -- Rupert Spira
  • Lots of people look for happiness through sensations, whether it's through sex, the taste of food, the sound of music, the sensations of movies and plays, creating a certain environment in their home, and so on. Looking for happiness through sensations keeps you constantly searching for the next "fix" and for more varied sensations. Sensations become addictions, and nothing is ever enough. -- Ken Keyes Jr.
  • I have an odd theory on happiness, and it bothers people. My general theory is that happiness is a reward for an animal doing what it should be doing. So if a horse runs, it feels happy. Or if you are too thin, you can't be happy, because evolution wants you to be tense and anxious, trying to wake up in the morning looking for food. -- James D. Watson
  • You will never find happiness until you stop looking for it. -- Willie Nelson
  • My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it. -- Zhuangzi
  • The key to lasting happiness is to stop looking for it, and to know that you already have it. -- Deepak Chopra
  • One day you just say "To heck with it," and you go looking for trouble, and you find happiness. -- Robert Breault
  • When I look for happiness, I lose it. When I stop looking, and surrender to where I am, I find it. -- Barbara de Angelis
  • What I am looking for is not happiness. I work solely because it is impossible for me to do anything else. -- Alberto Giacometti
  • In broad terms; success is something you spend your lifetime looking for and happiness is something you spend your whole life overlooking -- Rasheed Ogunlaru
  • As we sometimes find one thing while we are looking for another, so, if truth escaped me, happiness and contentment fell in my way. -- Walter Savage Landor
  • All that we are looking for in life - all the happiness, contentment, and peace of mind - is right here in the present moment. -- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
  • Let us waste no further time looking for the secret of success or the key to happiness. Already the door is open and whosoever will, may enter. -- Ernest Holmes
  • Modern man's happiness consists in the thrill of looking at the shop windows, and in buying all that he can afford to buy, either for cash or on installments. -- Erich Fromm
  • Abundance is about looking at life and knowing that you have everything you need for complete happiness, and then being able to celebrate each and every moment on earth. -- Wayne Dyer