Doing your job well quotes:

  • You want to do your job well so that people in the future say, 'OK, he's not bad, let's hire him.' -- Javier Bardem
  • I think that acting involves doing your job so well that you are able to help the viewer identify with the character. -- Ally Sheedy
  • To get a job where the only thing you have to do in your career is to make people laugh-well, it's the best job in the world. -- Ronnie Barker
  • Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • If you believe, as I do, that your employees truly are your most valuable asset, you will do whatever you can to help them do their jobs as well as possible. -- Harvey Mackay
  • I don't think you can ever completely transform yourself on film, but if you do your job well, you can make people believe that you're the character you're trying to be. -- Frances McDormand
  • Everybody thinks that when new technologies come along that they're transparent and you can just do your job well on it. But technologies always import a whole new set of values with them. -- Brian Eno
  • Everybody you work with has their own voice, and if you do your job well enough, even their closest friends or their partner of 40 years isn't going to recognise the fingerprints of a ghostwriter. -- Michael Robotham
  • No matter what your work today, if it is worth while at all - time to plan it out, time to do it well, and time to finish it, is your day's greatest gift and your greatest job. -- George Matthew Adams
  • Theatre is more exciting in the sense that you can actually see the audience in the eye. You know there are no takes and retakes. You have one chance to do your job... and you better do it well! -- Christine Lahti
  • Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves. -- Dale Carnegie
  • You can't please everyone, and you have to trust your instincts, and you have to do your work and throw yourself in there and trust your instincts, and just trust that you're doing a good job that I can be proud of as well. -- Matt Ryan
  • People who are constantly looking for the opportunity to do something new are also people who are not going to be helped by having job titles - job titles create expectations of specialization and focus which don't map really well to creating the best possible experience for your customers. -- Gabe Newell
  • Okay, fluoride in the water to help our teeth. Well, shouldn't that be the job of your mom and dad? To teach you how to brush your teeth and use mouth wash? What do we need the government to do it for? Clearly, what a scam. Fluoride in the water. -- Jesse Ventura
  • That's the way this business works: if your movies do well at the box office, you will be offered more movies. It doesn't matter if you're a nice guy or you're a prick. If your movies do well, there's a job waiting for you in Hollywood. It's not any more complicated than that. -- Matt Damon
  • No matter how senior you get in an organization, no matter how well you're perceived to be doing, your job is never done. Every day, you get up and the world is changing; your customers are expecting more from you. Your competitors are putting pressure on you by doing more and trying to beat you here and beat you there. -- Abigail Johnson
  • I absolutely hated 'Gattaca.' I left the theater shaking my head because the science in the film was just terrible. No genetic test will ever tell you how many heartbeats you have left. No genetic test will ever be more accurate in telling an employer how well you'll do at a job than your performance at a past job would be. -- Ramez Naam
  • It's what is strange about doing a job that is also the thing you love, the thing you feel passionate about. People get to the point where they're burned out and disillusioned by the whole thing because when things aren't going well at work it also means they aren't going well in your heart, in your soul. They're all wrapped up together. -- Teddy Thompson
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  • For the most part, I meet people who are like 'I really like your work. I'm watching your career. I want to see you do well. Keep doing what you do.' I get that so much, and it's so reassuring. I often wish that so many people, who just work normal jobs, could get a pat on the back as much as I do, because it's very complimentary. -- Michael Ealy
  • Don't expect a pat on the back for merely doing your job, but know that you'll get one for doing it exceptionally well. -- Lea Salonga