Alone in love quotes:

  • Is it not by love alone that we succeed in penetrating to the very essence of being? -- Igor Stravinsky
  • Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves. -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
  • Love alone is credible. -- Hans Urs von Balthasar
  • Love alone can explain the mysteries of Love. -- Rumi
  • It is love alone that gives worth to all things. -- Teresa of Avila
  • Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's beautiful. -- Milan Kundera
  • I rise to taste the dawn, and find that love alone will shine today. -- Ken Wilber
  • It is love alone that leads to right action. What brings order in the world is to love and let love do what it will. -- Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • If you keep in mind that love and love alone is the reason for living, it will calm your heart and free you from your worries. -- Harold Klemp
  • Love alone is not enough. Without imagination, love stales into sentiment, duty, boredom. Relationships fail not because we have stopped loving but because we first stopped imagining. -- James Hillman
  • However much I might try to expound or explain Love, when I come to Love itself, I am ashamed of my explanations... Love alone can explain the mysteries of love and lovers. -- Rumi
  • Love alone makes heavy burdens light and bears in equal balance things pleasing and displeasing. Love bears a heavy burden and does not feel it, and love makes bitter things tasteful and sweet. -- Thomas a Kempis
  • Love is a mighty power, a great and complete good. Love alone lightens every burden, and makes rough places smooth. It bears every hardship as though it were nothing, and renders all bitterness sweet and acceptable. -- Thomas a Kempis
  • We aren't bodies at all; who we are is the love inside us, and it is that love alone that determines our value. When our minds are filled with light, there is no room for darkness. -- Marianne Williamson
  • Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's very beautiful. But what would they nourish their intimate talk with? However contemptible the world may be, they still need it to be able to talk together. -- Milan Kundera
  • Love alone is the only reasonable activity or pursuit of humankind....Fo r Love not only annihilates our fear of meaninglessness but empowers us to seek the happiness of others. And this indeed is our greatest happiness. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • He (Tesla) was 84, and he died in a hotel, completely broke and alone. In love with a pigeon. This is a nightmare. I'm in hell. This is hell. I'm talking about Tesla in my puke. Tesla was the electric Jesus. I can't breathe. -- Duncan Trussell
  • Reason is powerless in the expression of Love. Love alone is capable of revealing the truth of Love and being a Lover. The way of our prophets is the way of Truth. If you want to live, die in Love; die in Love if you want to remain alive. -- Rumi
  • A Christian knows when it is time to speak of God and when it is better to say nothing and to let love alone speak. He knows that God is love and that God's presence is felt at the very time when the only thing we do is to love. -- Pope Benedict XVI
  • Should I worship Him from fear of hell, may I be cast into it. Should I serve Him from desire of gaining heaven, may He keep me out. But should I worship Him from love alone, He reveals Himself to me, that my whole heart may be filled with His love and presence. -- Sadhu Sundar Singh
  • Governments move armies, but only individuals can move hearts. And with every act of love that emanates from any of us, we are activating miracles, adding to a spiritual ocean that in time will purify our planet of all vestiges of fear. Love alone can triumph over hate, and if we give it the chance, it will. -- Marianne Williamson
  • I love working alone. Crave it, in fact. I feel truly alive then. -- Anita Shreve
  • I love nicknames. It makes me feel loved. It makes me feel less alone in this world. -- Ellen Page
  • There's love, and certainly children you care about more than yourself. But nevertheless, we're alone in our heads. -- Paul Auster
  • If I have freedom in my love, And in my soul am free, - Angels alone that soar above, Enjoy such liberty. -- Richard Lovelace
  • I love the way you can fall in love with a piece of literature; how words alone can get your heart doing that. -- Laura Marling
  • I was alone for five years. Having a love is a gigantic bonus in life, but I wasn't unhappy when I was single, either. -- Bo Derek
  • Women are smart in business and dumb in love. They won't date outside their zip code, let alone outside the city. They are city snobs. -- Patti Stanger
  • In terms of big spectacle, I thought 'Captain America 2' was phenomenal. I really loved that movie, and it was a great movie as a stand-alone. -- Joe Carnahan
  • I believe in the power of song. Under the spell of the right song, passion is within reach, love is close by, and you are not alone! -- Dave Sitek
  • I love ghost stories but kind of left them alone after my teens and came back to it after playing Heathcliff in 'Wuthering Heights' on the radio. -- Tom Goodman-Hill
  • To love our neighbor as ourselves is such a truth for regulating human society, that by that alone one might determine all the cases in social morality. -- John Locke
  • When I was old enough to go to movies alone, I got to see 'Frankenstein' and 'Dracula' on the big screen. I just fell in love with them. -- George A. Romero
  • For the first time, I lived alone... in a luxury apartment on Sunset Strip. For a few days I loved the idea, but I got lonely and restless. -- Patty Duke
  • I'm into horror pictures because I love the fear of being alone in the dark, and I'd recommend that to any composer who wants to work in this genre. -- Christopher Young
  • I love to go see films, even on my own. I just walk to the nearest cinema. There's nothing better than watching a movie alone; you can just sit there and zone in. -- Douglas Booth
  • I love my friends and family, but I also love it when they can't find me and I can spend all day reading or walking all alone, in silence, eight thousand miles away from everyone. All alone and unreachable in a foreign country is one my most favorite possible things to be. -- Elizabeth Gilbert
  • I don't mind staying in one place for a while - I like to spend a lot of time in Los Angeles. It's a place where nobody goes out, where people will leave you alone. People in Los Angeles love themselves and they love what they do and they leave you alone. If you're isolated, you have a real advantage. You can work. -- Nicolas Berggruen
  • Mental prayer in my opinion is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us. The important thing is not to think much but to love much and so do that which best stirs you to love. Love is not great delight but desire to please God in everything. -- Saint Teresa of Avila
  • Love alone could waken love. -- Pearl S. Buck
  • Yogis love to be alone. -- Dharma Mittra
  • Love is repaid by love alone! -- Mother Teresa
  • It is love alone that counts. -- Therese of Lisieux
  • Love would never leave us alone -- Bob Marley
  • It is very easy to love alone. -- Gertrude Stein
  • You are alone with everything you love. -- Novalis
  • When you're all alone, love one another. -- Todd Rundgren
  • All love is lost but upon God alone. -- William Dunbar
  • Tis Love alone can make our fetters please. -- Aphra Behn
  • It is by love alone that we understand anything -- James Stephens
  • What love commences can be finished by God alone. -- Victor Hugo
  • When the people you love are gone, you're alone. -- Keanu Reeves
  • Those who love and free nature are never alone. -- Rachel Carson
  • Love heals all wounds and not just time alone. -- Jeff Buckley
  • I would love to stay alone when I'm creating. -- Alejandro Amenabar
  • Trust and trust alone should lead us to love -- Therese of Lisieux
  • Those alone are wise who know how to love. -- Seneca the Younger
  • If so many people love me, how come I'm alone? -- Doris Day
  • Love alone is never a good enough reason to marry. -- Harriet Lerner
  • Death is beautiful. It alone gives love its true habitat. -- Jean Anouilh
  • God alone is real, nothing matters but love for God. -- Meher Baba
  • Reason speaks in words alone, but love has a song. -- Joseph de Maistre
  • I love the process of being alone in a room. -- James Frey
  • One year of love is better than a lifetime alone. -- Freddie Mercury
  • It is love alone that gives worth to all things. -- Teresa of Avila
  • Love makes labour light. Love alone gives value to all things. -- Teresa of Avila
  • Time: all things consume it, love alone makes use of it. -- Paul Claudel
  • If people trust and love you, you will never walk alone. -- Philippos Syrigos
  • Do you know what it's like to love and be alone? -- Abraham Polonsky
  • Hatred never ceases with hatred, but with love alone is healed. -- T. Scott McLeod
  • in God alone is love without tears, and of eternal duration. -- Eugenie de Guerin
  • I love cooking. Not for myself alone. Cooking is about giving. -- Christine Lagarde
  • People die... Beauty fades... Love changes... And you will always be alone. -- L. J. Smith
  • Fear separates--makes us feel alone--disconnected--while love--love does just the opposite--it unites. {shadowland} -- Alyson Noel
  • Love, and love alone, is capable of giving you a happier life. -- Ludwig van Beethoven
  • I am independent! I can live alone and I love to work. -- Mary Cassatt
  • Deep in earth my love is lying And I must weep alone. -- Edgar Allan Poe
  • If one didn't have love, was it better, then, to be alone? -- Julia Quinn
  • And what is faith, love, virtue unassayed Alone, without exterior help sustained? -- John Milton
  • Light love is desire of pleasure; great love is fear of being alone. -- Katherine Cecil Thurston
  • If you love someone, you'd rather suffer the pain alone to spare them. -- Betty Smith
  • I love New York. You're never alone, but you're always on your own. -- Leighton Meester
  • On stage, I make love to 25,000 different people, then I go home alone. -- Janis Joplin
  • Love turns, with little indulgence, to indifference or disgust: hatred alone is immortal. -- William Hazlitt
  • And though I walk home alone, my faith in love is still devout. -- Steven Morrissey
  • Let us not love by words alone, but let us love until it hurts. -- Mother Teresa
  • He alone loves the Creator perfectly who manifests a pure love for his neighbor. -- Venerable Bede
  • Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the condition for the ability to love. -- Erich Fromm
  • I love photo sessions. I'm alone, I'm the queen, everyone's taking care of me. -- Eva Herzigova
  • Friendship needs to be rooted in respect, but love can live upon itself alone -- Ouida
  • Work, apart from devotion or love of God, is helpless and cannot stand alone. -- Ramakrishna
  • There is no love without friendship. Passion alone does not form relationships of value. -- Bruce Lee
  • If light can come out of darkness, then alone can love emerge from hatred. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • No one to love, none to caress, Left all alone in this world's wilderness. -- Frank Norris
  • Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust hatred alone is inmortal -- William Hazlitt
  • Nobody gets married to a clever song, let alone falls in love to one. -- Paul Westerberg
  • Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust; hatred alone is immortal. -- William Hazlitt
  • True love's the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven. -- Walter Scott
  • Faith shows us that we are never alone. Transformation helps us to love the mystery. -- Paulo Coelho
  • I love writing. I've always written journals. I loved writing the book on living alone. -- Barbara Feldon
  • Charity alone, or love and compassion, is what joins [the Lord and a person] together. -- Emanuel Swedenborg
  • Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we are saved by love. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • I'm a very independent person, I love being alone, writing and doing music and stuff. -- Julie Delpy
  • Barring love I'll take my life in large doses alone--rivers, forests, fish, grouse, mountains. Dogs. -- Jim Harrison
  • We perceive when love begins and when it declines by our embarrassment when alone together. -- Jean de la Bruyere
  • Only God can judge me so I'm gone, either love me or leave me alone." -- Jay Z
  • I am alone and miserable. Only someone as ugly as I am could love me. -- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
  • Has it ever occurred to you that you can only love when you are alone? -- Anthony de Mello
  • Only God can judge me so I'm gone, either love me or leave me alone. -- Jay-Z
  • I love my government not least for the extent to which it leaves me alone. -- John Updike
  • Only God, my dear, Could love you for yourself alone And not your yellow hair. -- William Butler Yeats
  • Love is a great thing, a good above all others, which alone maketh every burden light. -- Thomas a Kempis
  • Children love to be alone because alone is where they know themselves, and where they dream. -- Roger Rosenblatt
  • Prosperity isn't defined by money alone; it encompasses time, love, success, joy, comfort, beauty, and wisdom. -- Louise Hay
  • I remember being alone a lot as a child, and I still love to be alone. -- Cindy Williams
  • Love is a punishment. We are punished for not having been strong enough to remain alone. -- Marguerite Yourcenar
  • On stage I make love to twenty five thousand people; and then I go home alone. -- Janis Joplin
  • Why love if losing hurts so much? We love to know that we are not alone. -- C. S. Lewis
  • I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Hate cannot live alone. It must have love as a trigger, a goad, or a stimulant. -- John Steinbeck