Alone forever quotes:

  • I don't wanna be alone forever but I can be tonight. -- Lady Gaga
  • I go to sleep at night, like, 'Am I gonna be alone forever?' -- Kevin Durant
  • I never touched a gun in my life. That and that alone forever doomed me to middle management. -- Steve Martin
  • Making checklists of things you're looking for in a person is the numero uno thing you can do to guarantee you'll be alone forever. -- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
  • It is always better to live the truth than to live a lie. And that lie would have kept him alone forever. He may have had nearly nothing for 5 years, but now he can have everything. A boy who looks like that... Magnus. -- Cassandra Clare
  • There was only today to throw yourself into without thinking about tomorrow, let alone forever. To keep you from thinking, there was liquor, an ocean's worth at least, all the usual vices and plenty of rope to hang yourself with. Love is a beautiful liar. -- Paula McLain
  • Marriage is full of such cut-and-dry arrangements, Rhonda thought,then felt that small ache she sometimes got at the back of her skull-the one that told her she might be alone forever, not a fate that she chose but rather a fate that seemed to have been chosen for her. -- Jennifer McMahon
  • You are forever alone. -- John Buchanan Robinson
  • When I joined Ford, in the late 1970s, I felt strongly we could not forever be a huge user of natural resources without there being consequences. But I was alone in my thinking in those days. -- William Clay Ford, Jr.
  • There are people who have too much space between their ears, and given the time, do nothing but free fall forever inside their head. It's a spooky thing to be left alone inside an angry inner-verse. -- James St. James
  • Improvisation is almost like the retarded cousin in the comedy world. We've been trying forever to get improvisation on TV. It's just like stand-up. It's best when it's just left alone. It doesn't translate always on TV. It's best live. -- Amy Poehler
  • The great thing about a name like 'Cougar Town' is that you hear it once and you remember it forever. It's a very 'loud' title. But there's a connection to the word 'cougar' that means a lot of people are going to be turned off right away by the title alone without even giving the show a chance. -- Dan Byrd
  • I've loved singing since forever. Whether it was with my sisters while cleaning the kitchen, putting shows on for my stuffed animals, writing songs about my stuffed animals, starting an a capella group with my cousins while on vacation, or awkwardly singing along to karaoke tracks alone in my bedroom - singing always found a way into my life. -- Kina Grannis
  • I think that one of the reasons why people look towards the end of humanity is that people are afraid to die alone. If you die alone, the people you love will miss you, or if they die, you miss them - the sorrow is inevitable. When you truly love someone, the thought of losing them forever is horrible. -- Joe Rogan
  • I remember when I was very young, I had a fever - a long rheumatic fever in bed for four months. And in the days, I stayed alone with the maid. I only had my father's books with me. They were fantasy books about ghosts, and also books by Edgar Allen Poe that made a forever impression on me. -- Dario Argento
  • A mind forever Voyaging through strange seas of Thought, alone. -- William Wordsworth
  • Cold Mountain Son Forever not change I live alone Beyond life death -- Hanshan
  • Leave me alone in the long desert forever, and I won't give up on my dreams." -- M.F. Moonzajer
  • The only place you belong is the place you can never go back. And so yer always alone, forever and always. -- Patrick Ness
  • When it's cold & dark at night, and we're alone together, I long to take you in my arms, and cuddle you forever. -- Giles Andreae
  • Only the desert has a fascination--to ride alone--in the sun in the forever unpossessed country--away from man. That is a great temptation. -- D. H. Lawrence
  • Long has black powder been in the hands of dwarves alone. Alas, winds ever change and nothing remains the same forever.Lord Arrlo Salkeld -- J.P.Ashman
  • Occasionally I sense an insane wail deep down in the pit, the echo alone reaching me, striking without warning, a child weeping uninhibitedly, imprisoned forever. -- Ingmar Bergman
  • When souls really touch, it is forever. Then space and time disappear, and all that remains is the consciousness that we are not alone in life. -- Joan D. Chittister
  • Where the statue stood Of Newton, with his prism and silent face, The marble index of a mind forever Voyaging through strange seas of thought alone. -- William Wordsworth
  • Amy [Winehouse] changed pop music forever, I remember knowing there was hope, and feeling not alone because of her. She lived jazz, she lived the blues. -- Lady Gaga