Terminology quotes:

  • The worst thing you can do if you want to start a fight is to use derogatory terminology. -- Ted Turner
  • Being used to scientific terminology and theory it was always natural for me to push this stuff into songs. -- Peter Hammill
  • You must learn to talk clearly. The jargon of scientific terminology which rolls off your tongues is mental garbage. -- Martin H. Fischer
  • I am an Air Force brat - that's the terminology they use for military kids who are traveling constantly. -- Vanessa Lachey
  • We're so used to using military terminology in civilian speech that we forget those terms might mean something very specific. -- Phil Klay
  • I don't use any of the terminology like 'left wing' and 'right wing.' I use language like 'godly' and 'holiness.' -- Phil Robertson
  • What Romantic terminology called genius or talent or inspiration is nothing other than finding the right road empirically, following one's nose, taking shortcuts. -- Italo Calvino
  • I would prefer to abandon the terminology of the past. 'Superpower' is something which we used during the cold war time. Why use it now? -- Vladimir Putin
  • The absurd consequences of neglecting structure but using the concept of order just the same are evident if one examines the present terminology of information theory. -- Rudolf Arnheim
  • We developed already, before the first servicing mission, this has been further developed on the second servicing mission and we refined it this time, all the terminology. -- Claude Nicollier
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  • There wasn't much technical terminology, and then, most academics are not trained in writing. And there is what is probably worse than ever before, the growing use of professional jargon. -- Stephen Jay Gould
  • I'm always a little bit cautious around invented terminology because so much science fiction is off-putting to the uninitiated. You open up the first page, and it's full of all these made-up words. -- Alastair Reynolds
  • The great redemptive religion which has always been known as Christianity is battling against a totally diverse type of religious belief, which is only the more destructive of the Christian faith because it makes use of traditional Christian terminology. -- John Gresham Machen
  • Actually shooting a 3-D movie is not different at all than making a 2-D one. You never really notice that you're making a 3-D movie. The terminology used around the set is a little bit different, but other than that, you'd never know. -- Billy Burke
  • I hate the terminology of 'costume' because my clothes are not costumes at all. I think they're high fashion, avant-garde, and more couture, definitely, and yes, some of my pieces are not particularly wearable, but I wouldn't say they're costumes, I'd say they're more couture. -- Christian Siriano
  • When men talk about war, the stories and terminology vary - it's this battle, these weapons, this terrain. But no matter where you go in the world, women use the same language to speak of war. They speak of fire, they speak of death, and they speak of starvation. -- Abigail Disney
  • As you may recall, Truman was extremely unpopular when he finally left Washington in 1953, thanks largely to the Korean War. Today, however, he is thought to have been a solidly good president, a 'Near Great' even, in the terminology of those surveys of historians they do every now and then. -- Thomas Frank
  • In our usual mind state, we are continually activating the process that in Buddhist terminology is known as 'bhava,' which literally means 'becoming.' In this space of becoming, we are subtly leaning forward into the future, trying to have security based on feeling that we can hold on, we can try to keep things from changing. -- Sharon Salzberg
  • In narrative cinema, a certain terminology has already been established: 'film noir,' 'Western,' even 'Spaghetti Western.' When we say 'film noir' we know what we are talking about. But in non-narrative cinema, we are a little bit lost. So sometimes, the only way to make us understand what we are talking about is to use the term 'avant-garde.' -- Jonas Mekas
  • Political confusion starts with terminology confusion. -- Tariq Ramadan
  • All religions are based on obsolete terminology. -- Vladimir Nabokov
  • Bad terminology is the enemy of good thinking. -- Warren Buffett
  • I want to help build their basic food terminology. -- Wolfgang Puck
  • I never studied film theory, so I don't know the terminology. -- Allan Moyle
  • Fear knows no borders, and the terminology of hate has seeped into every aspect of life. -- Andre Naffis-Sahely
  • Let me use their own terminology against them. They aborted a child in the 200th trimester. -- Dennis Miller
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  • With big productions, you can sometimes get lost with the terminology and all the different departments. -- Rose Leslie
  • I'm going to say a phrase or terminology or vowel that I don't know how to attack . -- Lake Bell
  • Where lies the line between sorcery and science? It is only a matter of terminology, my friend. -- Alan Dean Foster
  • Much of the discussion about socialism and individualism is entirely pointless, because of failure to agree on terminology. -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • I am an Air Force brat - that's the terminology they use for military kids who are traveling constantly. -- Vanessa Lachey
  • Whether the person should then be called "an intellectual" seems to reduce the issue to a question of terminology. -- Noam Chomsky
  • If our field is "to advance", we must - without displacing creativity and aesthetics - make sure our terminology is clear. -- Jef Raskin
  • I could tell you all the medical terminology,' She says. 'But what finally happened is his heart got to big for his body' -- Rodman Philbrick
  • We're living in an unprecedented day (when) evil is no longer evil. We've changed the terminology-- iniquity is now infirmity; wickedness is now weakness; devilry is now deficiency. -- Leonard Ravenhill
  • The use of anthropomorphic terminology forces you linguistically to adopt an operational view. And it makes it practically impossible to argue about programs independently of their being executed. -- Edsger Dijkstra
  • Narrow minds devoid of imagination. Intolerance, theories cut off from reality, empty terminology, usurped ideals, inflexible systems. Those are the things that really frighten me. What I absolutely fear and loathe. -- Haruki Murakami
  • Things need to be properly named. Political confusion starts with terminology confusion. Islamism implies some sort of political and social plan for Muslim people. In that classification, we find different categories. -- Tariq Ramadan
  • English grammar is so complex and confusing for the one very simple reason that its rules and terminology are based on Latin, a language with which it has precious little in common. -- Bill Bryson
  • I'm sorry, but any police department in America that tries to function without some form of 'stop and frisk,' or whatever terminology they use, is doomed to failure. It's that simple. -- William Bratton
  • I have picked up on the terminology of Brother Lawrence, who called praying unceasingly practicing God's presence. In fact, practicing God's presence has been my number one goal for the last year -- Beth Moore
  • Euphemisms, vague terminology or calls for discussions with Turkey to get at the truth are just some of the dodges Congress and the administration have used to avoid Turkish discomfort with its Ottoman past. -- Adam Schiff
  • In using terms like patriarchy, hermeneutics, and sexual/textual, I do not wish to misrepresent the Qurn as a feminist text; rather, the use of such terminology shows my own intellectual disposition and biases. -- Asma Barlas
  • There are two sides to a person's being - the superconscious and the conscious. These have reverberations in the popular works of Carlos Castaneda, in the don Juan terminology of the tonal and the nagual. -- Frederick Lenz
  • There are two sides to a person's being - the superconscious and the conscious. These have reverberations in the popular works of Carlos Castaneda, in the don Juan terminology of the tonal and the nagual. -- Frederick Lenz