Scoring quotes:

  • I'm extremely willful to win, and I respond to challenges. Scoring titles and stuff like that... it sounds, well, I don't care how it sounds - to me, scoring comes easy. It's not a challenge to me to win the scoring title, because I know I can. -- Kobe Bryant
  • Defense is what matters. Scoring doesn't interest me. -- David Robinson
  • Scoring high in procreation, got an A studying female anatomy. -- Alice Cooper
  • Scoring three away from home - you can't do better than that. -- Ray Stubbs
  • Messi is out of this world. Scoring 86 goals this year... In 2012. What an incredible accomplishment -- Alex Morgan
  • Scoring goals is like making love: everyone can do it, but nobody does it like me. -- Alfredo Di Stefano
  • Scoring a lot of points is great when you win, but when you lose it doesn't matter. -- Reggie Lewis
  • Scoring 100 points is a lot, but I maybe could have scored 140 if they had played straight-up basketball. -- Wilt Chamberlain
  • Scoring well on tests is the sort of happy thing that gets the school district the greenbacks they crave. Understanding and appreciating the material are secondary. -- Libba Bray
  • Scoring a lot of points is not a goal of mine. I just do whatever I do best to help my team win. I'm a role player. -- Cartier Martin
  • Scoring two goals at against Wembley against a Dutch team that was supposed to rip us apart and ripping them apart - it doesn't get any better than that. -- Teddy Sheringham
  • Scoring goals is a great feeling, but the most important thing to me is that the team is successful - it doesn't matter who scores the goals as long as we're winning. -- Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Scoring is a function of great execution, and winning is the result, but thinking about winning can pull your focus off of proper execution in a competition. Thinking about process is the answer. -- Lanny Bassham
  • Scoring comes from being able to preserve what you've got and play your smart shots when you need to play them and not do stupid things and take advantage of things when have you them. -- Jack Nicklaus
  • It's scoring goals that's great, whether against Brazil or anybody else. -- Lionel Messi
  • Anybody who can dial a telephone can master tennis scoring in about 15 minutes. -- Bradley Whitford
  • I was only interested in scoring goals. I wasn't interested in anything else. -- Gary Lineker
  • I understand cricket - what's going on, the scoring - but I can't understand why. -- Bill Bryson
  • Individual honors and scoring championships are great, but my No. 1 goal is to win the Stanley Cup. -- Sidney Crosby
  • I want to be perceived as a guy who played his best in all facets, not just scoring. A guy who loved challenges. -- Michael Jordan
  • I love scoring goals for England and playing for England. That's one of the reasons I didn't retire - I love playing for my country. -- David Beckham
  • My goal is always the same: to keep the other player from ever scoring a point. That doesn't always happen, but that's what I try for. -- Venus Williams
  • Stats are important to me, especially the ones related to scoring. You're going to miss fairways and greens out here, so how you play from the sand really matters. -- Jordan Spieth
  • While the liberal media elite depict the bowler as a chubby guy with a comb-over and polyester pants, the reality is that bowling is one of the most tech-heavy sports today. Robotic pinsetters and computerized scoring were just the beginning. -- Chris Hardwick
  • I like ice hockey, but it's a frustrating game to watch. It's hard to keep your eyes on both the puck and the players and too much time passes between scoring in hockey. There are usually more fights than there are points. -- Andy Rooney
  • All human beings are the same. In the United States, people come from all over the world, all races, all backgrounds. And they're all doing what they want, many scoring huge successes. When I saw that, I became more open. It freed my soul. -- Masayoshi Son
  • Here's how much I know about hockey. Mike Royko and I were in a tiny bar one winter night, and the radio kept reporting goals by the Blackhawks. I mentioned how frequently the team was scoring. 'You're listening to the highlights,' Royko observed. -- Roger Ebert
  • So if one day the result becomes 3-3, for me it doesn't change my mind, because it's football, it's normal. What is not normal is that we haven't been scoring enough goals playing such good football as we've been playing in the last few weeks. -- Jose Mourinho
  • Part of my preparation is I go and ask the kit man what colour we're wearing - if it's red top, white shorts, white socks or black socks. Then I lie in bed the night before the game and visualise myself scoring goals or doing well. -- Wayne Rooney
  • I'm more than comfortable just sitting back and scoring 21, 22 points or whatever and getting 10, 11 assists whatever the case might be. More than comfortable with that. It's just a matter of the pieces that you have around you and what you can do to elevate everybody else. -- Kobe Bryant
  • Obama has been perhaps the most partisan President since Truman. He hasn't learned to be civil - note his insulting speech to Paul Ryan, who did us the courtesy of scoring a budget. The president has to talk to Republicans when it comes to the debt ceiling. He has reached the debt ceiling before anyone expected. -- Grover Norquist
  • Whenever I think about movies, I always look at that art process as having the best of a lot of worlds. Because if you watch a great film, you have a musical element to it, not just on the scoring, but in the way that the shots are edited - that has music and rhythm and time. -- Frank Ocean
  • I prefer to win titles with the team ahead of individual awards or scoring more goals than anyone else. I'm more worried about being a good person than being the best football player in the world. When all this is over, what are you left with? When I retire, I hope I am remembered for being a decent guy. -- Lionel Messi
  • If you've ever been to a poetry slam, you know that the highest scoring emotion is self-righteous indignation: how dare you judge me. So in that way, the poem, 'What Teachers Make,' is an absolutely formulaic slam poem designed to allow me to get up on my soap box and say, 'Let me tell you what really makes me angry.' -- Taylor Mali
  • When David Fincher called me up a few years ago and said, 'Hey, I'd like you to score this film 'The Social Network,' I said, 'I'm flattered, but I really don't have any real experience scoring films, and I'd rather not screw it up on a high-profile project. And I like you and I don't want to compromise our friendship.' -- Trent Reznor
  • Football has been good to me. Everyone has their destiny, but you have to make use of the opportunities. I have spent 15 years at the top of my game. It makes me happy. I love the game. I love scoring goals. But I have always taken it seriously. It is not what the game gives you, it is what you give it. -- George Weah
  • Marathon running, like golf, is a game for players, not winners. That is why Callaway sells golf clubs and Nike sells running shoes. But running is unique in that the world's best racers are on the same course, at the same time, as amateurs, who have as much chance of winning as your average weekend warrior would scoring a touchdown in the NFL. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • Unless someone wants to look funny, I'll not recommend anyone to copy my bowling action. But on a serious note, with the confidence that I have got from the amount of runs I have been scoring, when I'm thrown the ball to bowl, I am pretty sure of what I have to do. I may not be the most attractive to watch while bowling, but I can be effective. -- Virat Kohli
  • Tennis is like, it gives you a lot of chances, but if you don't take those chances, it takes a lot of chances away from you. It's just the scoring pattern. We cannot dwell over a loss or a win for very long. We have no time to celebrate; we have no time to dwell; we have to move on. Wake up the next day and try and win the match. -- Sania Mirza
  • Goaltending beats top notch scoring anytime! -- Eddie Giacomin
  • I'm playing like Tarzan-and scoring like Jane. -- Chi Chi Rodriguez
  • I love scoring - even in training. -- Jermain Defoe
  • You never get fed up scoring goals -- Alan Shearer
  • When I'm at bat, I'm in scoring position. -- Oscar Gamble
  • If you're not scoring the frustrations build up. -- Wayne Rooney
  • I am at my best when I am scoring. -- Charlie Adam
  • I won the city scoring championship as a senior. -- Bob Cousy
  • For me, shooting, editing, and scoring rely on rhythm. -- Donnie Yen
  • For a batsman, scoring runs abroad is always a challenge. -- Suresh Raina
  • Football's not just about scoring goals - it's about winning. -- Alan Shearer
  • I'm excited to doing more scoring work in the future. -- Mike Shinoda
  • I am a better hitter with runners in scoring position. -- Robinson Cano
  • Paolo di Canio is capable of scoring the goal he scored. -- Bryan Robson
  • In practice, I run every play like I'm scoring a touchdown. -- Mercury Morris
  • I had a talent for scoring films. I just developed it. -- John Carpenter
  • And I think that I'd be a natural for scoring horror movies. -- Jim Coleman
  • I don't know why we aren't scoring as we're keeping clean sheets. -- Edwin van der Sar
  • Cristiano Ronaldo loves scoring goals. Only HE can achieve what he's achieving. -- Toni Kroos
  • What do you do to help us win when you're not scoring baskets? -- John Calipari
  • The new season will be all about scoring more goals than the opposition. -- Alvin Martin
  • You are not worried about scoring; you are worried about winning the game. -- Michael Redd
  • Most kids dream of scoring the perfect goal. I've always dreamed of stopping it. -- Iker Casillas
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  • When I was younger, I used to visualise myself scoring wonder goals, stuff like that. -- Wayne Rooney
  • Cole should be scoring from those distances, but I'm not going to single him out. -- Alex Ferguson
  • People always see the goals, and for me, strikers are not only about scoring goals. -- Thierry Henry
  • I've explored the worship side, the pop side, and the film scoring side of me. -- Michael W. Smith
  • We didn't look like scoring, although we looked like we were going to get a goal. -- Alan Buckley
  • I loved coming up with players in scoring position and I had to drive them in. -- Willie McCovey
  • There's one sure way to stop us from scoring ... give us the ball near the goal line. -- Matty Bell
  • I may not drive in 100 runs a year, but I can prevent 100 runs from scoring against us. -- Ozzie Smith
  • That's what I love about film scoring. Every situation is new. Every show is a new adventure. -- Joseph Trapanese
  • The people who do the scoring and the music for movies are very talented, really special people. -- Claudia Christian
  • My biggest dream from the beginning - besides Evanescence - is scoring film and writing music for film. -- Amy Lee
  • A dunk is nice because it can create momentum, but it's not as good as scoring a touchdown. -- Antonio Gates
  • Goal scoring is a recurring theme. If you aren't scoring then you aren't going to win games. That's obvious. -- Gary Speed
  • Good teams don't care about who scores. Good teams just care about scoring; they don't care who does it. -- George Karl
  • I want to see a new system. I believe that the credit scoring system is broken. That's my belief. -- Suze Orman
  • I guess we decided to make a new record 3 years ago when Nancy was done scoring for Almost Famous. -- Ann Wilson
  • All I know is, as long as I led the Southeastern Conference in scoring, my grades would be fine. -- Charles Barkley
  • To me the most important thing was stirring things up and scoring some runs so we could win a ballgame. -- Rickey Henderson
  • Messi not scoring? Great players aren't only great because of goals. If they don't score, they offer goals to teammates -- Bernd Schuster
  • If I feel I'm not influencing games, not scoring goals or making goals, then that's the time I'd pack it in. -- Ryan Giggs
  • It's about time for Lindell White to get back on the floor, expose himself, and get the ball in a scoring position. -- Billy Packer
  • Rally points scoring is twenty for the fastest, eighteen for the second fastest, right down to six points for the slowest fastest. -- Murray Walker
  • You have to attack to get corners, no? Winning by scoring strategic goals doesn't bother me - it's part of the game. -- Diego Simeone
  • It's not about me, it's about how I can help my team to achieve more. And I do that through scoring goals. -- Thierry Henry
  • Hockey should have some appeal. It's a good game in that is full of action, very quick, and it can be high-scoring. -- Casey Eastham
  • I used to focus more on scoring. Now I take a lot of pride and pleasure in helping someone else do well. -- Landon Donovan
  • Thor once took an IQ test, and he was scoring so high that the referees took away his ability to shoot three pointers. -- Jarod Kintz
  • I always dreamed about scoring at St. James' Park. I fancied my chances and the ball flew into the net. I was ecstatic. -- Alan Shearer
  • As a kid I always wanted to be a centre-forward. I wanted the buzz and thrill of scoring goals from an early age. -- Alan Shearer
  • Trying to think about the rest of the team over myself or my scoring is something that I never really had to do before. -- J. R. Smith
  • Owen scores and breaks Lineker's competitive scoring record. Although this being a friendly it doesn't actual count, so he hasn't quite done it yet. -- John Motson
  • If we can't have a serious conversation without politicizing it on cable TV and making it a scoring point for one day, we're in trouble. -- John F. Kerry
  • To be the key player in creating and scoring goals, that's what I take pride in, and the thing I know how to do best. -- Tiffeny Milbrett
  • When I was in grade school I was always the guy that got 20 or 18 points. Even back then, I would lead my team in scoring. -- Michael Redd
  • Ever since (childhood), I realized that one of the coolest things in the game is scoring touchdowns. And I think mentally that still drives me. -- Shaun Alexander
  • It takes brains. It's not like a forward, where you can get away with scoring and not play defense. On defense you have to be thinking. -- Chris Chelios
  • I always stick with the same pair if I am on a scoring streak. I wouldn t change them until I go a game without scoring. -- Peter Crouch
  • I'm probably the only guy in hockey who can win a scoring title and everybody is saying I had a bad year. I don't worry about it. -- Wayne Gretzky
  • In fact, the bandits steal the drinks and assistance provided along the course. Worse, they cross the finish line and mess up the scoring of legitimate runners. -- Joe Henderson
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  • If I had to choose between dribbling past 5 players and scoring from 40 yards at Anfield or shagging miss world, it'd be a hard choice. Thankfully, i've done both -- George Best
  • I never really had much problem scoring a fight, you call it the way you see it. The most important thing is concentration you really got to concentrate. -- Harold Lederman
  • Not scoring one for the whole calendar year last year was a bit disappointing but I didn't really feel any pressure to get my first one as skipper,. -- Ricky Ponting
  • I didn't know I hit that way (.625 with runners in scoring position). Maybe not knowing is my secret. If I chased numbers, maybe I wouldn't have as good results. -- Ichiro Suzuki
  • The press keep asking me but I will stop when I stop scoring. The problem is football is very ageist. When you reach 30, they keep talking about your age. -- Kevin Kilbane
  • I'm a leader. I'm the leader of this team, and they look for me at any point in the game, and that's not just scoring-wise, I do other things. -- LeBron James
  • I wasn't saying that in a sense that I didn't plan on scoring any goals. This won't happen again. It would be nice if it did, but it's reality. -- John Madden
  • She let him know how much she liked what he was doing by scoring his back with her nails and crying out with pleasure. "Oh, God." "Nay, lass. Connor. -- Julie Garwood
  • What I love about film scoring is that all the answers are in the story. You just need to get in tune with the story and realize it musically. -- Joseph Trapanese
  • I thought I would break the scoring record when I got to 40 goals by the age of 27 or 28, but then Fabio Capello took over and he never picked me again. -- Michael Owen
  • Financial education needs to become a part of our national curriculum and scoring systems so that it's not just the rich kids that learn about money.. it's all of us. -- David Bach
  • When I was 16 years old I led the team in scoring. I would attack, attack, attack and that is something I think you are just born with, I really do. -- Michael Redd
  • It seems like teams want a guy who can get 10, 11, 12 assists. That's the kind of player I want to be. Sometimes that is more important than scoring 30 points a night. -- Deron Williams
  • Everyone talks about the forwards, the players when they are scoring goals. But sometimes I look for the complete player not just the players who score but those who can pass. -- Pele
  • He once told me, Instead of scoring thirty goals a season, why don't you score twenty-five and help someone else to score fifteen? That way the team's ten goals better off. -- David Peace
  • In tennis, because of the way it's scored, I don't think that scoring one point out of luck is ever decisive in winning. But, of course, it depends on the moment. -- Rafael Nadal
  • Right now I'm scoring goals and I'm the king of the world. And a couple weeks ago I was almost in the toilet. So maybe you just forget to flush me. -- Alexander Ovechkin