Reformation quotes:

  • Reformation ends not in contemplation, but in action. -- George Gillespie
  • Reformation, like education, is a journey, not a destination -- Mother Jones
  • Reformation, like education, is a journey, not a destination. -- Mary Harris Jones
  • My hobby is extreme Catholic behavior -- BEFORE the Reformation. -- John Waters
  • The Reformation was immensely important for all of Danish culture. -- Margrethe II of Denmark
  • I'd like to write a history, maybe of the Reformation. -- Jane Haddam
  • The Islamic Reformation is already here. We are all living in it. -- Reza Aslan
  • The Reformation was cradled in the printing-press, and established by no other instrument. -- Agnes Strickland
  • The Reformation did not directly touch the question of the true character of God's church. -- John Nelson Darby
  • The Reformation has been called in a biting epigram "a rising of the rich against the poor." -- Hilaire Belloc
  • Thinking that morality is all about commandments is a relatively new way of thinking, since the Reformation. -- Timothy Radcliffe
  • My official field was Tudor-Stuart England; I also considered myself reasonably competent when it came to Renaissance and Reformation Europe. -- Lauren Willig
  • The Reformation in the sixteenth century narrowed Reform. As soon as men began to call themselves names, all hope of further amendment was lost. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • About the scientific revolution: it "outshines everything since the rise of Christianity and reduces the Renaissance and Reformation to the rank of mere episodes". -- Herbert Butterfield
  • Reformation names the disunity in which we currently stand. We who remain in the Protestant tradition want to say that Reformation was a success. -- Stanley Hauerwas
  • Before my secret meeting with the Pope I asked him to come wearing white if deep down he agreed with the Reformation. Pretty crazy. -- Kevin DeYoung
  • It's time for a new Reformation in the Church--to call the Church back to the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis. -- Ken Ham
  • Reformation is a return to the sound doctrine of the Bible. Revival is the practice of that sound doctrine under the power of the Holy Spirit. -- Francis Schaeffer
  • This is the end and the beginning of an age. This is something far greater than the French Revolution or the Reformation and we live in it. -- H. G. Wells
  • You notice how liberals keep saying, 'If only Islam would have a Reformation' - it can't have one. It says it can't. It's extremely dangerous in that way. -- Christopher Hitchens
  • It seems to me that since the Middle Ages (it's not a Reformation thing), all that stuff about Jews and Gentiles coming together in Christ was just screened out. -- N. T. Wright
  • During the centuries-long process of Reformation and Enlightenment, Christian churches had to accept some things they didn't like. Islam will have to do the same; otherwise it isn't part of Europe. -- Wolfgang Schauble
  • Luther and the Reformation were of fundamental importance to Denmark. We Danes are still Lutherans today. We spoke about him a lot in school, and we feel very close to him. -- Margrethe II of Denmark
  • As the power of Christianity declined through the centuries that have followed the Reformation, Calvinism played a less and less important part, while the new philosophies of mechanism and rationalism correspondingly increased. -- Ralph Adams Cram
  • Would the Protestant Reformation have happened without the printing press? Would the American Revolution have happened without pamphlets? Probably not. But neither printing presses nor pamphlets were the heroes of reform and revolution. -- Rebecca MacKinnon
  • I must begin by telling you that I do not like to preach on Reformation Sunday. Actually, I have to put it more strongly than that. I do not like Reformation Sunday, period. -- Stanley Hauerwas
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  • The world had seen so many Ages: the Age of Enlightenment; of Reformation; of Reason. Now, at last, the Age of Desire. And after this, an end to Ages; an end, perhaps, to everything. -- Clive Barker
  • In the eyes of the Associated Press, American Christianity, which springs from the Protestant Reformation, is fundamentalist. And Christian Fundamentalists, radical Muslims, Hindu extremists, and fanatical Zionists are all the same - bloodthirsty lunatics. -- Pat Robertson
  • From Caesar's legions to the Napoleonic wars. From the Reformation, the Enlightenment and the industrial revolution to the defeat of nazism. We have helped to write European history, and Europe has helped write ours. -- David Cameron
  • The Protestant Reformation had a lot to do with the printing press, where Martin Luther's theses were reproduced about 250,000 times, and so you had widespread dissemination of ideas that hadn't circulated in the mainstream before. -- Nate Silver
  • The greatest tragedy in the history of Christianity was neither the Crusades nor the Reformation nor the Inquisition, but rather the split that opened up between theology and spirituality at the end of the Middle Ages. -- Hans Urs von Balthasar
  • I am not sure I can make clear what it means to say I come from the Catholic side of Protestantism, but at the very least, it means that I do not think Christianity began with the Reformation. -- Stanley Hauerwas
  • God is decreeing to begin some newand great period in his Church, even to the reforming of Reformation itself. What does he then but reveal Himself to his servants, and as his manner is, first to his Englishmen? -- John Milton
  • Drinking beer with friends is perhaps the most underestimated of all Reformation insights and essential to ongoing reform; and wasting time with a choice friend or two on a regular basis might be the best investment of time you ever make. -- Carl R Trueman
  • I must honestly declare my conviction that, since the days of the Reformation, there never has been so much profession of religion without practice, so much talking about God without walking with Him, so much hearing God's words without doing them... -- J. C. Ryle
  • Many young Danish theologians went to Wittenberg starting in 1517, listened to Luther's theses and, in 1536, brought the Reformation to our country. This is why the Danes, unlike the people of many countries in Eastern and Central Europe, became Lutherans and not Calvinists. -- Margrethe II of Denmark
  • The faith engaged with Platonism in the ancient world, with Aristotle in the medieval world, with nominalism in the Reformation era, and with rationalism in the modern world. Now the church must engage with the emergence of a postmodern, post- Christian, neo-pagan world. -- Robert E. Webber
  • Nevertheless, the central affirmation of the Reformation stands: through no merit of ours, but by his mercy, WE HAVE BEEN RESTORED to a right relationship with God through the life, death, and resurrection of his beloved Son. This is the Good News, the gospel of Grace -- Brennan Manning
  • Pope Benedict is an amazingly visionary person. What he has done is establish an evolutionary process that will help undo the Reformation. The Anglican Church has been hijacked by modernism, with synods trying to amend the faith and this process will allow traditional Anglicans to be themselves. -- Peter Slipper
  • If during the Reformation you were a Catholic who lived in a part of Germany in which Lutheranism was the ascendant religion and the ruler of the province or the region was Lutheran, to stay a Catholic, you either had to be a dissenter or you had to leave. -- Susan Jacoby
  • And finally, it was Deuteronomy that brought about the historical result of Josiah's reformation. -- Julius Wellhausen
  • God Almighty has set before me two great objects: the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of manners. -- William Wilberforce
  • A judgment pronounced in accordance with the facts can therefore assign to it an historical place only within that movement of reformation which was brought to a victorious issue by King Josiah. -- Julius Wellhausen
  • To reform a world, to reform a nation, no wise man will undertake; and all but foolish men know, that the only solid, though a far slower reformation, is what each begins and perfects on himself. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • You can make yourself feel better about yourself if you project your shadow side, if you project your own potential for evil onto someone else. By annihilating them and, therefore, your shadow, you bring yourself into some state of purity or reformation. -- Jennifer Beals
  • On March 11, 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union, and within a few weeks the full-scale reformation he attempted to carry out both inside his country and in its cold war relations with the West, particularly the United States, began to unfold. -- Stephen Cohen
  • The story of Christian reformation, revival, and renaissance underscores that the darkest hour is often just before the dawn, so we should always be people of hope and prayer, not gloom and defeatism. God the Holy Spirit can turn the situation around in five minutes. -- Os Guinness
  • All the punishment in the world will not reform a man, unless he knows that he who inflicts it upon him does it for the sake of reformation, and really and truly loves him, and has his good at heart. Punishment inflicted for gratifying the appetite makes man afraid but debases him. -- Robert Green Ingersoll
  • Every reformation ruins somebody. -- Amelia B. Edwards
  • A great licentiousness treads on the heels of a reformation. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The Gospel is not reformation, decoration or renovation. It is liberation. -- Reinhard Bonnke
  • Many are friends to the success of reformation, not to reformation. -- Samuel Rutherford
  • Repentance may begin instantly, but reformation often requires a sphere of years. -- Henry Ward Beecher
  • It is not the prisoners who need reformation, it is the prisons. -- Oscar Wilde
  • It is the first care of a reformer to prevent any future reformation. -- Edward Gibbon
  • The true Church preaches REGENERATION; not reformation, not education, not legislation, but regeneration. -- M. R. DeHaan
  • You are not likely to see any general reformation, till you procure family reformation. -- Richard Baxter
  • Evils we have had continually calling for reformation, and reformations more grievous than any evils. -- Edmund Burke
  • But 'tis the talent of our English nation, Still to be plotting some new reformation. -- John Dryden
  • People who have reformed themselves has contributed their full share towards the reformation of their neighbor. -- Norman Douglas
  • The hour of reformation is always delayed; every delay gives vice another opportunity of fortifying itself by habit. -- Samuel Johnson
  • It's now time to organize and move forward. It's time for deep thinking, reformation of the Democratic Party. -- Katrina vanden Heuvel
  • To conceive that compulsion and punishment are the proper means of reformation is the sentiment of a barbarian. -- William Godwin
  • They waste life in what are called good resolutions-partial efforts at reformation, feebly commenced, heartlessly conducted, and hopelessly concluded. -- Charles Robert Maturin
  • God Almighty has set before me two great objects, the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of manners (morality). -- William Wilberforce
  • How can we still speak of the salvation and reformation of Europe, when we have to ask Europe's destroyer for help? -- Alfred Rosenberg
  • No repentance, obedience, self-denial, prayers, tears, reformation or ordinances, without the new creation, avail any thing to the salvation of thy soul. -- John Flavel
  • What lasting progress was ever made in social reformation, except when every step was insured by appeals to the understanding and the will? -- William Matthews
  • Only a true faith that applies God's Word to everything-incl uding economics-will lead to the revival and reformation our culture needs so badly. -- R. C. Sproul
  • If ever there was a moment for an Islamic reformation, it's now. For the love of God, what are we doing about it? -- Irshad Manji
  • Every reformation must have its victims. You can't expect the fatted calf to share the enthusiasm of the angels over the prodigal's return. -- Hector Hugh Munro
  • If thou least fallen into sin through violent temptations, seek speedily for repentance for it, recovery out of it, and reformation from it. -- Vavasor Powell
  • The Satanic message for this age will be reformation and self-development, while the message of God is regeneration by the power of the spirit. -- Lewis Sperry Chafer
  • Trial by jury is part of that bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • As far as I'm concerned, the reformation of marijuana laws is something that I take seriously. I think it's something that can stimulate the economy. -- Asher Roth
  • REPENTANCE, n. The faithful attendant and follower of Punishment. It is usually manifest in a degree of reformation that is not inconsistent with continuity of sin. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • Harsh reproof is like a violent storm, soon washed down the channel; but friendly admonitions, like a small shower, pierce deep, and bring forth better reformation. -- Roger Chamberlain
  • The things of this world take up too much of my time, of which indeed I have too little left, to undertake anything like a reformation in religion. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet. -- Saul Alinsky
  • Of the three official objects of our prison system: vengeance, deterrence, and reformation of the criminal, only one is achieved; and that is the one which is nakedly abominable. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • It is undoubtedly true, though it may seem paradoxical,--but, in general, those who are habitually employed in finding and displaying faults are unqualified for the work of reformation. -- Edmund Burke
  • No one will ever go to Hell who has put his trust in Jesus Christ, but many will end up in torment who have trusted their own righteousness and reformation. -- Curtis Hutson
  • The Spirit is testifying that a new day is dawning. The stage of the world is being set for a fullness of a harvest and a genuine apostolic reformation in a new way. -- Mark Chironna
  • We don't have to go around as the Protestant reformation did, or as the socialist revolution did, and execute each other as soon as we are successful - assuming we'll ever be successful. -- Murray Bookchin
  • The reformation was preceded by the discovery of America, as if the Almighty graciously meant to open a sanctuary to the persecuted in future years, when home should afford neither friendship nor safety. -- Thomas Paine
  • It is altogether as worthy of God and as much becoming Him to pardon and show mercy, in case of repentance and submission and reformation, as to punish, in case of impenitency and obstinacy. -- Benjamin Whichcote
  • If Dr. Mahathir thinks that by ordering the police to act like gangsters he will frighten the people from supporting this reformation movement, he is dreaming. I think he has cut himself off from reality. -- Wan Azizah Wan Ismail