Rednecks quotes:

  • What this world needs is a few more Rednecks -- Charlie Daniels
  • Sophisticated people invest their money in stock portfolios. Rednecks invest their money in commemorative plates. -- Jeff Foxworthy
  • Rednecks' always made me nervous to play, but I'm glad I wrote it and I continue to play it. It's just that the language is so rough. -- Randy Newman
  • Anybody can be unhappy. We can all be hurt. You don't have to be poor to need something or somebody. Rednecks, hippies, misfits - we're all the same. Gay or straight? So what? It doesn't matter to me. We have to be concerned about other people, regardless. -- Willie Nelson
  • Elvis was the only man from Northeast Mississippi who could shake his hips and still be loved by rednecks, cops, and hippies. -- Jimmy Buffett
  • Among the rednecks of America, which there are many more than people seem to realize, it was terribly damaging. I got blamed for O.J.'s acquittal. -- F. Lee Bailey
  • At the Grammys, you walk down the halls and everyone's got five security guards. You can't talk to anybody. You always feel out of place, like, 'Hey, the rednecks are in town!' -- Dave Haywood
  • This place is just too frickin precious," the cop said, eyeing a guy dressed in a hot pink leisure suit with makeup to match"Give me rednecks and home-grown beer any day of the week over this X-culture bullshit. -- J.R. Ward
  • I've skewered whites, blacks, Hispanics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, gays, straights, rednecks, addicts, the elderly, and my wife. As a standup comic, it is my job to make sure the majority of people laugh, and I believe that comedy is the last true form of free speech. -- Jeff Dunham
  • Going to high school in rural Florida, we always partied down in the woods. Somebody - one of the rednecks - would leave class and mow a path out to a field, and we'd drive out there. Dude, every party I went to was lit by a bonfire. Acoustic guitar. -- Miles Teller
  • Reardan is the rich white farm town that sits in the wheat fields exactly 22 miles away from the Rez. And it's a hick town I suppose filled with farmers and rednecks and racists cops who stop every Indian that drives through. During one week when I was little dad got stopped three times for DWI- Driving While Indian. -- Sherman Alexie
  • Nobody out-rednecks the great state of America. -- Jon Stewart
  • There's a lot of rednecks in the country where I grew up. -- Dolly Parton
  • Unfortunately we just toured the East and West coasts so we didn't run into any rednecks. -- Ville Valo
  • You can talk any redneck into a challenge. That's why so many rednecks die in strange ways. -- Jase Robertson
  • Surgeon General's warning ought to read: Smoking has been determined t0 cause cancer, heart disease & rednecks with seniority. -- Bill Hicks
  • If I were scared of rednecks, I would've moved on a long time ago. That's not a fear I struggle with. -- Mike Cooley
  • The rednecks. Well, you're not going to get there with climate change and [Vladimir] Putin and all the rest of it. -- Mary Matalin
  • There's this false notion that this is a regional phenomenon, when in fact every state in the union has hardcore rednecks. No exceptions. -- Carl Hiaasen
  • They [Christian rednecks] were so stupid that they couldn't pour piss out of a boot even if the instructions were printed on the bottom. -- Joe Bageant
  • Larry the Cable Guy has signed a deal with Cracker Barrel. Not the store. He signed a deal with a barrel full of angry rednecks. -- Andy Kindler
  • In Georgia, rednecks are just wolves in wolf clothing. In Detroit, you don't know who's a redneck until you go home and meet their parents. -- Joseph Bruce
  • It's just what they are â?? they're jokesâ?¦most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folksâ?¦I can't determine what offends another person. -- Paula Deen
  • Music saved my life a few times because I could play the stuff rednecks loved. They thought I was great and they wondered why I didn't do that all the time. -- Steve Young
  • Ever since Willie Nelson brought rednecks into an alliance with hippies back in the psychedelic '70s, Austin has milked its quirky libertarian spirit for a worldwide bonanza of free publicity. -- Douglas Brinkley
  • At the Grammys, you walk down the halls and everyone's got five security guards. You can't talk to anybody. You always feel out of place, like, 'Hey, the rednecks are in town! -- Dave Haywood
  • I'm against gun control. It's not that I like guns, it's just that allowing Americans to have guns will increase the chances that a bunch of rednecks will blow each other's heads off. -- Bobcat Goldthwait