Protests quotes:

  • Protests [against Donald Trump] four nights running.Thousands marching across the country. -- George Stephanopoulos
  • Protests are fine. But in South Carolina we believe in the rule of law, and the people of this state should never doubt that as governor, I will enforce it. -- Nikki Haley
  • I grew up with protests, marches, demonstrations, struggle. But I come from a clan of community workers. -- Hugh Masekela
  • The monuments of the nations are all protests against nothingness after death; so are statues and inscriptions; so is history. -- Lew Wallace
  • Street protests in Saudi Arabia might warm our hearts, but they could easily lead to $250 a barrel oil and a global recession. -- Fareed Zakaria
  • War zones are dangerous, protests can be violent, also, natural disasters are difficult to cover, so there are going to be risks. -- Kate Adie
  • I never get any protests from children. All you get are giggles of mirth and squirms of delight. I know what children like. -- Roald Dahl
  • Dick Gregory was a great comedian who went and got arrested, did hunger strikes, protests. It never hurt his career to be outspoken. -- Joe Rogan
  • The Occupy Wall Street protests at last suggest that America's wealth gap is once again becoming an organizing political principle in the country. -- Jon Meacham
  • The Occupy Wall Street protests are shining a national spotlight on the most powerful, dangerous and secretive economic and political force in America. -- Bernie Sanders
  • We have witnessed the terrible increases in the incidence of alcoholism, the advent of drug dependency, the protests, marches, strikes and human alienation. -- Alex Campbell
  • There are always protests, whether you do something good or bad. Even if you do something beneficial, people say you do it because it's advertising. -- Giorgio Armani
  • Our records, if you have a dark sense of humor, were funny, but our records weren't about comedy. They were about protests, fantasy, confrontation and all that. -- Ice Cube
  • They forbade me from flying, despite all my protests and arguments. After being once in space, I was desperately keen to go back there. But it didn't happen. -- Valentina Tereshkova
  • Public protests against globalization - protests that occur by and large in the prosperous West - denounce free trade and the mobility of capital as instruments of exploitation and oppression. -- Thomas Woods
  • The only thing I wish I had kept were all the peace beads, because in the 1960s people made these and hung them at protests and it was a wonderful thing. -- David Selby
  • I'm not going to say I was opposed to the Vietnam War. I'm going to say I'm opposed to war. But I'm also opposed to protests that deny other people their rights. -- John Wooden
  • I know some really outstanding Turkish journalists, and have been pleased and honored to be able to join with them a few times in their courageous protests against state terror and repression. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Constructive complaint requires only two things: that what you are complaining about should be different, and that it can be different. It sounds simple, but too often our protests fail this test. -- Julian Baggini
  • I understand the protests, but not the shooting and the attempts to bring down the state. We cannot allow hatred to control our lives. We must remain unified to defeat this evil. -- Boris Trajkovski
  • I grew up in the American South and came of age in the 1960s, an incredibly turbulent time. It was as if the seams of American life were being ripped apart with riots and protests. -- Sue Monk Kidd
  • I think that it's a vital moment now for Russian democracy to convince people that it's only our actions, our joined actions and protests that could force Kremlin to reconsider its plans to abolish presidential elections. -- Garry Kasparov
  • In 1999, I was in St. Louis with Martin Luther King III as we led protests against the state's failure to hire minority contractors for highway construction projects. We went at dawn on a summer day with over a thousand people and performed acts of civil disobedience. -- Al Sharpton
  • Rage' is the word that most often attaches itself to the Tea Party movement, and it's true that, from the outside looking in, their public demonstrations appear to be more enraged than any political events in America since the race riots and anti-war protests of the 1960s. -- Jonathan Raban
  • Say what you will about Americans, but one thing they are not is passive. The Bush administration may have pushed through the Patriot Act weeks after 11 September, but, as the American public got to grips with how the law was affecting their individual rights, their protests grew loud and angry. -- Heather Brooke
  • I live in a dumb house. Which is not to say that I don't love its quirky charm, its drafty windows and leaky fireplaces and an electrical system that protests when too many people are trying to vacuum and microwave at the same time. But charm is not always user-friendly. -- Nancy Gibbs
  • Demonstrations must be dignified and nonviolent, as the overwhelming protests in Ferguson and Staten Island have been. Do not confuse anarchists who don't want the system to work and thugs who want to exploit a situation with the majority who from day one have operated with impeccable nonviolence and clear goals. -- Al Sharpton
  • I was involved in some peaceful protests. -- Todd Akin
  • Democracy is not about protests. Democracy is about meetings. -- David Frum
  • As children, our protests availed little. As adults, the same. -- Mason Cooley
  • He who protests is an enemy; he who opposes is a corpse. -- Pol Pot
  • What makes America great is peaceful protests and exercising your constitutional rights. -- Matthew Dowd
  • I made no more protests. What was the use of struggling against fate -- Robert Graves
  • The pessimism that protests and defends itself cannot be truly said to be pessimism. -- Miguel de Unamuno
  • Communicating a passionate response to world events is no longer limited to protests and rallies. -- Rosalind Wiseman
  • Anti-Muslim protests represent a fringe of our society that's seeking to promote hatred and division. -- Tim Soutphommasane
  • Let death find us as we are building up our matchstick protests against its waves. -- Alain de Botton
  • The main accomplishment of almost all organized protests is to annoy people who are not in them. -- Dave Barry
  • I pulled the trigger twice, cutting off his protests, and Finn joined my lover on the floor. -- Jennifer Estep
  • There haven't been organized protests, but I have heard of protests where people have wanted to celebrate Halloween. -- Lisa Morton
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  • I'm praying for healing for our nation. For retaliation that yields constructive results. Peaceful protests. We need each other. -- Tituss Burgess
  • Prostitution and robbery are two living protests, respectively female and male, made by the natural state against the social state. -- Honore de Balzac
  • Against my protests a mausoleum was built on the Red Square, a monument unbecoming and offensive to the revolutionary consciousness. -- Leon Trotsky
  • Creative activity is not a superimposed, extraneous task against which the body, or brain protests, but an orchestration of ... joyful doing. -- Gyorgy Kepes
  • Animal life, sombre mystery. All nature protests against the barbarity of man, who misapprehends, who humiliates, who tortures his inferior brethren. -- Jules Michelet
  • The body can endure compromise and the mind can be seduced by it. Only the heart protests. The heart. Carbon-based primitive in a silicon world. -- Jeanette Winterson
  • The methods of peaceful protests are not capable of being effective, because in reality most people pay little attention to things that are not abrasive. -- Assata Shakur
  • I'M EMBARRASSED because the looting, violent protests, and law breaking only confirm, and in the minds of many, validate, the stereotypes and thus the inferior treatment. -- Benjamin Watson
  • I was 20 years old when, despite mass protests against military action, Iraq was invaded in 2003 - it didn't make for motivated political participation, I can tell you. -- Romola Garai
  • The genius of America's endless war machine is that, learning from the unpleasantness of the Vietnam war protests, it has rendered the costs of war largely invisible. -- Glenn Greenwald
  • All Egyptians, not only the protestors, have broken through the fear barrier, therefore I expect only one outcome - protests will continue until Mubarak steps down from power. -- Asmaa Mahfouz
  • Tiananmen Square in early 1989 attracted many dreamers like Ma Jian, who returned from Hong Kong to a one-room shack in Beijing in order to join the student protests. -- Pankaj Mishra
  • There are tensions abroad where people don't understand our attachment to the freedom of speech, we've seen the protests, and I would say that in France all beliefs are respected. -- Francois Hollande
  • The president welcomes peaceful protests - it is a time-honored tradition. The president agrees violence is not the answer in Iraq, and that's why he hopes Saddam Hussein will disarm. -- Ari Fleischer
  • If we don't pay attention to [nonviolent protests], they are invisible, and it's as if they never happened. But I have seen first hand that if we do, they will multiply. -- Julia Bacha
  • I love the protests. And if you think about it, what better way to send a message to Wall Street than by sitting in a pup tent banging on a drum. -- David Letterman
  • I think O.J. protests too much. Not only did he say he didn't carve the holiday turkey, but he was in the back yard practicing his golf swing the whole time. -- David Letterman
  • In our constitutional system, the extent of political controversies, including the protests, surrounding a given issue is utterly unrelated to the analysis of legality and should have no effect on any court. -- David B. Rivkin
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  • Power, as it is, has a whole apparatus operating that goes about cutting down, closing doors, so that protests, exercises, platforms, and organizations, such as the Zapatistas, can't grow further in the barrio. -- Bocafloja
  • Too often, young people who are just bursting with idealism either find themselves playing a game for which they have little heart or are hurling themselves into wasteful protests against the so-called Establishment. -- George W. Romney
  • There was no doubt that sooner or later we will fight. But we will fight not in the way of the dissidents' protests. We understood that we needed to be as professional as possible. -- Anatoly Chubais
  • Even if that is so, there will remain A word wakened by lips that perish, A tireless messenger who runs and runs Through interstellar fields, through the revolving galaxies, And calls out, protests, screams. -- Czeslaw Milosz