Processing quotes:

  • Processing the human raw material is naturally more complicated than processing lumber. -- Maxim Gorky
  • The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information, -- George Armitage Miller
  • I had popcorn all over the place, so I decided I might as well be in the Processing Business. -- Orville Redenbacher
  • One of the most important and fascinating of all computer languages is Lisp (standing for "List Processing"), which was invented by John McCarthy around the time Algol was invented. -- Douglas Hofstadter
  • As humanity goes online, it's becoming an extremely advanced, large-scale processing unit. -- Luis von Ahn
  • After ten years of word processing, I can't even do hand writing anymore. -- Douglas Adams
  • We should all grow our own food and do our own waste processing, we really should. -- Bill Gates
  • With a little more tweaking, we could make orange juice in the orange without any packaging or processing. -- Homaro Cantu
  • In treatment, all of the negative things I did were stripped away and I had to start processing my feelings. -- Demi Lovato
  • One of the ultimate challenges for biology is to understand the brain's processing of unconscious and conscious perception, emotion, and empathy. -- Eric Kandel
  • We need a self because the complexity of the chemical processes that make up our individual humanities exceeds the processing power of our brains. -- Mohsin Hamid
  • All physical systems can be thought of as registering and processing information, and how one wishes to define computation will determine your view of what computation consists of. -- Seth Lloyd
  • Some writers can only deal with childhood experience, because it's complete. For another kind of writer, life goes on, and he's able to keep processing that as well. -- V. S. Naipaul
  • Being a good listener is more than just being quiet. It's reflecting back on what you're hearing. It's processing the information to formulate a question, a comment or a speech. -- Shelley Moore Capito
  • I am annoyed by people that send messages via FaceBook because I get an e-mail telling me there is a message on FaceBook - so I end up processing two messages for every one sent. -- Vint Cerf
  • But I always seem to finish a book and then think, oh God, I've got to pay a tax bill, so I'd better write a novel, so I tend not to stop and learn word processing. -- Jilly Cooper
  • But, when we started our product portfolio, we focused the mixed signal requirements first for image processing devices and then in audio applications, targeting our technology into the growing use of digital technology in consumer markets. -- David Milne
  • I damaged all the complicated bits of the brain to do with processing and emotional control. I was prey to every single emotion that swept over me and I couldn't deal with it. I had to re-learn things from scratch. -- Richard Hammond
  • Editing is now the easiest thing on earth to do, and all the things that evolved out of word processing - 'Oh, let's put that sentence there, let's get rid of this' - have become commonplace in films and music too. -- Brian Eno
  • Banks are so protected from liability they would have to really do something that was their mistake in order for them to be liable for it. Banks don't look at signatures. They're processing millions of checks and they have very little liability. -- Frank Abagnale
  • I realized early on, maybe better than some of my competitors did, that a textile business can run only if you have scale. I decided to horizontally and vertically integrate, adding everything from spinning, dyeing, weaving, and stitching to processing and packing. -- Mian Muhammad Mansha
  • Hiring foreigners is more expensive and more difficult than hiring locals, because of the visa fees and long lead times for visa processing. And companies face a backlash by anti-immigrant groups for hiring foreigners. So they do it only because they have to. -- Vivek Wadhwa
  • I spent 20 years doing research on regular and irregular verbs, not because I'm an obsessive language lover but because it seemed to me that they tapped into a fundamental distinction in language processing, indeed in cognitive processing, between memory lookup and rule-driven computation. -- Steven Pinker
  • We believe... that by encouraging critical thinking and processing of knowledge we are creating full, well-rounded human beings... that will enable Qatar to build up its society. You cannot build a healthy society without giving your citizens a sense of ownership. Otherwise, they will not share with you the responsibilities. -- Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
  • Just think of the opportunities we can unlock by making education as addictive as a video game. This type of experiential, addictive learning improves decision-making skills and increases the processing speed and spatial skills of the brain. When was the last time your child asked for help with a video game? -- Naveen Jain
  • Last year, Congress passed a law that directs the Federal Reserve to set limits on debit card swipe fees that are reasonable and proportional to the cost of processing those transactions. Like most Americans, I had no idea that swipe fees charged to American businesses are the highest in the world. -- Peter Welch
  • Post-human intelligence will develop hypercomputers with the processing power to simulate living things - even entire worlds. Perhaps advanced beings could use hypercomputers to surpass the best 'special effects' in movies or computer games so vastly that they could simulate a world, fully, as complex as the one we perceive ourselves to be in. -- Martin Rees
  • The immediacy of the technology of the web allows us, as songwriters, to write something very sharp and quick. That has a lot to do with helping a songwriter be more reflective of reality, instead of being in an area where you have to process things. It's the difference between processing fish and catching it in a boat. -- Chuck D
  • By 2020, most home computers will have the computing power of a human brain. That doesn't mean that they are brains, but it means that in terms of raw processing, they can process bits as fast as a brain can. So the question is, how far behind that is the development of a machine that's as smart as we are? -- Seth Shostak
  • For me, writing is just processing. -- Mary Lambert
  • Ultimately, thinking is a very inefficient method of processing data. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • A lot of the parallel processing software we're currently developing for supercomputers is tantric. -- Frederick Lenz
  • A lot of the parallel processing software we're currently developing for supercomputers is tantric. -- Frederick Lenz
  • Yes, sir, I was in the processing room watching them actually process the film. -- Abraham Zapruder
  • The processing capacity of the conscious mind has been estimated at 120 bits per second. -- Daniel Levitin
  • They're very strong in memory. Didn't do very much in microprocessors or digital signal processing. -- Jack Kilby
  • I also think that [political turmoil] gives artists something, a way of kind of processing. -- Morgan Parker
  • I also do my own processing, so it means a big commitment in lab time. -- Leonard Nimoy
  • The school system is the homogenizing hopper into which we toss our integral tots for processing. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Part of you just has to be in service of processing things and getting them out. -- Regina Spektor
  • Writing is a way of processing our lives. And it can be a way of healing. -- Jan Karon
  • I think that kids have a greater capacity for processing things than we give them credit for. -- Rick Riordan
  • A basic principle of data processing teaches the folly of trying to maintain independent files in synchonism. -- Fred Brooks
  • The Internet challenges traditional ways of distributing and processing information and so encourages new standards and behavior. -- Ethan Zuckerman
  • The ability to create same day straight through processing of mutual fund trades is a matter of will. -- Kenneth C. Griffin
  • To put it bluntly, research shows that we can't multitask. We are biologically incapable of processing attention-rich inputs simultaneously. -- John Medina
  • Minds think with ideas, not information No amount of data, bandwidth, or processing power can substitute for inspired thought. -- Clifford Stoll
  • .....the research on the brain does not validate that we are singularly processing input or learning with a single sensory input. -- Eric Jensen
  • Success is not in the possession of multitudes of dreams; it is in the art of processing dreams into multiple realities! -- Israelmore Ayivor
  • I did everything. I worked at S.S. Kresge, the five-and-dime. I worked in a mailroom. I worked processing insurance claims. -- Grace Hightower
  • Beating a legend is a very good feeling, but internally I was processing the realization that I could compete with anyone. -- Tommy Morrison
  • At extremely high processing speeds we are able to find patterns of order in what other people would perceive as chaos. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • I was processing a lot of different things and kind of looking over a lot of things and rethinking my childhood. -- Baron Vaughn
  • Hunches [are] just messages from the subconscious, which [is] thinking furiously all the time and processing information we have not consciously noted. -- Dean Koontz
  • Back in the 70s it cost 15-20$ a shot for the film, the processing, and the contact sheet, now it's twice that. -- Stephen Shore
  • The era of industrial Britain, where a large section of our workforce provided cheap labour in factories and processing goods, is over. -- Lucy Powell
  • Love was not specified in the design of your brain; it is merely an endearing algorithm that freeloads on the leftover processing cycles. -- David Eagleman
  • For me, writing essays is very much about processing ideas and offering them up to the reader so that they are fully cooked. -- Meghan Daum
  • Why should physical processing give rise to a rich inner life at all? It seems objectively unreasonable that it should, and yet it does. -- David Chalmers
  • The most powerful political voices are those with a different way of seeing and processing the world and the sounds that emanate from it. -- Saul Williams
  • I automate some tasks and delegate many others. Doing research, job organization, data processing, field surveys, and plan preparation can be tedious, detailed work. -- Mark Mason
  • Thank you industrialization. Thank you steel mill. Thank you power station. And thank you chemical processing industry that gave us time to read books. -- Hans Rosling
  • Movie acting is primarily listening. If you're really engaged, that's all a movie audience wants to see is you processing what's happening in your world. -- Richard Gere
  • If you know that most processing is below the level of awareness, you learn the value of sleep. You're brain is working on the problem anyway. -- David Brooks
  • The only thing that can cause your body to hurt in your energy processing centers, [chakras] is when you are losing Spirit through one of them. -- Gary Zukav
  • Most companies don't have the luxury of focusing exclusively on innovation. They have to innovate while stamping out zillions of widgets or processing billions of transactions. -- Gary Hamel
  • I think that genius comes not just from having great mental processing power. It comes from being able to, as Steve Jobs' ad said, think different. -- Walter Isaacson
  • I deal with this spiritual issue every day - either shooting or processing or sorting or discussing or having conversations - I'm in constant contact with it. -- Leonard Nimoy
  • The incredible processing power of Tegra X1 enables us to bring Doom 3: BFG to Android and we're excited by the possibilities that GRID is bringing to gaming. -- Tim Willits
  • For himself, then. For his idea of the world, a world in which men do not use shovels to beat corpses into a more convenient shape for processing. -- J. M. Coetzee
  • We are a very big mining country and historically have been exporters of raw minerals. There is no particular reason why we should not be processing those further. -- Thabo Mbeki
  • The more we remember, the better we are at processing the world. And the better we are at processing the world, the more we can remember about it. -- Joshua Foer
  • To our dismay, users who had been enduring several hour waits between jobs run under batch processing were suddenly restless when response times were more than a second. -- Fernando J. Corbato
  • To the extent that I considered the personal burden of harming the people who had trusted me, plus the Agency, or the United States, I wasn't processing that. -- Aldrich Ames
  • By far the most common task for which the machines are used is writing - or word processing, as it's known to the same people who call journalism 'content. -- Robert Motherwell
  • An individual's ability to draw is... the ability to shift to a different-from-ordinary way of processing visual information - to shift from verbal, analytic processing to spatial, global processing. -- Betty Edwards
  • The processing of universals is the job of the unconscious. If we feed it the opposite it breaks; when it breaks we break and the people around us break. -- Stefan Molyneux
  • Computers are the central access; information processing based on a spiral network, similar to that which is the chaos of existence itself, the analysis of systems, the interlocking lokas. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Rules are to be initiated for the allotment of scarce raw materials etc; and their use and processing for other than war, or otherwise absolutely vital, goods is prohibited -- Hjalmar Schacht
  • Rules are to be initiated for the allotment of scarce raw materials etc; and their use and processing for other than war, or otherwise absolutely vital, goods is prohibited. -- Hjalmar Schacht
  • I can't say that electronic gear is restrictive. I think it is a challenge to play with electronic gear, and I regularly [perform] concerts with guys who are processing sound. -- Volker Bertelmann
  • Man-made computers are limited in their performance by finite processing speed and memory. So, too, the cosmic computer is limited in power by its age and the finite speed of light. -- Paul Davies
  • The paradigm of the development of natural resource-based industry - meatpacking, lard, timber, iron and coal, grain. Cincinnati's lard processing plants looked a lot like JDR's oil refineries thirty years later. -- Charles R. Morris
  • Refuse to allow yourself to become a vegetable that simply absorbs information, pre-packaged, pre-ideologized , because no message.. is anything but an ideological package that has gone through a kind of processing. -- Edward Said
  • I came up with the idea for what later became Paychex in 1970 when I was working for Electronic Accounting Systems, a company that sold payroll processing to companies with 50 to 1,000 employees. -- Tom Golisano
  • While it is true that we must seek value added industries like food processing plants and call center operations, we must do what is necessary to expand and develop our economic profile. -- Alan Autry
  • If we had a hard time, my mother would sit me down and we would talk about it, and she kept talking and kept processing until we started to laugh about it. -- Liza Minnelli
  • In the broad sense, as a processing of everything one hears or witnesses, all fiction is autobiographical - imagination ground through the mill of memory. It's impossible to separate the two ingredients. -- Rohinton Mistry
  • Agribusiness and food processing are important parts of modernizing our economy, of modernizing our agriculture and moving into a phase where a more modernized agriculture helps not only farmers but also helps consumers. -- Manmohan Singh
  • I think I'm going to cry, this is crazy." "No, you're just processing. Go ahead and cry." "I thought men got nervous around crying females." "I'm a Marine, remember? We're trained to handle anything. -- Jayne Ann Krentz
  • When you go through all your life processing and abusing your hair so it will look like the hair of another race of people then you are making a statement and the statement is clear -- Assata Shakur
  • A lot of evidence shows that most of our cognitive processing is unconscious - phenomenal experience is just a very small slice or partition of a much larger space in which mental processing takes place. -- Thomas Metzinger
  • I have trouble sleeping, at the end of the night. There's a lot of stimulus and my brain is processing a lot of different arcs and personalities. I'm always processing things, so I don't sleep. -- Tatiana Maslany
  • When it came to adults, it was better not to talk. They had a way of hearing one thing and processing it as something else. No reason to give them an excuse to hurt you. -- Alexandra Bracken
  • Years ago a statistician might have claimed that statistics deals with the processing of data. . . to-days statistician will be more likely to say that statistics is concerned with decision making in the face of uncertainty. -- Herman Chernoff