Pedestal quotes:

  • I tended to place my wife under a pedestal. -- Woody Allen
  • A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space. -- Gloria Steinem
  • We are coming down from our pedestal and up from the laundry room. -- Bella Abzug
  • The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead. -- William Lloyd Garrison
  • I don't want to be put on a pedestal. I just want to be reasonably successful and live a normal life with all the conveniences to make it so. -- Althea Gibson
  • If you're put on a pedestal, you're supposed to behave yourself like a pedestal type of person. Pedestals actually have a limited circumference. Not much room to move around. -- Margaret Atwood
  • I was writing a chapter of Beautiful Evidence on the subject of the sculptural pedestal, which led to my thinking about what's up on the pedestal - the great leader. -- Edward Tufte
  • The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos. -- Stephen Jay Gould
  • I've learned that being a celebrity is like being a sacrificial lamb. At some point, no matter how high the pedestal that they put you on, they're going to tear you down. -- Megan Fox
  • Take motherhood: nobody ever thought of putting it on a moral pedestal until some brash feminists pointed out, about a century ago, that the pay is lousy and the career ladder nonexistent. -- Barbara Ehrenreich
  • I need privacy. I would think that because what I do makes a lot of people happy that I might deserve a little bit of respect in return. Instead, the papers try to drag me off my pedestal. -- Jim Carrey
  • I am and always will be a sinner. But that's the beautiful thing about Jesus. I'll always try to be a better person in the eyes of God. But I'm not all of a sudden stepping up on a pedestal and saying I'm holier than thou, 'cause I'm not! -- Billy Ray Cyrus
  • I like to literally put women on a pedestal -- Vivienne Westwood
  • A man who builds his own pedestal had better use strong cement. -- Anna Quindlen
  • Humor distorts nothing, and only false gods are laughed off their earthly pedestals. -- Agnes Repplier
  • I'm not set on a pedestal where I think I'm too high and mighty. -- Naomi Campbell
  • Men have to descend from their pedestal and learn how to be more broadminded and spiritual. -- Indra Devi
  • I'm not better than anyone else. I'm not supposed to be on a pedestal. I've always stayed away from that. -- Barry Sanders
  • For the first year of marriage I had basically a bad attitude. I tended to place my wife underneath a pedestal. -- Woody Allen
  • The moment you put someone on a pedestal they will look down upon you. The trick is respecting each other equally. -- Teresa Mummert
  • Hollywood people want to build you up and make you famous only to knock you off you're the pedestal they built for you. -- Morgan Brittany
  • Here lies a toppled god. His fall was not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, A narrow and a tall one. -- Frank Herbert
  • While people who are enlightened are worthy of respect, to put them on a pedestal is a mistake. To undervalue them is also a mistake. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • A writer is hoisted up onto a pedestal only to scrutinize him more closely and conclude that it was a mistake to put him up there in the first place. -- Simone de Beauvoir
  • You know it's never fifty-fifty in a marriage. It's always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. Someone falls in love first. Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. Someone works very hard to keep things rolling smoothly; someone else sails along for the ride. -- Jodi Picoult
  • You have set up in New York Harbor a monstrous idol which you call Liberty. The only thing that remains to complete that monument is to put on its pedestal the inscription written by Dante on the gate of hell: All hope abandon ye who enter here. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society's heroes. -- Guy Kawasaki
  • I think... I'm perceived as an everyperson. There is no pedestal. I'm no different from anybody else. -- Sarah McLachlan
  • After momma gave birth to 12 of us kids, we put her up on a pedestal. It was mostly to keep Daddy away from her. -- Dolly Parton
  • It's still a mystery to me, but even though my mother was like an older sister to me, I kind of put her up on a pedestal. -- Steven Spielberg
  • I don't want to be put on a pedestal. I want to be known as a nice and normal person, but my skills are a little more excelled. -- Misty May-Treanor
  • We like to put people on a pedestal, give them one character trait, and if they step outside of that shrinelike area that we blocked out for them, then we will punish them. -- Madonna Ciccone
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  • You get built up and put on a pedestal and then people want to bring you down. It can be hurtful. Some people try to make me look bad or not a nice person but it's completely false. -- Avril Lavigne
  • The habit of collecting, of attachment to things, is an essential human trait. But Western civilization put collecting on a pedestal by inventing museums. Museums are about representing power. It could be the king's power or, later, people's power. -- Orhan Pamuk
  • It's one thing I like about America - they respect the sportsman. They put them up on a pedestal. They don't try to knock them down. And that's a great thing, to be respected by the whole country. It's so patriotic! -- David Beckham
  • When you're growing up, your dad is your superhero. Once you've let yourself fall that in love with someone, once you put him on such a high pedestal and he lets you down, you never want to experience that pain again. -- Jay-Z
  • I did a couple of movies in Brazil, and the actors were incredibly congenial and hung out together a lot. Even the biggest stars would do radio commercials - they're not put on a pedestal like they are in the United States. -- Alan Arkin
  • It's interesting in American culture. We like to build people up and then push them off the pedestal, and then we want to see them come back. Like Britney Spears, and a lot of people, it's what we do, and it's not like that in other parts of the world. -- Simon Rex
  • If we can take young people who excel at the highest levels, put them on the same kind of pedestal as the all-state basketball player and the all-state football player, and begin to get the same kind of recognition, it will have a profound effect, and we are finding that it does. -- Benjamin Carson
  • A pedestal is the most insidious prison ever devised. -- Neal Shusterman
  • Men put me on a pedestal, then never come to visit. -- Sharon Stone
  • When greatness descends from its lofty pedestal, it assumes human dimensions. -- Louise Colet
  • The removal of Bill Cosby from his cultural pedestal seems pretty complete. -- Melissa Harris-Perry
  • Obviously, everyone loves someone who appreciates you and puts you on a pedestal. -- Kevin Drew
  • Rock'n'roll to me is a rebellion against the sterile pedestal culture of movies. -- Juliette Lewis
  • I'm not the kind of guy who wants to be on a pedestal. -- Billy Joel
  • Many have lived on a pedestal who will never have a statue when dead. -- Pierre-Jean de Beranger
  • The artist stands on the human being as a statue does on a pedestal. -- Novalis
  • I don't like putting people on a pedestal, I think ideas are more exciting -- Adrian Grenier
  • ...I put you on the pedestal - made you a saint - dare I blaspheme?... -- John Geddes
  • I asked for bread, and I got a stone in the shape of a pedestal. -- Louisa May Alcott
  • Shoes must have very high heels and platforms to put women's beauty on a pedestal. -- Vivienne Westwood
  • May heaven protect us, cher monsieur, from being set on a pedestal by our friends!!! -- Albert Camus
  • It's always better to step down from the pedestal than to be pulled off of it. -- Max Lucado
  • When love ends, the beloved is no longer standing on a pedestal, but in a hole. -- Mason Cooley
  • Any party that would put Sarah Palin up on a pedestal will never have my support. -- Jesse Ventura
  • Success serves men as a pedestal. It makes them seem greater when not measured by reflection. -- Joseph Joubert
  • Having advanced to the limit of boldness, child, you have stumbled against the lofty pedestal of Justice. -- Sophocles
  • Shoes are just a pedestal. What interests me is the power of the woman who wears them. -- Christian Louboutin
  • Women are not ladies. The term connotates females who are simultaneously put on a pedestal and patronized. -- Cynthia Heimel
  • Spoons and skimmers you can be undistinguishably together; but vases and statues require each a pedestal for itself. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The tomb is the pedestal of greatness. I make a distinction between God's great and the king's great. -- Walter Savage Landor
  • Don't put yourself on a pedestal. Because it's very easy for someone to knock you off. It's balance. -- Rob Halford
  • Today they're praising you sky high, place you on a pedestal and tomorrow they don't want to know you. -- Mark McGrath
  • No woman allows her lover to descend from his pedestal. Even a god is not forgiven the slightest pettiness. -- Honore de Balzac
  • I believe you should place a woman on a pedestal: high enough so you can look up her dress. -- Steve Martin
  • To be famous is to stand on a pedestal and give the world permission to tell you all your flaws. -- Chris Colfer
  • Religion is the mortar that binds society together; the granite pedestal of liberty; the strong backbone of the social system. -- Thomas Guthrie
  • I think we do people a great disservice by putting them on a pedestal and not allowing them to be human. -- Linda D. Thompson
  • The True Artist has the planet for his pedestal; the adventurer, after years of strife, has nothing broader than his shoes. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Of the thousands who have paid homage to virtue, barely one has thought to inspect the pedestal on which it stands. -- Frances Wright
  • The true artist has the planet for his pedestal; the adventurer, after years of strife, has nothing broader than his shoes -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Lesson learned: Don't ever put a guy up on a pedestal. It's too easy for him to tip over and fall off. -- Kate Madison
  • I feel like role models today are not meant to be put on a pedestal. But more like angels with broken wings. -- Tupac Shakur
  • When people get placed upon a pedestal - when they start chasing after that person on the pedestal - they become mannequin-like. -- Ichiro Suzuki
  • The pedestal is immobilizing and subtly insulting whether or not some women yet realize it. We must move up from the pedestal. -- Wilma Scott Heide
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  • The normal press cycle is to put a company on a pedestal and then knock it down. It's much more interesting that way. -- Biz Stone
  • When you let people put you up on a pedestal, you step one step in any direction, and you're going to go down. -- James Dobson
  • Love is when someone puts you on a pedestal and yet when you fall, they're there to catch you anyway.' - Tara Daniels -- Jill Shalvis
  • The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal. -- Criss Jami
  • Part of what I try to do in schools is take poetry off of a pedestal and make it a little more accessible and approachable. -- Sarah Kay
  • After Momma gave birth to twelve of us kids, we put her up on a pedestal. It was mostly to keep Daddy away from her. -- Dolly Parton
  • While people who are enlightened are worthy of respect, to put them on a pedestal is a mistake. To undervalue them is also a mistake. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • The main function of the museum has been to serve as a pedestal upon which a clique of socialites pose as patrons of the arts -- Albert C. Barnes
  • I don't want to be put on a pedestal. I don't want to be anything other than what we are. I want to just be a woman. -- Charlize Theron
  • When the Chinese suspect someone of being a potential troublemaker, they always resort to one of two methods: they crush him, or they hoist him on a pedestal. -- Lu Xun
  • I cannot pretend to do sculpture and make a woman the ridiculous pedestal of my pretensions. To render clothing poetic, yes--but one must preserve its dignity as clothing. -- Yves Saint Laurent
  • People who only listen to preachers have a tendency to put them on a pedestal, but those who live with preachers recognize that they are just common men. -- Paul Washer
  • I was on a Japanese designers' pedestal - considered a maestro. My design was getting closer to a couturier's work, and I felt like I was missing something. -- Yohji Yamamoto
  • People see you sing in a certain way, in a long dress, and you are put on a pedestal like you have never made a mistake in your life. -- Katherine Jenkins
  • I don't think any player lives up to his potential, because people out there put you so high on a pedestal, you'll never be as good as they expect. -- Eric Davis
  • On what does the Christian argument for Immortality really rest? It stands upon the pedestal on which the theologian rests the whole of historical Christianity-the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. -- William Henry Drummond
  • I used to say I wanted to genuflect to a woman, put her up on a pedestal higher and higher, way up beyond my grasp...Then I'd find another one. -- Al Pacino
  • Putting something called Nature on a pedestal and admiring it from afar does for the environment what patriarchy does for the figure of Woman. It is paradoxical act of sadistic admiration. -- Timothy Morton
  • He who is continually changing his point of view sees more, and more clearly, than one who, statue-like, forever stands upon the same pedestal; however lofty and well-placed that pedestal may be. -- Arthur Helps
  • I know that Instagram belongs to Facebook, so I cannot really stand on a political pedestal and say, "I'm against Facebook!" But I haven't wanted to be on Facebook from the beginning. -- Camille Henrot
  • If you had a large vase with a big crack down the middle of it, a Japanese art museum would put the vase on a pedestal and shine a spotlight on the crack! -- Arielle Ford
  • Possibly the only thing we Notekillers place on a higher pedestal than music is laughs, so, of course, we also know that the idea of the title is a kind of humorous futility. -- David First
  • I think celebrities are kind of put up on a pedestal and we don't really know much about them. I feel like my fans know every part of me because I've shown them. -- Shane Dawson
  • We are not the same India that the world saw in the 1970s and '80s. Hence, we have a responsibility to live up to the pedestal on which we have been put. -- N. R. Narayana Murthy
  • It's a disservice, really, when we put celebrated people on a pedestal and don't allow them to be human. It's a very lonely experience for the individual. It's not a sustainable way to live. -- Linda D. Thompson
  • Liberalism, the dominant ideology of our time, has been dangerously distorted by the impact of economism. It is that impact which has knocked the citizen off his pedestal and replaced him with the consumer. -- Larry Siedentop
  • The greatest honor that can be paid to the work of art, on its pedestal of ritual display, is to describe it with sensory completeness. We need a science of description. Criticism is ceremonial revivification. -- Camille Paglia