Overthrow quotes:

  • Overthrowing capitalism is too small for us. We must overthrow the whole...patriarch! -- Gloria Steinem
  • How to Overthrow the System: brew your own beer; kick in your Tee Vee; kill your own beef; build your own cabin and piss off the front porch whenever you bloody well feel like it. -- Edward Abbey
  • The aim of my life is the overthrow of monarchy. -- Karl Liebknecht
  • I don't want to overthrow the government. I wanna fire 'em. -- Gallagher
  • I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
  • Law represents the effort of man to organize society; governments, the efforts of selfishness to overthrow liberty. -- Henry Ward Beecher
  • Technological 'revolutions' don't really overthrow anything - they simply append a new and dynamic market to that which went before. -- Nathan Myhrvold
  • In the human heart new passions are forever being born; the overthrow of one almost always means the rise of another. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Instead of establishing facts, we have to overthrow errors; instead of ascertaining what is, we have to chase from our imaginations what is not. -- Frances Wright
  • The character and fight against fascism moved centre stage when, in 1936, Franco attempted to overthrow by force the Popular Front Government of Republican Spain. -- Bill Alexander
  • We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • The theory of rights enables us to rise and overthrow obstacles, but not to found a strong and lasting accord between all the elements which compose the nation. -- Giuseppe Mazzini
  • Honduras is strongly anti-Communist, maintains no diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, and has provided vital support for United States-backed rebels fighting to overthrow the Sandinistas in neighboring Nicaragua. -- Stephen Kinzer
  • Our goal is not to crush the enemy at any price, but to make it realize that it is illegal to take up arms to overthrow a democratically elected government. -- Jose Eduardo Dos Santos
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  • We revolutionaries acknowledge the right to revolution when we see that the situation is no longer tolerable, that it has become a frozen. Then we have the right to overthrow it. -- Ernst Toller
  • Death be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so. For, those, whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow. Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me. -- John Donne
  • We can't fool ourselves that they will ever be enough to overthrow Capitalism. If we're serious about that we need to organise ourselves in our workplaces and communities, making the links with other workers internationally. -- John Blair
  • This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • Paradoxically, resource-rich developing countries are often worse off than comparable countries that lack those resources. One reason for this is that large resource endowments provide a huge financial incentive for attempts to overthrow the government and seize power. -- Peter Singer
  • There is a question for which we will never know the answer: had the U.S. not launched the Contra war to overthrow the Sandinista government, would they have succeeded in bringing socioeconomic justice to the people of Nicaragua? -- Bianca Jagger
  • The Emancipation Proclamation is predicated upon the idea that the President may so annul the constitutions and laws of sovereign states, overthrow their domestic relations, deprive loyal men of their property, and disloyal as well, without trial or condemnation. -- Melville Fuller
  • Islam is a violent, I was going to say religion, but it's not a religion. It's a political system. It's a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and world domination. That is the ultimate aim. -- Pat Robertson
  • The Arab Spring showed that people are not going to wait for an American president to make good on his big talk about democracy and human rights; they are going to fight for those rights themselves and overthrow pro-American dictators who stand in their way. -- Pankaj Mishra
  • I think that American presidents, that position in itself, as well as American foreign policy, it has terrorism in it. CIA agents going to overthrow certain governments - they're using terrorist tactics. They're not going in there like, 'Hey, you wanna have some cake?' -- Lupe Fiasco
  • Before the Second World War, L'Oreal in France was an active supporter of the French fascists. The cosmetic group's founder Eugene Schueller was an active member of the 'Cagoule' group, committed to the violent overthrow of the Third Republic, and hosted meetings at Oreal headquarters. -- Geoff Mulgan
  • What has history said of eminence without honor, wealth without wisdom, power and possessions without principle? The answer is reiterated in the overthrow of the mightiest empires of ancient times. Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome! The four successive, universal powers of the past. What and where are they? -- Orson F. Whitney
  • We have to overthrow the idea that it's a diversion from 'real' work when scientists conduct high-quality research in the open. Publicly funded science should be open science. Improving the way that science is done means speeding us along in curing cancer, solving the problem of climate change and launching humanity permanently into space. -- Michael Nielsen
  • Reason can wrestle and overthrow terror. -- Euripides
  • Many strokes overthrow the tallest oaks. -- John Lyly
  • They've come to overthrow the court, sir! -- Samuel Parris
  • I understand you undertake to overthrow my undertaking. -- Gertrude Stein
  • Suppress prostitution, and capricious lusts will overthrow society. -- Saint Augustine
  • Aristocracy and exclusiveness tend to final overthrow, in language as in politics. -- William Dwight Whitney
  • The Church is not called to overthrow government but to influence culture. -- John Paul Warren
  • Christ is the Divine answer to the Devil's overthrow of our first parents. -- Arthur W. Pink
  • Every African has a responsibility to understand the system and work towards it's overthrow. -- Walter Rodney
  • Though Fortune's malice overthrow my state, My mind exceeds the compass of her wheel. -- William Shakespeare
  • No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. -- Assata Shakur
  • The idea of perfection can be a tyrant you should overthrow, to gain your freedom. -- Kate Grenville
  • I hate every violent overthrow, because as much is destroyed as is gained by it. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • If vanity does not entirely overthrow the virtues, at least it makes them all totter. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • It is easy to overthrow a government but very difficult to build a new one ... -- Pearl S. Buck
  • We seek not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow those who would prevert it. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • If we don't overthrow capitalism, we don't have a chance of saving the world ecologically. -- Judi Bari
  • A noble mind disdains to hide his head, And let his foes triumph in his overthrow. -- Robert Greene
  • Such simple instincts as bees making a beehive could be sufficient to overthrow my whole theory. -- Charles Darwin
  • Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • I can see that in certain political situations you have to use force to overthrow police states. -- Pierre Trudeau
  • It's embarrassing ... you try to overthrow the government and you wind up on the Best Seller's List. -- Abbie Hoffman
  • Imagining the overthrow of the current political system is the only way I can be enthused about politics. -- Russell Brand
  • This we learn from Watergate that almost any creep'll be glad to help the Government overthrow the people. -- Yip Harburg
  • This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government. -- Bryan Fischer
  • As for his evil tidings, Belshazzar's overthrow, Why hurry to tell Belshazzar What soon enough he would know? -- Robert Frost
  • I have at least, as I hope, done good service in aiding to overthrow the dogma of separate creations. -- Charles Darwin
  • Men are almost always cruel in their neighbors' faults; and make others' overthrow the badge of their own ill-masked virtue. -- Philip Sidney
  • I see for Nature no defeat In one tree's overthrow Or for myself in my retreat For yet another blow. -- Robert Frost
  • Let us overthrow the totems, break the taboos. Or better, let us consider them cancelled. Coldly, let us be intelligent. -- Pierre Trudeau
  • When leaders betray their people and the people don't overthrow them, it's not just the leaders who should be blamed. -- Sergei Lukyanenko
  • This doctrine of polygamy, or spiritual wife-system, that has been taught and practiced among us, will prove our destruction and overthrow. -- Joseph Smith, Jr.
  • I am struggling to maintain the government, not to overthrow it. I am struggling especially to prevent others from overthrowing it. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • Till swollen with cunning, of a self-conceit, His waxen wings did mount above his reach, And, melting, Heavens conspir'd his overthrow. -- Christopher Marlowe
  • Did [Hillary Clinton] short-circuit when she advocated for the overthrow of [Muamar] Gaddafi and Libya is now an Islamic State stranglehold? -- Rudy Giuliani
  • But whether the resistance against government tyrants is non-violent or physically violent, the effort to overthrow state oppression qualifies as true patriotism. -- Ron Paul
  • Sometimes I ask myself whether [Indira Gandhi] had, even then, a certain contempt for the system she represented and, years later, would overthrow. -- Oriana Fallaci
  • A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. -- Samuel Adams
  • Is there any chance you'd overthrow the tyrannical Beast Lord and his psychotic consort?" "Yeah, I want a vacation." -Kate & Curran to Jim -- Ilona Andrews
  • Amin hid nothing. Everybody knew everything. Yet the American Senate only introduced a resolution breaking off trade with Amin three months before his overthrow. -- Ryszard Kapuscinski
  • The object of any tyrant would be to overthrow or diminish trial by jury, for it is the lamp that shows that freedom lives. -- Patrick Devlin, Baron Devlin
  • Any serious effort to reform the media system would have to necessarily be part of a revolutionary program to overthrow the capitalist system itself. -- Robert Waterman McChesney
  • The upper class desire to remain so, the middle class wish to overthrow the upper class, and the lower class want a classless system. -- George Orwell
  • The revolution begins at home. If you overthrow yourself again and again, you might earn the right to help overthrow the rest of us. -- Rob Brezsny
  • You have to learn how to stay in a good mood as you overthrow the sour, puckered hallucination that is mistakenly referred to as reality. -- Rob Brezsny
  • Whenever we propose a solution to a problem, we ought to try as hard as we can to overthrow our solution, rather than defend it. -- Karl Popper
  • After September 11, when the United States took action to overthrow the Taliban, our interests and Iran's aligned, and we were able to coordinate quietly but effectively. -- Earl Blumenauer
  • If we were born to overthrow the order of ignorance and injustice of the world, it's our job to realize it and get down to business. -- Steven Pressfield
  • Second-wave feminists didn't look for an overthrow of patriarchy. Instead, they analyzed what they were up against and fought it in all of its varied manifestations. -- Cynthia Kauffman
  • [T]he people as ultimate sovereigns, retain the ultimate power - and even the duty - to overthrow any government that fails to respect their authority. -- Glenn Reynolds
  • The central event of the twentieth century is the overthrow of matter. ...The powers of the mind are everywhere ascendant over the brute force of things. -- George Gilder
  • How is it that we can militarily overthrow a military government like Iraq, yet we can't militarily keep illegalities (drugs and aliens) from crossing our borders? -- Chuck Norris
  • Those are my enemies: they want to overthrow and to construct nothing themselves. They say: "All that is worthless"--and want to create no value themselves. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • A nation that cannot preserve itself ought to die, and it will die - die in the grasp of the evils it is too feeble to overthrow -- Morris Sheppard
  • They who prematurely put themselves forward to root out whatever is displeasing to them overthrow the judgment of God and rashly intrude upon the office of angels. -- John Calvin
  • We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behavior. -- John R.W. Stott
  • To overthrow the power of the bourgeoisie and to establish the power of the proletariat in one country still does not signify the full victory of Socialism. -- Leon Trotsky
  • We must allow the Word of God to confront us, to disturb our security, to undermine our complacency and to overthrow our patterns of thought and behavior. -- John R.W. Stott
  • This is not 1968 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia, where Russia can threaten its neighbors, occupy a capital, overthrow a government, and get away with it. Things have changed. -- Condoleezza Rice
  • From the days of Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx... this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society... has been steadily growing. -- Winston Churchill
  • The great and good ends proposed by the Illuminati, as the ultimate objects of their union, are the overthrow of religion, government, and human society civil and domestic. -- Timothy Dwight IV
  • A secret combination that seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries is increasing in its evil influence and control over America and the entire world. -- Ezra Taft Benson
  • Alas, poor men, their destiny. When all goes well a shadow will overthrow it. If it be unkind one stroke of a wet sponge wipes all the picture out. -- Aeschylus
  • The point is, Sin is now going to try to overthrow me again and take my place. Do you know what that means? (Artemis) There will be much rejoicing? (Kat) -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • [The overthrow of the Castro regime] is the top priority of the US government. - all else is secondary - no time, no effort, or manpower is to be spared. -- Robert Kennedy
  • I put it (a still life of a pear, made by Manet, ed.) there (on the wall, next to Ingres' Jupiter, ed.), for a pear like that would overthrow any god. -- Edgar Degas
  • I've never conspired to overthrow the government; all I did was report on the Arab Spring and suggest that something similar might happen in Ethiopia if the authoritarian regime didn't reform. -- Eskinder Nega
  • Treat with utmost respect your power of forming opinions, for this power alone guards you against making assumptions that are contrary to nature and judgments that overthrow the rule of reason. -- Marcus Aurelius
  • Question (from a reader) : Will the Wise Goddess Athena overthrow Zeus and become the ruler of Olympus? Athena's answer : What an interesting idea . . . No, just kidding, Dad. Put away the lightning bolt. -- Rick Riordan
  • The most effective indirect approach is one that lures or startles the opponent into a false move - so that, as in ju-jitsu, his own effort is turned into the lever of his overthrow. -- B. H. Liddell Hart
  • The first big dramatic push in the Haitian Revolution was to overthrow the slave regime and we have to remember this was really the first place where there was a large scale emancipation experiment. -- Laurent Dubois
  • Technology and the Internet are not just changing politics here in the U.S. It's also happening abroad. In the Philippines, where I grew up, grassroots organizers used text messaging to help overthrow a president. -- Jose Antonio Vargas
  • Establish that a Government may decline a provision for its debts, though able to make it, and you overthrow all public morality, you unhinge all the principles that must preserve the limits of free constitutions. -- Alexander Hamilton
  • ...the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things... They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. -- Karl Marx