Nuclear Weapon quotes:

  • Only in America can you be Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-War, Pro-Unmanned Drone Bombs, Pro-Nuclear Weapons, Pro-Guns, Pro-Torture, Pro-Land Mines, AND still call yourself 'Pro-Life.' -- John Fugelsang
  • If Iran gets a nuclear weapon, its influence and that of Hamas and Hezbollah are strengthened. -- Elliott Abrams
  • Iran has the technology to produce the highly enriched uranium, which is not automatically meaning nuclear weapon. -- Mohamed ElBaradei
  • The Russians and the Chinese have been absolutely clear they don't want to see Iran with a nuclear weapon. -- Hillary Clinton
  • The risk of just one terrorist with just one nuclear weapon is a risk we simply cannot afford to take. -- John O. Brennan
  • When George W. Bush came into office, North Korea had maybe one nuclear weapon and verifiably wasn't producing any more. -- Noam Chomsky
  • There's detailed information on how to assemble a nuclear weapon from parts. There's books about how to build a nuclear bomb. -- Irwin Redlener
  • I think that Iran with a nuclear weapon is extremely destabilizing. I think it could precipitate a nuclear arms race in the region. -- Robert M. Gates
  • As a nuclear power - as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon - the United States has a moral responsibility to act. -- Barack Obama
  • My greatest fear is the Iranians acquire a nuclear weapon and give it to a terrorist organization. And there is a real threat of them doing that. -- John McCain
  • So, we need to delegitimize the nuclear weapon, and by de-legitimizing... meaning trying to develop a different system of security that does not depend on nuclear deterrence. -- Mohamed ElBaradei
  • We were fortunate to have the Russians as our childhood enemies. We practiced hiding under our desks in case they had the temerity to drop a nuclear weapon. -- Kary Mullis
  • On the nuclear issue, the first point is that the entire world must recognize that Iran does not seek a nuclear weapon, nor shall it seek a nuclear weapon. -- Hassan Rouhani
  • If we have isolated individuals able to inflict enormous harm, imagine what a single lunatic can do with a nuclear weapon. I think the whole base of civil society is at risk. -- Joshua Lederberg
  • I think the Iranians are clearly determined to have a nuclear program. And we have to assume that with a nuclear program they have the capability and the will to create a nuclear weapon. -- Colin Powell
  • We estimate that once Iraq acquires fissile material - whether from a foreign source or by securing the materials to build an indigenous fissile material capability - it could fabricate a nuclear weapon within one year. -- John Bolton
  • The Iranian regime gives financial support to terrorist organizations all over the world, denies the Holocaust, and calls for the wiping the state of Israel from the map, while developing long-range missiles and trying to obtain nuclear weapon. -- Moshe Katsav
  • The United States, and the president's made this clear, does not want Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. That's a red line for us. And it's a red line obviously for the Israelis so we share a common goal here. -- Leon Panetta
  • I'm absolutely convinced that the threat we face now, the idea of a terrorist in the middle of one of our cities with a nuclear weapon, is very real and that we have to use extraordinary measures to deal with it. -- Dick Cheney
  • And also, we are providing, you know, a nuclear power plant in the north, two light water systems, so some 4 or 5 billion dollars we are providing to meet with North Korean requests on the condition North Korea will not produce a nuclear weapon. -- Kim Dae Jung
  • The two biggest threats to international security in 2013 are Iran getting a nuclear weapon, and Iran being bombed to stop it getting a nuclear weapon. Both would precipitate a long and dangerous conflict in an already unstable Middle East. Both would be a disaster. -- David Miliband
  • All nuclear weapon states should now recognize that this is so, and declare - in Treaty form - that they will never be the first to use nuclear weapons. This would open the way to the gradual, mutual reduction of nuclear arsenals, down to zero. -- Joseph Rotblat
  • Our bottom line, if you want to call it a red line, president's bottom line has been that Iran will not acquire a nuclear weapon and we will take no option off the table to ensure that it does not acquire a nuclear weapon, including the military option. -- Susan Rice
  • It used to be you needed to have a very large sophisticated state before you could even have a nuclear weapon... Now the technology is widespread enough. It doesn't take very many people to be able to cobble together a devastating attack, and all it takes is one. -- Dick Cheney
  • If Iran becomes a nuclear weapon state it is the end of non-proliferation as we know it. If Iran gets a nuclear weapon you are likely to see Saudi, Egypt and other countries follow suit and we will bequeath to the next generation a nuclear arms race in the world's most unstable region. -- Liam Fox
  • My red line is Iran may not have a nuclear weapon. It is inappropriate for them to have the capacity to terrorize the world. Iran with a nuclear weapon or with fissile material that can be given to Hezbollah or Hamas or others has the potential of not just destabilizing the Middle East. -- Mitt Romney
  • The most dangerous thing Iraq could have ever had was a nuclear weapon. The nuclear weapon Iraq was trying to build was not deliverable by bomb or ballistic missile. It was a large, bulky device that they hoped to bury and set off to let the world know they had a nuclear weapon. They never achieved that. -- Scott Ritter
  • I`m determined that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon. -- Joe Manchin
  • If the Iranians were to have a nuclear weapon they could proliferate. -- George W. Bush
  • The nuclear weapon is obsolete. I want to get rid of them all. -- Chuck Horner
  • The biggest weapon of mass destruction in history is the AK-47, not Iranian nuclear weapons. -- Guy Lawson
  • The United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. -- Barack Obama
  • [Should] Iraq acquire fissile material, it would be able to build a nuclear weapon within a year. -- George W. Bush
  • I very strongly supported the agreement which makes certain that Iran does not get a nuclear weapon. -- Bernie Sanders
  • Iran is five to 10 years away from having a nuclear weapon. We have time to try diplomacy. -- Joseph Cirincione
  • Before I even came into office, I said that preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon was a priority. -- Barack Obama
  • My comedy is a nuclear bomb inside my mind. It's a weapon that's never been tested. It just blows up and flattens everybody. -- Paul Mooney
  • The fundamental premise is that neither the United States or the international community is going to allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. -- Leon Panetta
  • If you're Iran's minister of defense, I think you'd try to develop at least one nuclear weapon to save yourself from what happened to Iraq. -- George McGovern
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  • What we have is North Korea still pursuing path to a nuclear weapon state. So the majority of people's trust in North Korea has gone down considerably. -- Lee Myung-bak
  • The nuclear bomb is the most useless weapon ever invented. It can be employed to no rational purpose. It is not even an effective defense against itself. -- George F. Kennan
  • Nobody in the Senate on a bipartisan fashion trusts the Iranians. They lie. They cheat. They're a murderous regime. They've been trying to develop a nuclear weapon. -- Lindsey Graham
  • If the North Korean side shows no sincerity in solving the nuclear weapon, abduction and missile issues, then the likelihood of normalization of diplomatic relations is very slim. -- Koichi Haraguchi
  • We call upon the nuclear-weapon states to immediately cease their plans to further invest in modernizing and extending the life span of their nuclear weapons and related facilities. -- Mohammad Javad Zarif
  • The Iranians have shared every weapon they've ever developed with terrorist organizations. I fear they would share nuclear technology with a terrorist organization that would one day come here. -- Lindsey Graham
  • If the perpetrators of the World Trade Center plane crashes had a nuclear weapon, there's no doubt in my mind but that they would've detonated it in New York. -- Ted Turner
  • We do know, with absolute certainty, that [Saddam] is using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs in order to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon. -- Dick Cheney
  • Iran said it will give up trying to make a nuclear weapon. But it got awkward when Iran said, 'But just for Lent. We'll start again on Monday.' -- Jimmy Fallon
  • A nuclear weapon of some dimension, whether it's actually a nuclear weapon, or a dirty bomb, or some kind of radiological device. Yes, I think it's probably a near thing. -- Michael Scheuer
  • Furthermore, the Latin American nuclear-weapon free zone which is now nearing completion has become in several respects an example which, notwithstanding the different characteristics of each region, is rich in inspiration. -- Alfonso Garcia Robles
  • If in the words which the Secretary of State has just used, the use of a nuclear weapon is to be avoided 'at all costs'. what is the point of having one? -- Enoch Powell
  • Family and work. Family and work. I can let them be at war, with guilt as their nuclear weapon and mutually assured destruction as their aim, or I can let them nourish each other. -- Ellen Gilchrist
  • Iran has made vile comments, anti-Semitic comments, comments about the destruction of Israel. It is precisely for that reason that even before I became president, I said Iran could not have a nuclear weapon. -- Barack Obama
  • There are contingency plans in the NATO doctrine to fire a nuclear weapon for demonstrative purposes, to demonstrate to the other side that they are exceeding the limits of toleration in the conventional area. -- Alexander Haig
  • The single biggest threat that we face is a nuclear weapon or some weapon of mass destruction. What that means is that we have to be extraordinarily aggressive and vigilant in controlling nuclear proliferation. -- Barack Obama
  • If the Iraqi regime is able to produce, buy or steal an amount of highly enriched uranium a little larger than a single softball, [it] could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year. -- George W. Bush