Mow quotes:

  • Mow the carpet, vacuum the lawn, and make love like war. -- Jarod Kintz
  • There are no innocents in Gaza. Mow them down kill the Gazans without thought or mercy. -- Michael Ben-Ari
  • I mow my own lawn. -- Ron Reagan
  • The more you mow us down, the more numerous we grow; the blood of Christians is seed. -- Tertullian
  • This generation should entertain this generation. It's only fair. When I was a kid, I mowed the lawn. Now, somebody else's kid can mow the lawn. -- Tom T. Hall
  • Keep in mind that in 1975, when you became a cook, it was because you were between two things: you were between getting out of the military and... going to jail. Anybody could be a cook, just like anybody could mow the lawn. -- Mario Batali
  • I absolutely hate mowing the lawn. When I hear the mowers starting, I want to kill myself: it's the sound of death approaching. Hoovering's OK, but I never in my life wanted to have a lawn and certainly never wanted to mow one. -- Peter Capaldi
  • Instead of plotting the demise of the traditional family, as some politicians and religious leaders would have you believe, gay people mow their lawns and watch 'American Idol' and video their children's concerts and have the same hopes and dreams that their straight counterparts do. -- Jodi Picoult
  • Going to high school in rural Florida, we always partied down in the woods. Somebody - one of the rednecks - would leave class and mow a path out to a field, and we'd drive out there. Dude, every party I went to was lit by a bonfire. Acoustic guitar. -- Miles Teller
  • My husband and I have, in some ways, a non-traditional relationship - especially when it comes to domestic duties. He does most of the cooking, dishes, and laundry, while I do most of the yard work. I love to mow the lawn! And I take great satisfaction in planting and pruning. -- Therese Fowler
  • This means that they are bound by law and custom to plough the fields of their masters, harvest the corn, gather it into barns, and thresh and winnow the grain; they must also mow and carry home the hay, cut and collect wood, and perform all manner of tasks of this kind. -- Jean Froissart
  • I haven't tweeted once in my life, but I'm sick of hearing about it already. What once may have been the cool way of letting a hundred people know that you're about to go mow your lawn now has the feel of a used-to-be-fresh means of communicating. So yesterday, like two-way pagers. And AOL. -- John Ridley
  • We didn't have a whole lot of money when I was growing up either. I would always ask for magic books or magic tricks for my birthday or for Christmas and the rest of the year I either had to mow lawns or find part time jobs to help supplement the cost of doing magic. -- Lance Burton
  • When I was a young actor in Vienna, already my hair was falling out at a rapid rate. I went to a doctor, who said hair was like grass: if you mow it, then it grows back stronger. So I went to Brittany, where nobody knew me, and I shaved my head. When it grew back - only the fringes! -- Otto Preminger
  • You don't mow another man's lawn! -- Billie Joe Armstrong
  • To review ones store is to mow twice. -- George Herbert
  • Why did God create men? Because vibrators can't mow the lawn. -- Madonna Ciccone
  • The grass is always greener once you don't have to mow a lawn anymore. -- R. K. Milholland
  • God will not speak to me and tell me to mow my lawn today. -- Ian Bogost
  • Why wait for Death to mow? why wait for Death to sow us in the ground? -- Hilda Doolittle
  • You might be a redneck if it's easier to spray weed killer on your lawn than mow it. -- Jeff Foxworthy
  • When I'm looking for an idea, I'll do anything--clean the closet, mow the lawn, work in the garden. -- Kevin Henkes
  • Even if you think the grass is greener on the other side, you're going to have to mow that side too. -- Joyce Meyer
  • Everybody knows how lazy he is. One day the neighbors saw Fang mow the lawn and I got three Get Well cards. -- Phyllis Diller
  • --
  • One legged veterans will greet the dawn, and they're whistling marches as they mow the lawn, and the gargoyles on sit and grieve. -- Phil Ochs
  • Grow the lawn and mow the lawn always keep the TV on, brush your teeth and kill the germs, poison apples, poison worms. -- Trenton Lee Stewart
  • There are no innocents in Gaza, don't let any diplomats who want to look good in the world endanger your lives - mow them down! -- Michael Ben-Ari
  • No one wakes up and says, "Yay I get to mow the lawn!" But if I can find meaning there, then there's nowhere I can't find meaning. -- Ian Bogost
  • I'm not saying find someone and ask them if you can mow their grass for ten dollars. I'm saying find weeds that need pulling and pull them. -- Andy Andrews
  • Can you drive any faster?" Tohr demanded. "I got the pedal to the medal" The angel looked back. "And I don't care what I have to mow over -- J.R. Ward
  • The problem with the drone is it's like your lawn mower. You've got to mow the lawn all the time. The minute you stop mowing, the grass is going to grow back. -- Bruce Riedel
  • A jet plane cannot mow the lawn, but it can fly to distant destinations. Don't worry so much about what you can't do; just do what you can as only you can do it. -- Dan Millman
  • There were neighbors that I played with and did all the things that children do. I did mow the lawn. I did help with various things that needed to be done to occupy my time. -- Paul Smith