Maternity Leave quotes:

  • My maternity leave will be a few weeks long, and I'll work throughout it. -- Marissa Mayer
  • I'm not taking maternity leave from 'Big Brother.' I e-mailed my boss over there this weekend and I said, 'Don't worry. I can still do the show! -- Julie Chen
  • It's interesting that there's so many different sides of this: Women get frustrated that we don't get paid enough; and then the Republicans or the CEOs that are men say, "Well, it's because women take off time for maternity leave." -- Jennifer Lawrence
  • Every time a woman leaves the workforce because she can't find or afford childcare, or she can't work out a flexible arrangement with her boss, or she has no paid maternity leave, her family's income falls down a notch. Simultaneously, national productivity numbers decline. -- Madeleine M. Kunin
  • Maternity leave is over for Tina Fey of Saturday Night Live. She'll be back behind the Weekend Update anchor desk for this week's episode, her first show since giving birth to daughter Alice on Sept. 10. I had to get back to work, .. NBC has me under contract; the baby and I have only a verbal agreement. -- Tina Fey
  • Many of our problems in US maternity care stem from the fact that we leave no room for recognizing when nature is smarter than we are. -- Ina May Gaskin
  • I have proposed maternity leave for mothers whose employers do not provide it. -- Donald Trump
  • Maternity leave and parental leave is absolutely vital for strengthening families. It's an issue for men and women. -- Quentin Bryce
  • Voluntary paid maternity leave: yes; compulsory paid maternity leave: over this Government's dead body, frankly. It just won't happen. -- Tony Abbott
  • For women who have children, the economic difficulty of sustaining a life as an artist maybe makes it impossible. There's no maternity leave, there's no pension. -- Elizabeth Price
  • If salary is your most important consideration, make sure you don't take too much time off beyond the allotted 12-14 weeks of maternity leave - and certainly don't leave altogether. -- Jean Chatzky
  • Look at Gwyneth Paltrow and my favourite, Kate Winslet. No one ever says, 'Oh, she's making a comeback.' To my mind, I just went on maternity leave and reported back to work. -- Karisma Kapoor