Losing Yourself quotes:

  • The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have. -- Norman Vincent Peale
  • You better lose yourself in the music -- Taylor Swift
  • Whatever happens, just keep smiling and lose yourself in Love. -- Rumi
  • Lose yourself in the music, the moment - you own it. -- Eminem
  • When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • Authentic human interactions become impossible when you lose yourself in a role. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • You lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you -- Tablo
  • If you realize what the real problem is-losing yourself-you realize that this itself is the ultimate trial. -- Joseph Campbell
  • once you lose yourself, you have two choices: find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely. -- H. G. Wells
  • Lose yourself in generous service and every day can be a most unusual day, a triumphant day, an abundantly rewarding day! -- William Arthur Ward
  • The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too. -- Ernest Hemingway
  • Eminem's 'Lose Yourself' is my go-to song to pump myself up if I'm having a tough time or if I get really nervous right before a speech. -- Sara Blakely
  • When you lose all sense of self the bonds of a thousands chains will vanish. Lose yourself completely, return to the root of the root of your own soul. -- Rumi
  • When I feel like I'm doing my best work, there is a bit of a freedom, a bit of flight that you're not so much losing yourself but you're sort of in the zone -- Chris Cooper
  • it is nice that nobody writes as they talk and that the printed language is different from the spoken otherwise you could not lose yourself in books and of course you do you completely do. -- Gertrude Stein
  • You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo -- Eminem
  • I've always found as an actress that the best thing to do in film or TV or theater is just to lose yourself in it. Think of the story, the character, the worlds we're in, and forget everything else. -- Helen Mirren
  • Meditation is not a selfish thing. Even though you're diving in and experiencing the Self, you're not closing yourself off from the world. You're strengthening yourself, so that you can be more effective when you go back into the world. -- David Lynch
  • Once you have made a careful decision based on facts, go into action. Don't stop to reconsider. Don't begin to hesitate, worry, and retrace your steps. Don't lose yourself in self-doubting which begets other doubts. Don't keep looking back over your shoulder. -- Dale Carnegie
  • To me there is in happiness an element of self-forgetfulness. You lose yourself in something outside yourself when you are happy; just as when you are desperately miserable you are intensely conscious of yourself, are a solid little lump of ego weighing a ton. -- Joseph Priestley
  • You will not be able to stay home, brother./You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out./You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip,/Skip out for beer during commercials,/Because the revolution will not be televised. -- Gil Scott-Heron
  • When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him, you will see yourself. As you treat him, you will treat yourself. As you think of him, you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself. -- Marianne Williamson
  • This is a very important practice. Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself. When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger, and desire, you run away from yourself and you lose yourself. The practice is always to go back to oneself. -- Nhat Hanh
  • If you travel a lot, if you like roaming about in order to lose yourself, you can end up in the strangest places. I think it must be a kind of built-in radar, which often takes me to places that are either peculiarly quiet or peculiar in a quiet sort of way. -- Wim Wenders
  • Giving yourself permission to lose guarantees a loss. -- Pat Riley
  • You have to lose yourself to find yourself. -- Willem Dafoe
  • Sometimes you kind of lose yourself in someone else's personality. -- Julie London
  • Lose not yourself in a far off time, seize the moment that is thine. -- Friedrich Schiller
  • I think you can lose yourself more easily in a film than in the theater. -- Pauline Collins
  • The key thing about a book is that you lose yourself in the author's world. -- Jeff Bezos
  • My mom always says, 'If you don't believe in something, you'll lose yourself completely.' -- Hilary Duff
  • You must lose yourself if you want to be successful in animation and be the character. -- Lucille Bliss
  • The blues is losing someone you love and not having enough money to immerse yourself in drink. -- Henry Rollins
  • I think we've moved to thinking of parenting and pregnancy as something in which you should lose yourself. -- Emily Oster
  • Losing yourself in the character opens you up in a way that no amount of precise preparation can. -- Ana Gasteyer
  • I learned with 'Birdman' that it's liberating when you just lose yourself and go after something that terrifies you. -- Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
  • If you lose, it hurts, but as long as you have fought hard, you can still feel good about yourself. -- Ivan Lendl
  • When you get a role, you completely lose yourself in it. That's one of the great things about acting - letting yourself go. -- Molly Quinn
  • People aren't defined by their relationship. The whole point is being true to yourself and not losing yourself in relationships, whether romances or friendships. -- Nina Dobrev
  • I think you can lose yourself in any creative activity - if you enjoy your job or enjoy a task, you can lose yourself in that. -- Maria Bamford
  • Here's a secret: Everyone, if they live long enough, will lose their way at some point. You will lose your way; you will wake up one morning and find yourself lost. This is a hard, simple truth. -- Nick Flynn
  • Well, love is insanity. The ancient Greeks knew that. It is the taking over of a rational and lucid mind by delusion and self-destruction. You lose yourself, you have no power over yourself, you can't even think straight. -- Marilyn French
  • Find yourself by losing yourself for others. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Humility is losing yourself in the doing of serving. -- James MacDonald
  • There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • The only person you should ever fear losing in a relationship is you yourself. -- Miya Yamanouchi
  • Commitment means losing yourself to gain something temporary. Nothing lasts. Not looks. Not love. -- Ellen Hopkins
  • Finding who you are means losing yourself, and letting the Creator put you back together! -- Mary Kate
  • There's nothing like losing yourself in someone else's troubles to make you forget your own. -- Therese Anne Fowler
  • Aren't you afraid?' 'Of what?' 'Of losing yourself.' 'That's what I'm hoping for. -- Maggie Stiefvater
  • Losing hope is not so bad. There's something worse: losing hope and hiding it from yourself. -- Walker Percy
  • If you don't do something special against Chris Evert you find yourself losing concentration after 35 shots. -- Julie Heldman
  • Once you start losing reality, when you start losing reality with yourself, sometimes people just get dizzy. -- DJ Khaled
  • The better question to ask yourself is: How to correct your diet so you can start losing weight? -- Vinnie Tortorich
  • When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. -- Sun Tzu
  • To Dare is to risk losing your foothold for a moment, Not to Dare is to risk losing yourself. -- Soren Kierkegaard
  • The splendid thing about education is that everyone wants it. Like influenza, you can give it away without losing any of it yourself. -- Evelyn Waugh
  • Books mean all possibilities. They mean moving out of yourself, losing yourself, dying of thirst and living to your full. They mean everything. -- Ali Smith
  • People aren't defined by their relationships. The whole point is being true to yourself and not losing yourself in relationships, whether romances or friendships. -- Nina Dobrev
  • To converse with Scandal is to play at Losing Loadum, you must lose a good name to him, before you can win it for yourself. -- William Congreve
  • It's wrenching enough to lose the man who is your lover, your companion, your best friend, the father of your children, without losing yourself as well. -- Lynn Caine
  • If you repeat yourself, then I think you're in danger of losing that fan base, because if you're not interesting yourselves, you're not interesting your audience. -- Martin Gore
  • A player who makes a team great is more valuable than a great player. Losing yourself in the group, for the good of the group, that's teamwork. -- John Wooden
  • You can only really judge yourself in comparison to other people. How bad you are, but you're not as bad as someone else. So it's degrees of losing. -- John Cusack
  • Being a Buddhist monk means never losing one's optimism in spite of all difficulties. It also means being harder on yourself than any of your teachers ever were. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Being a Buddhist monk means never losing one's optimism in spite of all difficulties. It also means being harder on yourself than any of your teachers ever were. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Who are you if you lose your favorite person? Can you lose your favorite person without losing yourself? I reach for Stargirl and she's gone. I'm not me anymore. -- Jerry Spinelli
  • Being irrational and out of control is what happens in real life. Not cautiously choreographing your anger or your emotions, losing yourself in them is what happens in real life. -- Margot Robbie