John Kennedy quotes:

  • I had been in so many towns and cities in America with John Kennedy, but I was not with him in Dallas, Texas, on November 21, 1963. -- Pierre Salinger
  • The grand jury, composed of 12 eminent New Orleans citizens, heard our evidence and indicted the defendant for participation in a conspiracy to assassinate John Kennedy. -- Jim Garrison
  • The most intimidating world leader was Lyndon Johnson, who became U.S. President when John Kennedy was assassinated. He exulted in this power and liked to inspire fear. -- Paul Johnson
  • If Obama's vision of the public sector is socialism, then so too were the visions of Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon. -- Jeff Greenfield
  • John Kennedy really did extend the reach of the American people and said, like Lincoln said in a way, that our reach is farther than our grasp - and we should aim high. -- Richard Dreyfuss
  • We don't really know who killed Martin Luther King. We don't really know who killed Bobby Kennedy. We don't really know who killed John Kennedy. We don't really know who killed Tupac Shakur. -- Cynthia McKinney
  • Since the emergence of the Republican Party, only two Democratic presidents, Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, have been followed by Democrats, and both FDR and JFK died in office, so their successors ran as incumbents. -- George Will
  • There's a great book about John Kennedy and his relationship to civil rights called 'The Bystander.' The title alone suggests that he did as little as possible, any minimal critical effort, to really facilitate civil rights in the White House. -- Michael Eric Dyson
  • Did you ever stop to thnk about all the people we kill? They're always people who tell us to live together in harmony and try to love one another: Jesus, Ghandi, Lincoln, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, John Lennon. They all said: 'Try to live together peacefully.' BAM! Right in the f--in head! Aparently we're not ready for that! -- George Carlin
  • What TV was to John Kennedy, Facebook is to Obama. -- Daniel Lyons
  • I believe Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill John Kennedy. I believe that. -- Jesse Ventura
  • In the case of Marilyn and John Kennedy, I think they did affect change. -- Sally Kirkland
  • I would like to see 'A Confederacy of Dunces' by John Kennedy Toole adapted. -- Tamara Feldman
  • Splatter the brain matter of my enemies, with the same bullet trajectory that murdered John Kennedy -- Canibus
  • At the time of his death, John Kennedy had a national security establishment that was a writhing ball of snakes. -- Charlie Pierce
  • George' exploits John Kennedy Jr.'s cult of celebrity at a time when Americans are hungry for icons, not heroes. -- Nina Easton
  • Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy, -- Joe Biden
  • Certainly I think the election of John Kennedy and all he stood for was one that really was an inspiration. -- Birch Bayh
  • The murder of John Kennedy in broad daylight in the streets of an American city remains, to me, an unsolved crime. -- Charlie Pierce
  • John Kennedy won the first televised presidential debate among those watching it, while Richard Nixon won among those listening on the radio. -- Susan Estrich
  • Robert Frost's triumph was not being at John Kennedy's inauguration ceremony, but the day when he put the last period on "West-Running Brook. -- Joseph Brodsky
  • John Kennedy had so many different medical problems that began when he was a boy. He started out with intestinal problems... spastic colitis. -- Robert Dallek
  • Declassified papers report that John Kennedy was taking eight different medications a day. He was so wasted, his Secret Service code name was Ted Kennedy. -- Craig Kilborn
  • John Kennedy led us on a journey to discover the moon. Obama needs to lead us on a journey to rediscover, rebuild and reinvent our own backyard. -- Thomas Friedman
  • Kennedy had been assassinated a month or so before. So we walked to the grave of John Kennedy and ended our walking symbolically at the Arlington National Cemetery. -- Satish Kumar
  • You have had presidential candidates over the last 30 years who would have had a very hard time getting nominated under the old system. One example is John Kennedy. -- Michael Beschloss
  • Like John Kennedy in 1960, Obama combines youth, vigor, and good looks with the promise of political change. Like Kennedy, he grew up in unusual circumstances that distance him from ordinary American life. -- Virginia Postrel
  • If one person in America had starved over the last 20 years, you, reader, would know his name. The media would see to that. It would be the most thoroughly documented death since John Kennedy's. -- Joseph Sobran
  • Ever since John Kennedy, Democrats have had a weakness for dashing younger men like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and, I suppose, Jimmy Carter. They balance their tickets with senior statesmen - Lyndon Johnson, Joe Biden, Walter Mondale. (Al Gore was young but played ancient). -- Joe Klein
  • Movies, TV, sports, come and go, but what you stand for is what people remember. Mandela, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy are people who really stood for something and were willing to die for it. You don't see a whole lot of that any more. -- Christopher Judge
  • By every measure, John Kennedy's sex life was compulsive and reckless. At one level, it had clear public consequences. Knowledge of Kennedy's behavior gave FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover absolute job security, as well as the potential power to derail Kennedy's re-election had he survived assassination. -- Jeff Greenfield
  • I told them how excited I would be to go into space and how thrilled I was when Alan Shepard made his historic flight, and when John Kennedy announced on the news that the men had landed safely on the moon, and how jealous I was of those men. -- Christa McAuliffe
  • Rock stars generally don't last in the Senate, starting with John Kennedy. Too much work, too slow, too little juice. Getting something accomplished takes a remarkable amount of tedious work. Rock stars who become senators either run for something else or retire on the job. They certainly don't make a mark. -- Susan Estrich
  • My recurring nightmare is that someday I will be faced with a panel: Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson all of whom will be telling me everything I got wrong about them. I know that Johnson's out there saying, 'Why is it that what you wrote about the Kennedys is twice as long as the book you wrote about me? -- Doris Kearns Goodwin
  • My recurring nightmare is that someday I will be faced with a panel: Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson all of whom will be telling me everything I got wrong about them. I know that Johnson's out there saying, 'Why is it that what you wrote about the Kennedys is twice as long as the book you wrote about me?' -- Doris Kearns Goodwin
  • When John Kennedy attempted to take the government back from the back from the robber barons, he was brutally murdered. The message to future US president and leaders across the world was clear: do as you're told, or die. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the last true president of the United States. And until the globalists are removed from power, we will never have another real one. -- Alex Jones
  • To know John Kennedy, as I did, was to understand the true meaning of the word. He understood that courage is not something to be gauged in a poll or located in a focus group. No adviser can spin it. No historian can backdate it. For, in the age old contest between popularity and principle, only those willing to lose for their convictions are deserving of posterity's approval. -- Gerald R. Ford
  • Mark my words.It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. -- Joe Biden
  • I certainly think Obama is the most hopeful president I've seen in the country since John Kennedy. -- John Irving
  • My dad took me to John Kennedy's inauguration when I was 8. We come every time, Republican and Democrat, because of this great country. -- John Barrasso
  • I respect John Kennedy for saying that he had a dream that we'd go to the moon before the end of the decade. -- John Catsimatidis
  • I think I'm the only president other than John Kennedy who had both parents alive during the presidency. -- George W. Bush
  • Originally, John Kennedy was going to come speak, and then Lyndon Johnson. Because it was October of '62, neither made it because of the Cuban missile crisis. -- David Maraniss
  • I'm old enough to remember John Kennedy sending a few advisers into Vietnam. I'm very worried we'll get in and we'll get mired down in something we don't have any idea what to do [with]. -- Jim McDermott
  • The pattern of American presidential elections is that the more optimistic candidate, whether it's John Kennedy and let's get America moving again, Ronald Reagan, it's morning in America, or Barack Obama, yes, we can, always wins, or nearly always wins. -- Mark Shields
  • Despite everybody who has been born and has died, the world has just gone on. I mean, look at Napoleon -but we went right on. Look at Harpo Marx -the world went around, it didn't stop for a second. It's sad but true. John Kennedy, right? -- Bob Dylan
  • We were all involved in the death of John Kennedy. We tolerated hate; we tolerated the sick stimulation of violence in all walks of life; and we tolerated the differential application of law, which said that a man's life was sacred only if we agreed with his views. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • ["John F. Kennedy" movie] was just really clever storytelling. -- Rob Lowe
  • is reminded that [John Kerry, D-MA] really just a better-looking Ted Kennedy, a richer Michael Dukakis. -- Laura Ingraham
  • The election of John F Kennedy will lead to the death of a free church and a free state. -- W. A. Criswell
  • In the [John F.] Kennedy case, I believe the absence of a conspiracy can be proved to a virtual certainty. -- Vincent Bugliosi
  • I made four films on John F. Kennedy, filmed when he was running for office, in office, and after his death. -- Robert Drew
  • Ted Kennedy is endorsing John Kerry and I'm wondering, do you really want the endorsement of a guy with a Bloody Mary mustache? -- David Letterman
  • [John F.Kennedy] liked fresh company, new people to come visit and then leave. ... I think he liked the protection of numbers too. -- Chris Matthews
  • I came to political consciousness with John F. Kennedy's magnificent 1961 Inaugural Address. It seemed the start of something fresh and exciting, and it was. -- Joe Klein
  • During the Cuban Missile Crisis, decisions made by President John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev could have plunged both countries into thermonuclear war. -- Ronald Kessler
  • I could do John Wayne, Jack Benny, Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and entertain my friends. But I never seriously considered it as a career choice. -- Phil Hartman
  • Every year since 1990, the Gallup poll has asked Americans to assess all the presidents since John F. Kennedy. And every year, Kennedy comes out on top. -- Robert Dallek
  • [John F. Kennedy] was Arthur, the guy in the middle of the room with all the swords pointed at him. ... He wanted control of the situation. -- Chris Matthews
  • Presidents in both parties - from John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan - have known that our free-enterprise economy is the source of our middle-class prosperity. -- Marco Rubio
  • I've been a fascinated observer of grand public funerals since I was a kid, starting with the life-altering black-and-white images of President John F. Kennedy's funeral. -- David Horsey
  • I feel like the fellow in jail who is watching his scaffold being built." (On construction of reviewing stands for inauguration of his successor John F Kennedy) -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • [Senators John Kerry & John Edwards] have risen high in Democratic polls with a brand of class resentment and soak-the-rich rhetoric rooted in the old-fashioned liberalism of Ted Kennedy. -- William Safire
  • Some presidents, such as Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy, are political sailors - they tack with the wind, reaching difficult policy objectives through bipartisan maneuvering and pulse-taking. -- Douglas Brinkley
  • It is essential for politicians to make a connection with us, as Franklin Roosevelt did, as Teddy Roosevelt did, as John F. Kennedy did, as Ronald Reagan did. -- Peter Jennings
  • The White House used to belong to the American people. At least that's what I learned from history books and from covering every president starting with John F. Kennedy. -- Helen Thomas
  • Dear God, please take care of your servant John Fitzgerald Kennedy. -- Jackie Kennedy
  • [On John F. Kennedy:] ... now he is a legend when he would have preferred to be a man. -- Jackie Kennedy
  • I'm gonna say that I have followed every presidential campaign since the campaign of President [John F.] Kennedy in 1960. -- John Lewis