Independents quotes:

  • Embryonic stem cell research wears no political stripes - it is embraced by conservatives, liberals, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. -- Diana DeGette
  • We may be a nation of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, but first and foremost we are all human beings and Americans. -- Emanuel Cleaver
  • I can tell you if you look at the polls, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, they do not think we should increase the debt limit. -- Jim DeMint
  • Millions of Americans are standing up and saying, 'We want our country back!' Republicans, Democrats, Independents, will not go down the path of Greece, we will not go quietly into the night. -- Ted Cruz
  • The men and women who lived through and came to our rescue on 9/11 were not Democrats or Republicans or Independents. They were Americans first and foremost, and so were the people they saved. -- Kirsten Gillibrand
  • This is not the time for partisan bickering. This is not the time for politics as usual. Some of us are Democrats. Some of us are Republicans. Some of us are Independents. Above all, we must be Oklahomans first. -- Brad Henry
  • We tend in this country to talk about Democrats and Republicans, and think there's little group over there called Independents that's maybe 2%. That is not the case, and it has not been the case for most of modern American history. -- Adam Davidson
  • People are coming together - Democrats, Republicans, Independents - all of us to reject hate and division. -- Hillary Clinton
  • While Republican voters have remained universally supportive of their President, Democrats and Independents are returning to a more naturally critical stance. -- Thomas E. Mann
  • It is remarkable to me that both parties are so out of touch with the American people, both Democrats, Republicans and Independents, we all feel the same way. -- Glenn Beck
  • According to today's Los Angeles Times, Gray Davis now gets negative job ratings from white people, black people, Latinos, Republicans, Independents and even Democrats. Say what you want about the guy but he's a uniter! -- Jay Leno
  • According to a new poll, Republicans are more likely to have a doughnut for breakfast, while Democrats prefer to eat bagels and croissants. While Independents are that annoying friend who's still looking at the menu after 15 minutes. -- Jimmy Fallon
  • This Ted Cruz guy, I mean, he incurred the wrath, really, of his own party. They don't like him. Democrats hate him. Independents hate him. Republicans hate him. Even Miley Cyrus, he's the one guy she refuses to lick. -- Bill Maher
  • We need independents, we need the GOP, we need Reagan Democrats. -- Sarah Palin
  • Whether we're Democrats or Republicans or independents, we have to learn to hang together or we're gonna hang separately. -- Parker Palmer
  • Yes, I'm a Judeo-Christian. Jesus and Moses are in my heart, and... both of them were independents, by the way. -- Kinky Friedman
  • Candidates and their consultants keep making the same mistake. They assume that all independents are bundled neatly together ideologically between Republicans and Democrats. -- John Sununu
  • Independence doesn't - doesn't equate to moderates. Millions of independents are pro-life. Millions of independents believe marriage is between a man and a woman. -- Gary Bauer
  • Frankly, if independents and Democrats want to work with us on conservative ideas, I can do that better at Heritage than as a partisan inside. -- Jim DeMint
  • I understand people, and I think that my life and my history and what I represent can relate to a lot of the women, the independents, the moderate voters. -- Mia Love
  • We know that the far left and their media allies can't beat us on the issues, so instead they'll distort our records. Let's not do the job for them, OK, Republicans? OK, independents? -- Sarah Palin
  • Committed partisans are generally the most knowledgeable voters, independents the least. And the more political knowledge people have, the more apt they are to discuss politics with people who agree with, and reinforce, them. -- George Will
  • I don't think American independent films have ever really been particularly experimental, except for the original guys from the '60s who were huge influences, like Stan Brakhage, Robert Breer, and Stan van der Beek. They were the true independents. -- Gus Van Sant
  • What I like about Bain Capital is that we have Republicans, we have Democrats, we have independents; we are a diverse firm in terms of political views. But what we do is we sit down and we try to solve the problems. -- Stephen Pagliuca
  • Because of my New Line upbringing, half my heart goes to scrappy independents, and half goes to mainstream, down-the-middle pop culture events. And even with those, to try to keep something fresh and original with them and try to do things that the majors miss. -- Michael De Luca
  • Democrats, independents, Republicans, all of us Americans who love our country. What a wonderful time to come together and really just count our blessings. And to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for us and for this country and all those freedoms we love. -- Robert Hurt
  • A candidate who tries to steer a path down the middle in an effort to 'win independents' runs the risk of convincing everyone that they have no core values. As much as - or more than - any other voters, independents want to see conviction and authenticity. -- John Sununu
  • As far as acting in films, there is not much out there that is very interesting to do. The ones that are interesting to me are independent films and they have trouble raising money. With people putting their money into blockbusters, there is not much left for the independents. -- Karen Allen
  • I was at the end of the studio system so when I walked into movies, I had a magnificent suite in which I had a living room and a kitchen and a complete makeup room. I had everything just for me. With the independents, you're kind of roughing it, literally. -- Tippi Hedren
  • I did about 10-12 national commercials and then got one line parts in things like 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' and the show 'The Unit.' Got a little part in the movie 'Redbelt' by David Mamet and kept slowly grinding up and then started getting bigger parts in independents and getting noticed by Liz Meriwether. -- Jake Johnson
  • I think it's clear to me that what - when I look at the tea party, it's about one-third Democrat, one-third Republican, one-third independents. But 100 percent of them are sure that the agenda that is taking place in Washington, D.C., is about extremism and is about bankrupting this country and every state within this country. -- Jeff Sessions
  • There is no war on women. Women are doing well. But women are thoughtful. And what we in the Republican Party and across the country, Republican, Independents and Democrat women say is we're more thoughtful than a label. We care about jobs and the economy and healthcare and education. We care about a lot of different things. -- Nikki Haley
  • I've done so many independents for so many years. Leads that nobody's seen. -- Sam Rockwell
  • We'll get things done together. Democrats, Republicans, independents, we're going to make progress together when I'm president. -- Hillary Clinton
  • He who wins the independents wins the White House. That's a liberal Democrat trick, by the way. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • He who wins the independents wins the White House. That's a liberal Democrat trick, by the way. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • There may be a sense in the electorate, especially among independents that President Obama has overreached in some ways. -- Michael Fullilove
  • Democrats, Republicans, independents, people across America. If you don't vote for me, I still want to be your president. -- Hillary Clinton
  • The fact is, I can vote for anybody; independents, Republicans, Democrats. But I'm a registered Democrat in the District of Columbia. -- Ron Suskind
  • Intellectuals incline to be individualists, or even independents, are not team conscious and tend to regard obedience as a surrender of personality. -- Harold Nicolson
  • The question is whether voters, particularly independents, believe that Obama truly values personal liberty and responsibility as much as the government-bought safety net. -- Ron Fournier
  • The press lost credibility with Republicans and independents during the Obama years, setting itself up for the damage that's going to be done during the Trump years. -- Ari Fleischer
  • With independents[films] you sort of make them on the go and there is that little bit more creative freedom. You don't have the money to slow down! -- Jennifer Aniston
  • I did seven indies because the independent market used to be a lot better before all the stars were doing independents. As a beginning actor, that's where you started. -- Josh Holloway
  • It's hard selling books in general: companies are merging, editors being laid off, bricks-and-mortar bookstores closing, large chain bookstores squeezing out independents, and online retailers squeezing out chain bookstores. -- Christina Baker Kline
  • I have friends with deals, both major and indie, and the ones on majors never seem as happy, and quite frankly aren't making music as strong as those on independents. -- Raheem Jarbo
  • I love the grandiosity of Hollywood movies, and even in independents, I love the canvas you can tell your story on. I love fiction filmmaking, you really feel like you're creating something. -- George Hickenlooper