Incoming quotes:

  • Incoming is not the thing you want to hear at Christmas. -- Robin Williams
  • In general, any incoming administration must carefully examine ('vet') its nominees for high public office. -- Richard V. Allen
  • I have directed all of my cabinet to work to prepare a transition plan for the incoming administration. -- Scott McCallum
  • Sooner or later the space program will need to save us by detecting and deflecting an incoming asteroid. -- Nathan Myhrvold
  • If I had to give one piece of advice to incoming college freshmen, I'd say always be true to yourself. -- Beverley Mitchell
  • We know this much about how Barack Obama plans to govern: He will deploy the fattest checkbook ever at the disposal of an incoming American president. -- Nina Easton
  • Individual scientists like myself - and many more conspicuous - pointed to the dangers of radioactive fallout over Canada if we were to launch nuclear weapons to intercept incoming bombers. -- John Charles Polanyi
  • The Leader will be a person with the management skills to coordinate the activities of the Team, and to assure that the Team remains faithful to the objectives of the incoming President. -- Richard V. Allen
  • Favoritism' is always a factor, and pressure always build for the appointment of friends of influential supporters of the President, or for the nominees of powerful Member of Congress from the incoming President's party. -- Richard V. Allen
  • The 'transition' involves the transfer of power from one president to another. In recent times, the incoming President has designated a Director of the Transition, a team leader, to oversee and administer the orderly transfer of power. -- Richard V. Allen
  • You probably have to have redundant levee systems with canals in between them, like the Dutch have, to make sure that incoming water is channeled off to areas where you deal with it rather than have it drown you. -- Billy Tauzin
  • Usually, those persons closest to the incoming President will be the main leaders of the Transition effort. They are most familiar with his policies and practices, and are able to interpret his wishes regarding the structure and staffing of the new Administration. -- Richard V. Allen
  • Temporary teams of trusted people are generally sent to all Departments and to major agencies of government to assist in planning and to acquaint the incoming administration with the civil servants and bureaucracy that will remain in place in the new Administration. -- Richard V. Allen
  • Sometimes, of course, there's no quick way to make it through immigration: Different airports have gluts of incoming flights at different times of day, and short of rearranging your flight schedule to ensure you'll land at a low-traffic hour, there's nothing you can do. -- Hanya Yanagihara
  • Flickr was designed partly to market itself. There are a lot features, in place early on, that let people take their photo, upload it to Flickr and post them elsewhere, on their own Web site or their blog, which meant a lot of incoming links. -- Stewart Butterfield
  • Whether wisely or not, one of the first priorities of the incoming Obama administration was to present a package of healthcare benefits, which, to no one's surprise, produced an uproar in Congress and an assortment of polls declaring that the majority of Americans were opposed to it. -- Sherwin B. Nuland
  • We all know the feeling of surrendering to the embedded biases of our devices. We let our cell phones ping us every time there's an incoming message and check our e-mail even when we'd best pay attention to what's going on around us in the real world. We text while driving. -- Douglas Rushkoff
  • We've gotten a long way on missile defense. We know how to do it. We know how to take down incoming warheads, but we need to do a lot more work in order to be - to deploy a system that'll defend the United States against those kinds of limited strikes that might be possible by a nuclear armed North Korea or Iran. -- Dick Cheney
  • Don't censor incoming data through denial. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Don't forget, incoming fire has the right of way. -- Clint Smith
  • Mother's life flowed radiant. Flourescent-tipped waves on incoming tides. -- Maya Angelou
  • Even with painting, even abstract paintings, you need the incoming of, light on the canvas. -- Jean-Luc Godard
  • When words come out of your mouth, do your ears just block all incoming sound waves? -- Amethyst Marie
  • Here's an interesting figure: 43 percent of the incoming congressional freshmen are millionaires. The other 57 percent are Democrats. -- Jay Leno
  • Accumulated wealth is saved by spending just as incoming fresh water is saved by letting out stagnant water. -- Chanakya
  • Goal-setting illuminates the road to success just as runway lights illuminate the landing field for an incoming aircraft -- Nido R Qubein
  • There is only one immutable law in life - in a gentleman's toilet, incoming traffic has the right of way. -- Hugh Leonard
  • Hillary Clinton doesn't give anybody anything. With Hillary Clinton it's all incoming. There's no outgoing, there's no outflow with Hillary Clinton. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Enhanced interrogation gleaned information that saved American lives and - I was informed - prevented incoming terrorist attacks on this country from being successful. -- Mike Pence
  • General [Michael] Flynn has been in touch with diplomatic leaders, security leaders in some 30 countries. That's exactly what the incoming national security advisor should do. -- Mike Pence
  • Conscious people always have a choice of whether to try to modify the actions of people around them or to change their response to the incoming stimuli. -- Ken Keyes Jr.
  • I think that whenever you have got an incoming president of the other side it takes a while for people to reconcile themselves with that new reality. -- Barack Obama
  • I don't read novels whilst I'm writing one; I just haven't got a wide enough brain to concentrate on incoming and outgoing in the same time zone. -- Dawn French
  • I don't think we live in a place where we don't want people to be able to say when they disagree with the president or incoming administration. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • I don't think we live in a place where we don't want people to be able to say when they disagree with the president or incoming administration. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Very well! It shall be as you say. But my son, pray this works. I am praying. I'm talking to you, right? Oh...yes. Good point. Amphitrite - incoming! -- Rick Riordan
  • The amount of information, the amount of incoming that any administration has to deal with today and respond to much more rapidly than ever before, that makes it different. -- Barack Obama
  • His urbane brain cut the most magnificent capers, as, chloroformed by fatigue, it directed its incoming perceptions along the most absurd paths and enjoyed the utter senselessness of its associations. -- Gerhard Roth
  • Our beliefs do not sit passively in our brains waiting to be confirmed or contradicted by incoming information. Instead, they play a key role in shaping how we see the world. -- Richard Wiseman
  • I've always been selective about materials I choose anyways. The incoming calls haven't been projects that I necessarily want to do. Now I can always be called "Emmy winner Regina King." -- Regina King
  • The extraordinary thing that we saw here is the incoming national security adviser, Michael Flynn, basically having a text messages back and forth with the Russian ambassador to the United States. -- Katrina vanden Heuvel
  • [Donald] Trump`s incoming national security adviser, Michael Flynn, spoke on the phone with Russia`s ambassador the same day President Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats and imposed new sanctions on Russia. -- Donald Trump
  • I believe each incoming freshman [in college] must be started at once on his own research project if we are to preserve his secret dream of greatness and make it come true. -- Edwin Land
  • The essence of not its content but its resonance. This is why feeling or sensing things is so important. To sense the resonance of incoming information co-creates a resonant field. -- Jose Arguelles