Hypocritical quotes:

  • We should honor Mother Earth with gratitude; otherwise our spirituality may become hypocritical. -- Radhanath Swami
  • Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
  • The Hippocratic Oath says do no harm. It's the Hypocritical Oath that says do no harm to one's political future. -- Mark McKinnon
  • Man is the only animal that learns by being hypocritical. He pretends to be polite and then, eventually, he becomes polite. -- Jean Kerr
  • Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose the former and have seen no reason to change. -- Frank Lloyd Wright
  • It would be hypocritical of me to use being female in some ways, and diss being female in other ways. It's part of the programme. -- Danica Patrick
  • Yeah, right. I mean, he criticises everybody in the media, then the first thing he does when he finishes is he goes to work for the media. Thompson, too. Hypocritical. -- Ian St. John
  • I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together. -- Marcus Garvey
  • You're my brother." "Those words don't mean anything where we're concerned. We aren't human. Their rules don't apply to us. Stupid laws about what DNA can be mixed with what. Hypocritical, really, considering. We're already experiments. -- Cassandra Clare
  • You can't defend the indefensible - anything you say sounds self-serving and hypocritical. -- Diane Abbott
  • I came to America from Canada because Canada is stultifyingly boring and incredibly hypocritical. -- Shane Smith
  • The attitude we have towards our personal pets as opposed to the animals that suffer under the factory farm is hypocritical and delusional. -- James Cromwell
  • Musicians always come off sounding a little bit pretentious, and a little bit... I don't know, hypocritical, from what they do, talking about strong issues. -- James Iha
  • It's very hypocritical to constantly say, 'We want to keep our kids close,' then send them home with so much homework that family time becomes nonexistent. -- Marcia Gay Harden
  • We have seen enough criminality on the part of government. It is hypocritical to make this allegation against me. They have narrowed the public sphere of influence. -- Edward Snowden
  • Despite the solace of hypocritical religiosity and its seductive promise of an after-life of heavenly bliss, most of us will do anything to thwart the inevitable victory of biological death. -- Jack Kevorkian
  • Congress-these, for the most part, illiterate hacks whose fancy vests are spotted with gravy, and whose speeches, hypocritical, unctuous, and slovenly, are spotted also with the gravy of political patronage. -- Mary McCarthy
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  • I am not afraid of the priests. They have tried upon me all their various batteries, of pious whining, hypocritical canting, lying and slandering, without being able to give me one moment of pain. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • I won't perform in Cuba until there's no more Castro and there's a free Cuba. To me, Cuba's the biggest prison in the world, and I would be very hypocritical were I to perform there. -- Pitbull
  • I don't 'support the troops' or any of those other hollow and hypocritical platitudes uttered by Republicans and frightened Democrats. Here's what I do support: I support them coming home. I support them being treated well. -- Michael Moore
  • If you're going to say to all the people that you're working with, 'We want you to treat the customers honestly; don't lie and don't cheat,' it is somewhat hypocritical if you're not following the same rules. -- James Sinegal
  • Do you think... that men have always massacred each other, as they do today? Have they always been liars, cheats, traitors, brigands, weak, flighty, cowardly, envious, gluttonous, drunken, grasping, and vicious, bloody, backbiting, debauched, fanatical, hypocritical, and silly? -- Voltaire
  • I try to very hard to avoid a situation where I would be eating cat or dog; I've managed to gracefully avoid that. It's hypocritical of me and an arbitrary line, but one that I have managed to avoid crossing. -- Anthony Bourdain
  • We call ourselves public servants but I'll tell you this: we as public servants must set an example for the rest of the nation. It is hypocritical for the public official to admonish and exhort the people to uphold the common good. -- Barbara Jordan
  • We who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad feel that when you try and pass integration laws here in America, forcing white people to pretend that they are accepting black people, what you are doing is making white people act in a hypocritical way. -- Malcolm X
  • Google is a private company. It has the capacity to utilize its massive power for whatever political agenda it chooses. But for it to pretend to be an advocate for Internet freedom while simultaneously disadvantaging messages it finds politically incorrect is deeply hypocritical. -- Ben Shapiro
  • I want to learn about a different religion. I grew up Catholic, but my grandfather was Jewish. Knowledge about other religions can help you understand your own better. I think it's kind of hypocritical to believe one thing and don't know about any others. -- Mandy Moore
  • I wore black because I liked it. I still do, and wearing it still means something to me. It's still my symbol of rebellion -- against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others' ideas. -- Johnny Cash
  • Every individual needs revolution, inner division, overthrow of the existing order, and renewal, but not by forcing them upon his neighbors under the hypocritical cloak of Christian love or the sense of social responsibility or any of the other beautiful euphemisms for unconscious urges to personal power. -- Carl Jung
  • I have a half-brother who is very, very, very gay, many cousins, best friends who are all members of the LGBT community, and for me to not say anything would be hypocritical. There is a lot of prejudice. People think it is abnormal. No, it's just another normal. -- Lea Salonga
  • I have a half-brother who is very, very, very gay, many cousins, best friends who are all members of the LGBT community, and for me to not say anything would be hypocritical. There is a lot of prejudice. People think it is abnormal. No, its just another normal. -- Lea Salonga
  • Memorial Day will be celebrated ... by the usual betrayal of the dead, by the hypocritical patriotism of the politicians and contractors preparing for more wars, more graves to receive more flowers on future Memorial Days. The memory of the dead deserves a different dedication. To peace, to defiance of governments. -- Howard Zinn
  • Along with racial equality and the late bloom of women's rights, future generations will have to explain how, in the past, gays were misunderstood and publicly humiliated for loving each other, and, eventually, how they stood together and conquered stupidity and hypocritical hatred, and fought their way out of marginalization. -- iO Tillett Wright
  • For what is modesty but hypocritical humility, by means of which, in a world swelling with vile envy, a man seeks to beg pardon for his excellences and merits from those who have none? For whoever attributes no merit to himself because he really has none is not modest, but merely honest. -- Arthur Schopenhauer
  • There is something deeply hypocritical in a society that holds an inner-city child only eight years old "accountable" for her performance on a high-stakes standardized exam but does not hold the high officials of our government accountable for robbing her of what they gave their own kids six or seven years before. -- Jonathan Kozol
  • To meditate for world peace, to pray for a better world, and to work for social justice and environmental protection while continuing to purchase the flesh, milk, and eggs of horribly abused animals exposes a disconnect that is so fundamental that it renders our efforts absurd, hypocritical, and doomed to certain failure. -- Will Tuttle
  • Had he been willing to live a hypocrite, he would have been respectable, he at least could have died surrounded by other hypocrites, and at his death there would have been an imposing funeral, with miles of carriages, filled with hypocrites, and above his hypocritical dust there would have been a hypocritical monument covered with lies. -- Robert Green Ingersoll
  • A modest dress is a very good thing, if it be the genuine indication of a humble heart, and is to instruct; but it is a bad thing if it be the hypocritical disguise of a proud ambitious heart, and is to deceive. Let men be really as good as they seem to be, but not seem to be better than really they are. -- Matthew Henry
  • I don't like people who are hypocritical, who pretend to be nice, particularly in show business when they're nice on camera, and then off camera they're absolutely appalling to the makeup people, or the waitress in a restaurant, you know? I don't like - I can't bear those kind of people. So I like people who are, you know, up front in your face. -- Simon Cowell
  • When we look at the love of Christ, we make a wonderful discovery. Love is more a decision than an emotion! Christ-like love applauds good behavior. At the same time Christ-like love refuses to endorse misbehavior. Jesus loved His apostles, but He wasn't silent when they were faithless. Jesus loved the people in the temple, but He didn't sit still when they were hypocritical. -- Max Lucado
  • I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ; I therefore hatethe corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial, and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers, the boldest of all frauds, and the grossest of all libels. -- Frederick Douglass
  • I know you have the capability to understand right from wrong because you hate people who harm children. Well, why not despise people who harm animals? It's hypocritical! Why protect one and violate the other when neither one wants or deserves the abuse? They just wish it would end. Stop praising the innocence in children then ignoring or making fun of the innocence in animals. -- Gary Yourofsky
  • Every kind of writing is hypocritical. -- Max Beerbohm
  • I prefer honest arrogance to hypocritical modesty. -- Frank Lloyd Wright
  • The Web makes people hypocritical, it encourages to take pseudonymes -- Jean-Louis Murat
  • Punk, I see you as a hypocritical, manipulative waste of skin. -- Wade Barrett
  • Action without thought is mindlessness, and thought without action is hypocritical. -- Ayn Rand
  • Speaking generally, men are ungrateful, fickle, hypocritical, fearful odanger and covetous ogain. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
  • I don't believe in the hypocritical, moralistic dogma of this so called civilized-society -- Richard Ramirez
  • Be hypocritical, be cautious, be not what you seem but always what you see. -- Lord Byron
  • A smile makes a whole difference, but there's nothing as disgusting as a hypocritical smile. -- Gladys Adevey
  • I want a woman who can go to the saloon with me, not hypocritical, fame seeking -- Denrele Edun
  • Virtually all modern forms of extremism accuse liberal Western democratic systems of being hypocritical and, ultimately, weak. -- Jonas Gahr Store
  • Specifically, I would suggest that the effective organization is garrulous, clumsy, superstitious, hypocritical, monstrous, octopoid, wandering, and grouchy. -- Karl E. Weick
  • Mordred and Agravaine thought Arthur hypocritical?as all decent men must be, if you assume that decency can't exist. -- T.H. White
  • I suppose it's easy to play a hypocritical politician with a smiling face; it's also quite gratifying to play. -- Ian McDiarmid
  • I want to inspire people to really open up their minds and not be one-sided or biased or hypocritical. -- ASAP Rocky
  • It is always a bit hypocritical when a defender who spends the whole game kicking you complains of being kicked. -- Luis Suarez
  • I think Anderson Cooper is an opinionated, hypocritical idiot who should be an adult and keep his opinion to himself. -- Dina Lohan
  • Gratitude is not a virtue I believe in, and to me it seems hypocritical to expect it from a child. -- Hermann Hesse
  • Any form of integration, forced integration, any - any - any effort to force integration upon whites is actually hypocritical. -- Malcolm X
  • France is hypocritical and cowardly. I sometimes think that, having been invaded by the Germans, we'd be run better today. -- Emmanuel Petit
  • I hate it when people use sex as a weapon against the people who are engaging in it. It's so hypocritical. -- Mira Sorvino
  • It would be hypocritical of me to take issue with anything in questionable taste, seeing that I invented bad taste in films. -- Mel Brooks
  • The myth of the self-made man, has to be profoundly hypocritical: it is the self-serving demonstration that a lie is the truth -- Che Guevara
  • I have always had severe problems with Austrians. ... Musical, churchy, uptight... nice legs... hypocritical... authoritarian... always insist their dustbins are very clean. -- Peter Greenaway
  • A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don't respect their victimhood, they'll destroy you. -- Joseph Sobran
  • When one is not slipshod in small matters, not hypocritical in secret, and not reckless in disappointment, only then is one a true hero. -- Zicheng Hong
  • The reason people hate America is because they don't like being treated like garbage by arrogant, pompous, hypocritical, self-righteous, duplicitous, imperialist political and bureaucratic hacks. -- Jacob G. Hornberger
  • She [Hillary Clinton] knew that's who he[Bill clinton] was before they got married. It would have been hypocritical for her to insist on monogamy. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • To deny a genocide because of convenience and expediency having to do with an illegal war or occupation in Iraq to me, is double hypocritical. -- Serj Tankian
  • I think the media are so hypocritical a lot of the time in the way they chastise something just so that they can print it again. -- Lily Cole
  • It's utterly hypocritical for Israelis to wonder aloud why Palestinians don't pursue a non-violent strategy. One obvious reason is that, whenever they have, Israel brutally represses it. -- Norman Finkelstein
  • The movie's only serious criticism is reserved for Baker's television network, which doesn't think Americans care about Afghanistan - kind of hypocritical given this film's lack of substance. -- David Edelstein
  • Humans are very seldom either totally sincere or totally hypocritical. Their moods change, their motives are mixed, and they are often quite mistaken as to what their motives are. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Yes, etiquette is hypocritical. Yes, it does inhibit children - if you're lucky. But the idea that it's elitist and irrelevant is like saying language is elitist and irrelevant. -- Judith Martin
  • The love of liberty that is not a real principle of dutiful behavior to authority is as hypocritical as the religion that is not productive of a good life. -- Joseph Butler
  • Those who find it hypocritical of others to use, say, a smartphone, to speak ill of capitalism, needs to be reminded that capitalism is an ideology, not a technology. -- Mokokoma Mokhonoana
  • My drawings and paintings were done as an act of protest; I was trying by means of my work to convince the world that it is ugly, sick and hypocritical. -- George Grosz
  • [Donald Trump] is a true republican: he is hypocritical and two-faced, he's a liar, a cheat, and a thief and the more he speaks, the more his real character shows. -- Tommy Chong
  • At the very end, the one person who Rambo should kill, he doesn't kill. He lets it live. Because you can't kill that kind of hypocritical bureaucracy. It goes on forever. -- Sylvester Stallone
  • Nobody can write such ironic things unless he has a deep sense of injustice-injustice to those members of the race who are victims of the stupid, the pretentious and the hypocritical. -- Franklin P. Adams
  • I'm being hypocritical because I have a Twitter, but I try to not talk about things like, 'Oh, I had a grapefruit this morning and it was delicious,' because, who cares? -- Zoey Deutch
  • Those of us who preach religion: Preach the meaning of "ritual," and stop burying the people and enslaving the people by religious rituals, and then showing them a hypocritical example in leadership! -- Louis Farrakhan
  • There is no regard for human lives, or local national interests. It is because the West, despite its hypocritical rhetoric (political correctness) does not really consider non-whites and non-Christians as human beings. -- Andre Vltchek
  • Newspapers, television networks, and magazines have sometimes been outrageously abusive, untruthful, arrogant, and hypocritical. But it hardly follows that elimination of a strong and independent press is the way to eliminate abusiveness . . . -- Potter Stewart
  • There's something hypocritical about a city that keeps half of its population underground half of the time; you can start believing that there's much more space than there really is-to live, to work. -- Gloria Naylor
  • Yet in the most mean, cowardly, hypocritical way the British ruling class did all they could to hand Spain over to Franco and the Nazis. Why? Because they were pro-Fascist, was the obvious answer. -- George Orwell
  • And it's absolutely hypocritical for the political party that talks about states rights, to suddenly ignore states rights, that say that the federal government or federalism has no business in this kind of business. -- Gary Ackerman
  • When we choose to have an abortion, we must do so understanding the full ramifications of what we are doing. Anything less feels to me to be hypocritical, a selfish abnegation of reality and responsibility. -- Ayelet Waldman
  • We now reflexly, and dishonestly, unmask all virtue as hypocritical, all beauty as Kitsch; and have become so jaded with simplicity and wholesomeness that we find Good insipid and crave the sharp stimulus of sin. -- Bruce G. Charlton