Enthusiasts quotes:

  • Enthusiasts soon understand each other. -- Washington Irving
  • Christianity - An old metaphysical romance, filled with marvels, contradictions, and absurdity, born in the ardent imagination of Orientals, has spread into our Europe. Enthusiasts have purveyed it, careerists have pretended to accept it, imbeciles have believed it. -- Frederick the Great
  • Enthusiasts for empire argued that Rome had a civilizing mission; that because her values and institutions were self-evidently superior to those of barbarians, she had a duty to propagate them; that only once the whole globe had been subjected to her rule could there be a universal peace. -- Tom Holland
  • Immigration enthusiasts are so hysterical. -- Peter Brimelow
  • Space enthusiasts are the most susceptible demographic to delusion that I have ever seen. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • She thoroughly understands what no other Church has ever understood, how to deal with enthusiasts. -- Thomas B. Macaulay
  • This is a Solo Flight, but I want aviation enthusiasts and adventurers everywhere to join me in the endeavour. -- Steve Fossett
  • It is unfortunate, considering that enthusiasm moves the world, that so few enthusiasts can be trusted to speak the truth. -- Arthur Balfour
  • It's too bad for us 'literary' enthusiasts, but it's the truth nevertheless - pictures tell any story more effectively than words. -- William Moulton Marston
  • Every few generations there are people who come along that change the way we look at the world, for musical enthusiasts Monk is one of these individuals. -- John Conyers
  • Our citizens never hesitate to take sides against one another, whether it's Democrats versus Republicans, Coke drinkers opposed to Pepsi enthusiasts or Yankee loyalists against Red Sox aficionados. -- Jen Lancaster
  • Chennai is a beautiful city; I love the roads here and also know the routes. But one tip for car/bike enthusiasts - your life is most important; so, drive safe! -- Suresh Raina
  • These are moments in your life to be cherished; they don't come around that often. To be flying around in a 'Game of Thrones' jet, to be greeted by massive enthusiasts. -- Natalie Dormer
  • Facebook is not a company of grass-roots tech enthusiasts. Facebook is not a game tech company. Facebook has a history of caring about building user numbers, and nothing but building user numbers. -- Markus Persson
  • Like most early enthusiasts, I always thought the way the Internet encouraged multitasking made users less vulnerable to manipulation, while simultaneously exploiting even more of our brain's capacity than before. Apparently not. -- Douglas Rushkoff
  • Contrary to the utopian rhetoric of social media enthusiasts, the Internet often makes the jump from deliberation to participation even more difficult, thwarting collective action under the heavy pressure of never-ending internal debate. -- Evgeny Morozov
  • I have a love for astronomy; Aruna, my wife, and I love travelling, so whenever we get an opportunity, we set off to explore places that have tickled our interest. We are also wildlife enthusiasts. -- Viswanathan Anand
  • It was used for decades to describe talented computer enthusiasts, people whose skill at using computers to solve technical problems and puzzles was - and is - respected and admired by others possessing similar technical skills. -- Kevin Mitnick
  • Switching over to a hybrid car is one of those right things, but, unfairly or not, it still has a reputation among car enthusiasts as something you have to pedal really fast when you're on the ramp merging into traffic on the 401. -- Linwood Barclay
  • 'Fast & Furious' is a well-oiled machine. Those guys really know what they're doing. The guys that work behind the scenes are just as important as the ones in front of the cameras. They are car enthusiasts. They live and breathe this world. -- Laz Alonso
  • I have been requesting the government because it is the government which has to allocate the land to build public courses. I am willing to meet the minister and discuss ways to make courses public and more accessible to the regular sports enthusiasts. -- Jeev Milkha Singh
  • To be straight, I was kind of a dork, and in order to fulfill the creative fires burning inside me, I participated vigorously as a Civil War re-enactor through most of my teenage years, traveling across the country to participate in large scale reenactments - grandiose plays enacted by over weight history buffs and war enthusiasts alike. -- Cary Fukunaga
  • I like enthusiasts of any kind. -- Roald Dahl
  • Prison, blood, death, create enthusiasts and martyrs, and bring forth courage and desperate resolution. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • She thoroughly understands what no other Church has ever understood, how to deal with enthusiasts. -- Thomas B. Macaulay
  • [C]reationists [and] other religious enthusiasts [are], in many parts of the world ..., the most dangerous adversaries of science. -- Steven Weinberg
  • It's impressive when you're such a mysterious fictional character that even avid enthusiasts are debating your existence within the mythos. -- Ben Thompson
  • If I won the lottery,I would love to buy an airfield and populate it with enthusiasts like myself, and old airplanes. -- Martin Shaw
  • These enthusiasts often like to hang signs that say Gone Fishin' or Gone Huntin'. But what these slogans really mean is Gone Killing. -- Marc Bekoff
  • These enthusiasts often like to hang signs that say "Gone Fishin'" or "Gone Huntin'". But what these slogans really mean is "Gone Killing. -- Marc Bekoff
  • Even if it's other people, like on MySpace pages, we're just as collective of enthusiasts now. That seems to be the world we're in. -- Patton Oswalt
  • Thus hope, aided by imagination, makes one man a hero, another a somnambulist, and a third a lunatic; while it renders them all enthusiasts. -- James Fitzjames Stephen
  • The Internet is a giant international network of intelligent, informed computer enthusiasts, by which I mean, "people without lives." We don't care. We have each other... -- Dave Barry
  • That's the wonderful thing with nerds: they're enthusiasts. Not having a life means you get to love things with a passion and nobody bothers you about it. -- John Burnside
  • To many Americans, everything from the Easter morning to the Ascension had to be made up by the groveling enthusiasts as part of their plan to get themselves martyred. -- Antonin Scalia
  • A system needs to be alive and workable even when other people than the first enthusiasts start using it. Reinvention and revolution are enthusiast stuff. Invention and evolution are engineering. -- Erik Naggum
  • Great indeed is Fear; but it is not, as our military enthusiasts believe and try to make us believe, the only stimulus known for awakening the higher ranges of men's spiritual energy. -- William James
  • A universal peace, it is to be feared, is in the catalogue of events, which will never exist but in the imaginations of visionary philosophers, or in the breasts of benevolent enthusiasts. -- James Madison
  • All wars are boyish, and are fought by boys, The champions and enthusiasts of the state: Turbid ardors and vain joys Not barrenly abate-- Stimulants to the power mature, Preparatives of fate. -- Herman Melville
  • Nietzsche said that the earth has been a madhouse long enough. Without contradicting him we might perhaps soften the expression, and say that philosophy has been long enough an asylum for enthusiasts. -- George Santayana
  • By some ardent enthusiasts Chess has been elevated into a science or an art. It is neither; but its principal characteristic seems to be - what human nature mostly delights in - a fight. -- Emanuel Lasker
  • Ridicule, the weapon of all others most feared by enthusiasts of every description, and which from its predominance over such minds, often checks what is absurd, and fully as often smothers that which is noble. -- Walter Scott