Enthusiastically quotes:

  • Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon... must inevitably come to pass! -- Paul J. Meyer
  • It's very hard to imagine the phrase 'consumer society' used so cheerfully, and interpreted so enthusiastically, in England. -- Julie Burchill
  • Getting your writing criticized can be a lot like getting skinned, and you respond to it just as enthusiastically. -- Octavia E. Butler
  • We rely more on enthusiasm than actual skill. Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically and people will like it more. -- Chris Martin
  • Surrounding yourself with people who are actively and enthusiastically working toward their best futures will keep you moving toward your own goals. -- Leah Busque
  • By making a comeback, I'm changing the attitude of people toward me. If I'd known that people would react so enthusiastically, I'd have done it years ago. -- Mark Spitz
  • I met Richard Burton, an RAF cadet on a two-term course. I would have flirted more enthusiastically if it had not been for the horrid boils on the back of his neck. -- Nina Bawden
  • If I weren't a writer, I think I might have thrown myself more enthusiastically into advertising. But, it's difficult to imagine being a diligent copywriter. It would be quite exasperating for me. -- Philip Kerr
  • Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends. -- Henry A. Wallace
  • One is that we stand - my two confreres and I - in some degree as representatives of a great number of fellow workers over the entire world, who are enthusiastically active in this field of ours. -- Haldan Keffer Hartline
  • I've praised Obama's record on same-sex equality as enthusiastically as anyone: it's one area where his record has been impressive. I understand, and have expressed, the emotional importance for LGBT Americans of his marriage announcement as well as its political significance. -- Glenn Greenwald
  • Feckless as it was for Bush to ask Americans to go shopping after 9/11, we all too enthusiastically followed his lead, whether we were wealthy, working-class or in between. We spent a decade feasting on easy money, don't-pay-as-you-go consumerism and a metastasizing celebrity culture. -- Frank Rich
  • Perhaps it has been too uncomfortable for those with vested interests to acknowledge, but we have spent the best part of the past century enthusiastically testing the world to utter destruction; not looking closely enough at the long-term impact our actions will have. -- Prince Charles
  • The petty man is eager to make boasts, yet desires that others should believe in him. He enthusiastically engages in deception, yet wants others to have affection for him. He conducts himself like an animal, yet wants others to think well of him. -- Xun Zi
  • Jeff VanderMeer's fiction has always been entrancingly, engagingly, enthusiastically weird, a winning combination of mimesis and the fantastical that privileges neither component: perhaps the very definition of that mode categorized as the 'New Weird' and exemplified most famously by the groundbreaking work of China Mieville. -- Paul Di Filippo
  • Only in about 2007 or so did it become clear to me that games could stand proudly beside other storytelling mediums, and that's when I became more, shall we say, evangelistic in my position. Prior to that, I don't know how enthusiastically I would have admitted that I game. -- Tom Bissell
  • Even when I lost my job at CBS News, I set up shop in my youngest daughter's bedroom and started Brainstormin' Productions and the Hannah Storm Foundation. And guess who was there, visiting me and enthusiastically making business charts and graphs that covered my entire kitchen table? My dad, of course. -- Hannah Storm
  • The biggest hurdle is rejection. Any business you start, be ready for it. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is the successful people do all the things the unsuccessful people don't want to do. When 10 doors are slammed in your face, go to door number 11 enthusiastically, with a smile on your face. -- John Paul DeJoria
  • When I lived in London when I did 'Wicked' there, everyone told me the audiences might be much more reserved, but I found it was completely the opposite. They jumped to their feet sooner, even more enthusiastically than the New York audiences did, and they were just as warm and as enthusiastic and supportive as New York. -- Idina Menzel
  • Always work enthusiastically. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • I admit I'm enthusiastically demanding. -- Brad Bird
  • I will enthusiastically accomplish the task. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • We choose how enthusiastically we live our time alive. -- Alexandra Stoddard
  • Lady Luck generally woos those who earnestly, enthusiastically, unremittingly woo her. -- B. C. Forbes
  • The influence of the future on the past," said Morel enthusiastically, almost inaudibly. -- Adolfo Bioy Casares
  • An average idea enthusiastically embraced will go farther than a genius idea no one gets. -- Jay Samit
  • If you do not live out your faith enthusiastically, maybe you don't have any faith. -- Fulton J. Sheen
  • People are never so completely and enthusiastically evil as when they act out of religious conviction. -- Umberto Eco
  • The Alexander Technique works... I recommend it enthusiastically to anyone who has neck pains or back pain. -- Roald Dahl
  • Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerly believe and enthusiastically act upon ... must inevitably come to pass. -- Paul Meyer
  • Any tool that helps instill God's Word in the lives of people is something I can enthusiastically endorse! -- Robert Jeffress
  • There are women who love their husbands as blindly, as enthusiastically, and as enigmatically as nuns their cloister. -- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • Leadership: The skill of influencing people to work enthusiastically toward goals identified as being for the common good. -- James Hunter
  • Crackers!" said Dumbledore enthusiastically, offering the end of a large silver noisemaker to Snape, who took it reluctantly. -- J. K. Rowling
  • The best parenting strives to educate children in how to live -- enthusiastically, compassionately, without greed, striving for a better world. -- David R. Wommack
  • If you follow the trail of your own enthusiastically repeated stories, you will begin to rediscover the things that invigorate and enliven you. -- Mary Anne Radmacher
  • the personality of St. John's, Newfoundland, hits you like a smack in the face with a dried cod, enthusiastically administered by its citizenry. -- Jan Morris
  • Your mother's cunt has a peculiar tubular shape!' he yelled. 'Nonetheless, I tolerate its effluvium and enthusiastically lick its inner folds whenever she demands!" -- David Benioff
  • When the enemy enthusiastically embraces you, and the fellow countrymen bitterly reject you, it is hard not to wonder if you are, in fact, a traitor. -- Ursula K. Le Guin
  • As for myself, I met with as much success as I ever could have wanted. In other words, I was enthusiastically run-down by every critic of the period. -- Claude Monet
  • Be cheerful in all that you do. Live joyfully. Live happily. Live enthusiastically, knowing that God does not dwell in gloom and melancholy, but in light and love. -- Ezra Taft Benson
  • People are rarely diabolic or bent enthusiastically on evil. As a rule, they are only weak; they cannot resist temptation and thus give way to their evil drives. -- Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
  • We have spent the best part of the past century enthusiastically testing the world to utter destruction; not looking closely enough at the long-term impact our actions will have. -- Prince Charles
  • The women laughed and wept; the crowd stamped their feet enthusiastically, for at that moment Quasimodo was really beautiful. He was handsome ? this orphan, this foundling, this outcast. -- Victor Hugo
  • Hillary Clinton and the policies of Hillary and Bill - passed by Bill, but enthusiastically supported and promoted by Hillary - have really created this right-wing extremism that has produced Donald Trump. -- Jill Stein
  • When preconception is so clearly defined, so easily reproduced, so enthusiastically welcomed and so long accommodated as in the case of Piltdown Man, science reveals a disturbing predisposition towards belief before investigation. -- John Reader
  • SUPPOSE that an investor you admire and trust comes to you with an investment idea. This is a good one, he says enthusiastically. I'm in it, and I think you should be, too. -- Warren Buffett
  • Think enthusiastically about everything; but especially about your job. If you do so, you'll put a touch of glory in your life. If you love your job with enthusiasm, you'll shake it to pieces. -- Norman Vincent Peale
  • A lover goes toward his beloved as enthusiastically as a schoolboy leaving his books, but when he leaves his girlfriend, he feels as miserable as the schoolboy on his way to school. (Act 2, scene 2) -- William Shakespeare
  • This I do know beyond any reasonable doubt. Regardless of what you are doing, if you pump long enough, hard enough and enthusiastically enough, sooner or later the effort will bring forth the reward. -- Zig Ziglar