Entering people quotes:

  • Money is not the reason that people enter teaching. -- Arne Duncan
  • Sixty per cent of people entering prison today are illiterate. -- Jeffrey Archer
  • People enter Web sites hoping to be led somewhere, hoping for a payoff. -- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • Reading is something I've really missed, not being able to enter people's worlds. -- Robert Smith
  • I think few people of education enter politics because it seems like a contact blood sport. -- Sherry Turkle
  • The best thing that can happen to people entering creative professions is the dwindling of all other possibilities. -- Dennis Lehane
  • Web sites are designed to keep young people from using the keyboard, except to enter in their parents' credit card information. -- Douglas Rushkoff
  • Many people would no more think of entering journalism than the sewage business - which at least does us all some good. -- Stephen Fry
  • When people are entering a high-stress period, they don't sleep and don't exercise, but in fact, it should be just the opposite. -- Jim Loehr
  • It is certain that if you would have the whole secret of a people, you must enter into the intimacy of their religion. -- Edgar Quinet
  • I think it was when I was 12 when I entered a singing competition. I sang my own original song for an audience of 1,000 people. -- Birdy
  • Many people around the President have sizeable egos before entering government, some with good reason. Their new positions will do little to moderate their egos. -- Donald Rumsfeld
  • During the financial crisis and bailouts of 2008, it probably occurred to very few average people that we were entering a period of hardship for billionaires. -- Thomas Frank
  • Mutual funds give people the sense that they're investing with the big boys and that they're really not at a disadvantage entering the stock market. -- Ron Chernow
  • Kids who enter 'adulthood' without any strong attachments to people who know and care about them have a rough road ahead, to say the least. -- Rhea Perlman
  • It is true that I entered parliament at the age of 23, and have now been representing the people of my constituency for over twenty years. -- Charles Kennedy
  • There is no week nor day nor hour when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance. -- Walt Whitman
  • Because at bottom, I'm interested in fear, and in courage and cowardice and these are easier to get at through fiction, where you can enter people's heads. -- Kevin Patterson
  • I envy the people who say, 'oh, well, I've got my name in the golden book and I'm going to be entered into the pearly gates.' -- William Shatner
  • The press always causes a certain amount of hesitance for people who are considering entering public life. So simply encouraging women to enter politics, on any level, not just on the state level, is extremely important. -- Kerry Healey
  • Unfortunately, in the world today, we have dogmatic people entering into politics. I don't think the two mix. -- Ishmael Reed
  • I think many people have an illusion of success based on entering in at a level that's higher than their experiences. -- T. D. Jakes
  • If we no longer judge the content of people's actions, but merely their form, then we are entering dangerous times indeed. -- Martin Schulz
  • When you enter a casino, remember that you are entering a place of business run by very shrewd business people who understand human emotions. -- Henry Tamburin
  • Ignore the received wisdom of any industry you're entering. Never be trapped by dogma. Never let other people's opinions drown out your own inner voice. -- Tim Waterstone
  • Three-fourths of philosophy and literature is the talk of people trying to convince themselves that they really like the cage they were tricked into entering. -- Gary Snyder
  • With any other movie, you're entering new territory, so it's quite different to be involved in something where it's the same characters, and the same people. -- Anna Kendrick
  • I've been polite and I've always shown up. Somebody asked me if I had any advice for young people entering the business. I said: "Yeah, show up. -- Tom T. Hall
  • Astrology is framed by the devil, to the end people may be scared from entering into the state of matrimony, and from every divine and human office and calling. -- Martin Luther