Enhanced quotes:

  • Enhanced interrogation is not to be considered lightly, but the use of enhanced interrogation techniques does not require moral people to abandon their beliefs. Rather, it is precisely during these difficult times that one's beliefs about life, justice and mercy become indispensible. -- Gary Bauer
  • Enhanced interrogation gleaned information that saved American lives and - I was informed - prevented incoming terrorist attacks on this country from being successful. -- Mike Pence
  • The Philippines-U.S. Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement takes our security cooperation to a higher level of engagement, reaffirms our country's commitment to mutual defense and security, and promotes regional peace and stability. -- Benigno Aquino III
  • Great wine is always enhanced by great food. -- Kenneth Cranham
  • Art distills sensations and embodies it with enhanced meaning. -- Miguel de Unamuno
  • I want to feel that every trip I make has enhanced me as a person. -- Stefanie Powers
  • Surprises are foolish things. The pleasure is not enhanced, and the inconvenience is often considerable. -- Jane Austen
  • In the continuing debate over the morality of enhanced interrogation, an essential consideration is often overlooked: intent. -- Gary Bauer
  • There are three side effects of acid: enhanced long-term memory, decreased short-term memory, and I forget the third. -- Timothy Leary
  • America's political system has evolved over the last 50 years in ways that have enhanced the power of business lobbies. -- Al Gore
  • There's no doubt that usually a president's public image is enhanced by going to war. That never did appeal to me. -- Jimmy Carter
  • The very controversial National Identification Act of 1991, requiring all United States citizens to carry identification, has greatly enhanced the ability of law enforcement officers to identify criminals and terrorists. -- Richard Lamm
  • As more men become more educated and women get educated, the value system has to be more enhanced and the respect for human dignity and human life is made better. -- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
  • But when I went on the stage to do a show, I would put on makeup because I felt that it enhanced my act; it drew attention to what I was doing. -- Little Richard
  • The government is also looking at further benefits including enhanced capital allowances; the use of Tax Incremental Finance; and extra help from UK Trade and Investment on inward investment and trade opportunities. -- Andy Sawford
  • When I listen to what I did under the influence - 10 years of work - I don't think it either enhanced or impaired me. It didn't have that much to do with it. -- Keith Richards
  • Inspiration is the greatest gift because it opens your life to many new possibilities. Each day becomes more meaningful, and your life is enhanced when your actions are guided by what inspires you. -- Bernie Siegel
  • While advances in scientific research have led to some new and exciting treatments that have enlarged and enhanced the quality and length of human life, we must not lose sight as to what we are trying to accomplish. -- Nathan Deal
  • I can trace every romance of my life back to a meal. My memories are enhanced by the tender morsels had at tables across from lovers, on blankets with friends who'd eventually become more, in banquets, barbecues, and breakfasts. -- Stephanie Klein
  • The ecstatic insanity of romantic pursuit can be so enhanced by music that entire romantic conquests, victories and ruinous, crushing defeats can be tied to songs to such a degree that it's almost unbearable to listen to them again, as they bring back the memories so vividly. -- Henry Rollins
  • Cancer cells come pre-programmed to execute a well-defined cascade of changes, seemingly designed to facilitate both their enhanced survival and their dissemination through the bloodstream. There is even an air of conspiracy in the way that tumours use chemical signals to create cancer-friendly niches in remote organs. -- Paul Davies
  • I wouldn't even have braces on my teeth. I think they are horrible, and this idea that everyone should conform and be perfect is ridiculous. I like the fact I have good old-fashioned British teeth with a big gap. Who wants those gleaming white cosmetically enhanced American teeth? -- Georgia May Jagger
  • Actors' performances in films are enhanced in a million different ways, down to the choice of camera shot by the director - whether it's in slow motion or whether it's quick cut - or... the choice of music behind the close-up or the costume that you're wearing or the makeup. -- Andy Serkis
  • The CIA has acknowledged that it has detained about 100 terrorists since 9/11, and about a third of them have been subjected to what the CIA refers to as 'enhanced interrogation tactics,' and only a small proportion of those have in fact been subjected to the most serious types of enhanced procedures. -- John O. Brennan
  • Millions of us track ourselves all the time. We step on a scale and record our weight. We balance a checkbook. We count calories. But when the familiar pen-and-paper methods of self-analysis are enhanced by sensors that monitor our behavior automatically, the process of self-tracking becomes both more alluring and more meaningful. -- Gary Wolf
  • I worked for George Bush. I'm proud to have worked for him. I think that a lot of the most controversial things we did, that people didn't like and - and criticized us for, things like the terror surveillance program or the enhanced interrogation techniques, were things that allowed us to save lives. -- Dick Cheney
  • Money has to be put in the way a club feels it should. If you put money in a new ballpark, that helps to generate revenue so you can spend more money. It should be spent to make the club's operations the best. That will help in the end, and it will mean enhanced payroll. -- Bud Selig
  • Yes we need enhanced border control. Yes we need to focus our efforts on those who pose a threat to our country. But let's not fall into the trap set by the Tea Party and others who would tell you that every single undocumented individual is a drug smuggler, a terrorist, or a threat to the American way of life. That is simply not true. -- Michael Nutter
  • Blindness enhanced my spiritual life. -- Joaquin Rodrigo
  • I think enhanced interrogation saved lives. -- Mike Pence
  • Pleasures are enhanced by a moderate indulgence. -- Juvenal
  • Is beauty enhanced or adulterated by utility? -- Sena Jeter Naslund
  • Who wants those gleaming white cosmetically enhanced American teeth? -- Georgia May Jagger
  • Passionate grave thought, belief enhanced, ritual returned and magic. -- Hilda Doolittle
  • My honors are misunderstanding, pesecution and neglect, enhanced because unsought. -- Thomas Eakins
  • Somehow, the story of the book enhanced the story within it. -- Barbara Lieberman
  • Confession is a sacred rite enhanced by allegory, exaggeration, and lies. -- Craig Ferguson
  • Any spirituality can be enhanced with the practice or study of yoga. -- Christy Turlington
  • It is a career that can be enhanced or destroyed by success. -- Warren Cuccurullo
  • Creativity is enhanced by less-than-perfect control over what content is on the network. -- Lawrence Lessig
  • A lot of kids only know 'E.T.' from the digitally-enhanced version. -- Steven Spielberg
  • Human experience throughout the ages has been enhanced through learning, information and communication. -- Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
  • Gifts and abilities, no matter how magnificent, are either limited or enhanced by character. -- John Wimber
  • Photography promises an enhanced mastery of nature, but photography also threatens conflagration and anarchy. -- Allan Sekula
  • I am not a person who is about reality. I am about enhanced reality. -- Tom Ford
  • Our position in Christ Jesus is enhanced each time we help someone in trouble. -- T. B. Joshua
  • Those presents are the most acceptable which are enhanced by our regard for the donor. -- Ovid
  • Every man is a hero or oracle to someone. And that person has enhanced value. -- Johnny Hunt
  • Faith in the face of disappointment is only enhanced by laughter in the face of pain. -- Marc Maron
  • If we have wealth, it will be protected from inflation and possibly even enhanced in value. -- William Greider
  • Education has enhanced my wisdom. Simplicity and humility will not allow me to call myself wise. -- Debasish Mridha M.D.
  • Even if yoga only enhanced physical fitness, the time spent in practice would be fully worthwhile. -- Deepak Chopra
  • I was a big supporter of waterboarding. I was a big supporter of the enhanced interrogation techniques ... -- Dick Cheney
  • Organize as much as possible around teams, to achieve enhanced focus, task orientation, innovativeness, and individual commitment. -- Tom Peters
  • It is no bad thing to be a king-to see one's house enriched and one's authority enhanced. -- Homer
  • Beauty is created by fellow human beings, and enhanced because they are in relationship with each other. -- Frances Moore Lappé
  • Although technology has enhanced our lives in many ways, it has also ensured the erosion of imagination. -- Alexandra Adornetto
  • Ability is a wonderful thing, but its value is greatly enhanced by dependability. Ability implies repeatability and accountability. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • I think the messiness and embodied nature of modern life just produces an enhanced signal for our attention. -- Richard Davidson
  • Americans understand that our security is enhanced when the United States is trusted and respected in the world. -- Susan Rice
  • I want order and taste. A well displayed meal is enhanced one hundred per cent in my eyes. -- Marie-Antoine Careme
  • I do support enhanced interrogation techniques. Obviously their value is shining through with respect to the bin Laden killing. -- Tim Pawlenty
  • Most people still don't think of qualities like happiness as being a skill, that can be enhanced through training. -- Richard Davidson
  • Just picked up a black pair of scissors thinking they were my glasses. That definitely would't have enhanced my eyesight. -- Phil Lester
  • Art distills sensation and embodies it with enhanced meaning in a memorable form - or else it is not art. -- Jacques Barzun
  • Wherever learning breeds specialists, the sum of human culture is enhanced thereby. That is the illusion and consolation of specialists. -- Antonio Machado
  • In my view, Asian countries have learnt the lessons from the past and significantly enhanced their capabilities to fend off risks. -- Li Keqiang
  • In fighting the debt crisis, E.U. countries have enhanced co-operation and carried out reform with tremendous courage. This is laudable. -- Li Keqiang
  • The Kobe 8 is about enhanced performance. It's the most comfortable shoe I have worn. It's simplistic but has an edge to it. -- Kobe Bryant
  • There is practically no activity that cannot be enhanced or replaced by knitting, if you really want to get obsessive about it. -- Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
  • Having children made me go down a road of serious introspection and self-examination. I think it's informed and hopefully enhanced my creativity. -- Madonna Ciccone
  • Sorcery: the systematic cultivation of enhanced consciousness or non-ordinary awareness & its deployment in the world of deeds & objects to bring about desired results. -- Hakim Bey
  • I do believe that the United Nations needs to have more exacting, more enhanced professional standards for the military peacekeepers that are deployed. -- Alex J. Morrison
  • I do believe that the United Nations needs to have more exacting, more enhanced professional standards for the military peacekeepers that are deployed. -- Alex J. Morrison
  • I've been blessed with a wonderful husband, two caring daughters and sons-in-law, and four really special grandchildren. They have each enhanced my life. -- Pat Nixon
  • The uniform enhanced his athletic body, and my thoughts drifted to how magnificent he would look with his uniform puddled around his feet. -- Maria V. Snyder
  • With good health all the activities of life are greatly enhanced... It gives our every experience in life more zest and more meaning. -- Ezra Taft Benson
  • I've worked many jobs throughout my life, which has ultimately enhanced my appreciation for the opportunity to teach yoga and share something so positive. -- David F. Swensen
  • Your work gets destroyed by dumb people and it gets enhanced by smart people and it really doesn't have anything to do with marketing. -- Paula Scher
  • I'd be happy if I could think that the role of the library was sustained and even enhanced in the age of the computer. -- Bill Gates
  • Our material possessions, like our joys, are enhanced in value by being shared. Hoarded and unimproved property can only afford satisfaction to a miser. -- George D. Prentice
  • We think about project's public nature and how that can be enhanced, how the spaces we create can enliven the experience of being there. -- Richard Meier
  • Indeed, through fundamental advances in bionics in this century, we will set the technological foundation for an enhanced human experience, and we will end disability. -- Hugh Herr
  • Stable energy prices and enhanced national security will only come when we increase domestic energy resources, which was accomplished today with the opening of ANWR. -- Kenny Marchant
  • We need total health more than medically approved health. Our wellness should not be limited to our doctor's experience, but enhanced by our own experience. -- Andrew Saul
  • It is a charming quality of the happiness we inspire in others that, far from being diminished like a reflection, it comes back to us enhanced. -- Victor Hugo
  • If the idea that my safety can only be enhanced by putting other people's privacy and safety in danger, then I don't want to be more safe. -- Shepard Fairey
  • Fairness has not been enhanced by the tax code, but lobbyists have been made rich, politicians have been re-elected, and the economy has been made to suffer. -- Jim Bridenstine
  • The value of liberty was thus enhanced in our estimation by the difficulty of its attainment, and the worth of characters appreciated by the trial of adversity. -- George Washington
  • For me, love is an enhanced state of kindness, compassion, service, respect, and humility, an emotion I feel we are all here to give and to receive. -- Nathan East
  • Six Mudras are to be practised daily for 10 minutes.They are Jnana,Prithvi,Apana,Prana,Dhyana and ShoonyaVayu-by which health is enhanced and diseases can be prevented. -- Suman K.Chiplunkar
  • I mean the fact is that some of this information that we have found out that led to Usama bin Laden actually came from these enhanced interrogation techniques. -- Rick Santorum
  • The expansion of the market creates a need for enhanced and more regular supply, and this in turn impels commercial capital to acquire control of production as well. -- Rudolf Hiferding
  • The best aspects of every vampire, with all of their gifts, what makes them really special is just an enhanced version of what they were when they were human. -- Kristen Stewart
  • And only the photographer himself knows the effect he wants. He should know by instinct, grounded in experience, what subjects are enhanced by hard or soft, light or dark treatment. -- Bill Brandt
  • We can have enhanced devolution - greater powers in Scotland - but within the strength, security and stability of the United Kingdom, and I think that's what most Scots want. -- Douglas Alexander
  • In what does the objective measure of value lie? In the quantum of enhanced and organized power alone, in accordance with what occurs in all occurrence, a will to increase. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Death is nothing other than a different way of being with an enhanced and broadened consciousness, which is everywhere at once because it is no longer tied to a body. -- Pim van Lommel
  • It is not an opinion that "enhanced interrogation techniques" are torture. It is a legal fact. And it is also a legal fact that the president is a war criminal. -- Andrew Sullivan
  • My top styling tips for brides are, first and foremost, to be careful not to go overboard with makeup. The goal is to look like yourself, just a bit enhanced! -- Reem Acra
  • The autonomy of the individual appears to be complemented & enhanced by the movement of the group; while the effectiveness of the group seems to depend on the freedom of the individual. -- Hakim Bey
  • Writers themselves benefit from all helpful information about their task and methods. Readers, in turn, can have both their understanding and appreciation of literature enhanced by information about the writer's work. -- Leland Ryken
  • I would have to say the power to heal. This show has enhanced my relationship to magic. I would have called it prayer. There are definitely certain incantations that I do now. -- Alyssa Milano
  • There is no man who has not some interesting associations with particular scenes, or airs, or books, and who does not feel their beauty or sublimity enhanced to him by such connections. -- Sir Archibald Alison, 2nd Baronet
  • Nearly all educational expenditure should be considered a capital outlay, whether it provides a future return in the form of enhanced taxable income or in terms of an enhanced quality of life. -- William Vickrey
  • For nearly two hundred years, our nation has derived its strength from the diversity of its people and of their beliefs. That strength has been greatly enhanced by [the Islamic] religious heritage. -- Gerald R. Ford
  • As the twentieth century ends, commerce and culture are coming closer together. The distinction between life and art has been eroded by fifty years of enhanced communications, ever-improving reproduction technologies and increasing wealth. -- Stephen Bayley
  • The enhanced features of our ad products would require sufficient understanding from our sales force, advertisers, and agencies. To facilitate this, we have held multiple training sessions internally and road show events externally. -- Victor Koo
  • This, my first [bicycle] had an intrinsic beauty. And it opened for me an era of all but flying, which roads emptily crossing theairy, gold-gorsy Common enhanced. Nothing since has equalled that birdlike freedom. -- Elizabeth Bowen
  • It's convenient how everyone who supports waterboarding and torture, or "enhanced interrogation techniques" as they like to call it, have never experienced it themselves. Yet everyone who has, myself included, are firmly against it. -- Jesse Ventura
  • I feel that Nagai Kafu was a writer who cold stitch together apparently meaningless moments like these into a lyrical whole, and has enhanced my ability to do the same with my own life. -- Quentin S. Crisp
  • It should be emphasized that the balagtasan also served a higher social and political function. More than mere entertainment, it enhanced the tradition role of the poet as purveyor of truth for the people. -- Virgilio S. Almario
  • By means of trees, wildlife could be conserved, pollution decreased, and the beauty of our landscapes enhanced. This is the way, or at least one of the ways, to spiritual, moral, and cultural regeneration. -- E. F. Schumacher
  • There are special places on our planet, places of power, healing and renewal, places where the mind-body connection is enhanced and that enable us to get back in touch with our deepest innermost feelings. -- Frederick Lenz
  • There are special places on our planet, places of power, healing and renewal, places where the mind-body connection is enhanced and that enable us to get back in touch with our deepest innermost feelings. -- Frederick Lenz
  • Reading has been the fuel of my motivation: it has changed the direction in which I have traveled, and it has enhanced my creative imagination more than any other activity I have ever pursued. -- Zig Ziglar
  • Legislation passed in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 enhanced our intelligence capabilities and strengthened our national defense, but until now our nation's immigration policies have not adapted to the needs of a post-September 11th world. -- Chris Chocola
  • Patricia Sun is a solar light of consciousness whose wisdom rays cover the world. Everywhere I travel through out the earth, I find people whose lives have been enhanced and transformed by her luminous work. -- Jean Houston
  • I don't think leaders are born. Well, they're born; everybody's born, but I think leadership can be enhanced, they can be developed, and I think that it's important we do that, particularly with our youngsters. -- Pat Williams
  • LTO ultrium is adaptable and scalable backup tape format and its technology is continuously enhanced by its manufacturers to address the growing needs and requirements of the server environments of midrange to the enterprise class. -- Sean Paul