Engine quotes:

  • For all Nature is as one Great Engine, made by, and held in His Hand. -- Nehemiah Grew
  • Exploration is the engine that drives innovation. Innovation drives economic growth. So let's all go exploring. -- Edith Widder
  • As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will neccessarily guide the future course of science. -- Charles Babbage
  • Engineers at General Motors have developed a revolutionary new engine whose only function is to lubricate itself. -- George Carlin
  • The Analytical Engine is an embodying of the science of operations, constructed with peculiar reference to abstract number as the subject of those operations. -- Ada Lovelace
  • You will be able to appreciate the influence of such an Engine on the future progress of science. I live in a country which is incapable of estimating it. -- Charles Babbage
  • So much of the presidency is a matter of standing in the path of a Newsham Engine for Quenching Fires, opening one's mouth, and attempting to get a drink. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • The whole of the developments and operations of analysis are now capable of being executed by machinery ... As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessarily guide the future course of science. -- Charles Babbage
  • The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has new balloons this year including the Pillsbury Doughboy balloon and the first openly gay balloon. Also the Thomas Tank Engine balloon, and they even have the Ebola nurse balloon. -- David Letterman
  • The Analytical Engine, on the contrary, can either add, subtract, multiply or divide with equal facility; and performs each of these four operations in a direct manner, without the aid of any of the other three. -- Ada Lovelace
  • This one fact implies everything; and it is scarcely necessary to point out, for instance, that while the Difference Engine can merely tabulate, and is incapable of developing, the Analytical Engine can either tabulate or develope. -- Ada Lovelace
  • Univa developing and supporting Grid Engine is welcome news for the GE community. This move by Univa brings with it a new competitive spirit and sense of innovation to a market that continuously benefits from pushing the envelope. -- Ian Foster
  • I'm a part of a program called Toyota's Engines of Change Program. The message is that anyone can make a difference in their community or for whatever cause they feel strongly about. Everyone can be an Engine of Change. -- Aaron Peirsol
  • Where has this book been? The Culture Engine demystifies the what and how of driving your company's culture to produce transformational business outcomes. Chris Edmonds operationalizes culture while offering practical tools necessary to align your people and gain profound competitive advantage. -- Joseph Michelli
  • Again, with two small children it's incredibly hard to commit yourself to anything because you're just getting interested in it and someone comes along and goes I want Thomas The Tank Engine on, and screams the place down until you put it on. -- Jo Brand
  • I have a huge Lego collection - I have a really big Lego collection. We're talking pretty darn large. I also have a huge collection of original stainless steel Thomas the Tank Engine train toys. Beautiful little trains; they're my favorite thing in the world. -- Callan McAuliffe
  • The Hollywood image of the movie business is all about ambition and high achievers like James Cameron. But the British film industry is much more about men who wear cravats and work with model trains and hope another series of 'Thomas the Tank Engine' will be commissioned. -- Peter Capaldi
  • As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessarily guide the future course of the science. Whenever any result is sought by its aid, the question will then arise รข?? by what course of calculation can these results be arrived at by the machine in the shortest time? -- Charles Babbage
  • Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine. -- Elvis Presley
  • Facebook is not your friend, it is a surveillance engine. -- Richard Stallman
  • The automobile engine will come, and then I will consider my life's work complete. -- Rudolf Diesel
  • Consumerism is at once the engine of America and simultaneously one of the most revealing indicators of our collective shallowness. -- Henry Rollins
  • The great and abiding lesson of American history, particularly the cold war, is that the engine of capitalism, the individual, is mightier than any collective. -- Rand Paul
  • The ultimate search engine would basically understand everything in the world, and it would always give you the right thing. And we're a long, long ways from that. -- Larry Page
  • Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance. -- Nikola Tesla
  • Most people are really stunned to find out that the technology has been around for more than 100 years, and that the diesel engine was in fact invented to run on vegetable oil. -- Daryl Hannah
  • When America closes its doors, so does everybody else. We are the primary engine of growth in the world and we are the only beacon of free trade left, and open markets. -- Jon Huntsman, Jr.
  • I wanted to invent an engine that could run for ever. I could have developed a new train, had I stayed in the railway. It would have looked like the AK-47 though. -- Mikhail Kalashnikov
  • People say New Yorkers can't get along. Not true. I saw two New Yorkers, complete strangers, sharing a cab. One guy took the tires and the radio; the other guy took the engine. -- David Letterman
  • The kind of environment that we developed Google in, the reason that we were able to develop a search engine, is the web was so open. Once you get too many rules, that will stifle innovation. -- Sergey Brin
  • Some say Google is God. Others say Google is Satan. But if they think Google is too powerful, remember that with search engines unlike other companies, all it takes is a single click to go to another search engine. -- Sergey Brin
  • Marching thus at night, a battalion is doubly impressive. The silent monster is full of restrained power; resolute in its onward sweep, impervious to danger, it looks a menacing engine of destruction, steady to its goal, and certain of its mission. -- Patrick MacGill
  • Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine. It may make you feel like you're flying high at first, but it won't take long before you feel the impact. -- Barack Obama
  • There's got to be something you want to tell and that's the engine which spurs all of the work you have to do in order to create the story, but you have to love some sort of nugget of what you're telling to be a filmmaker. -- Bradley Cooper
  • I believe in the will. I believe in discipline. I believe in the organization. I believe in the rigor that gives us work. I believe in love as an engine of all things. I believe in the light. I believe in God. I believe in kindness. -- Edgar Ramirez
  • I just loved going fast. So I started out with Alka-Seltzer and soda water in a bottle and attached it to the skateboard. That didn't do much. I would try a leaf blower. I was searching for anything that would go fast. Then, the lawnmower engine. -- Kellan Lutz
  • In spite of my own reservations about Bing's ability to convert Google users, I have to admit that the search engine does offer a genuine alternative to Google-style browsing, a more coherently organized selection of links, and a more advertiser-friendly environment through which to sell space and links. -- Douglas Rushkoff
  • There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges facing our cities or to the housing crisis, but the two issues need to be considered together. From an urban design and planning point of view, the well-connected open city is a powerful paradigm and an engine for integration and inclusivity. -- Richard Rogers
  • And fifth, we will champion small businesses, America's engine of job growth. That means reducing taxes on business, not raising them. It means simplifying and modernizing the regulations that hurt small business the most. And it means that we must rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare by repealing and replacing Obamacare. -- Mitt Romney
  • It is imperfection - not perfection - that is the end result of the program written into that formidably complex engine that is the human brain, and of the influences exerted upon us by the environment and whoever takes care of us during the long years of our physical, psychological and intellectual development. -- Rita Levi-Montalcini
  • Productivity - the amount of output delivered per hour of work in the economy - is often viewed as the engine of progress in modern capitalist economies. Output is everything. Time is money. The quest for increased productivity occupies reams of academic literature and haunts the waking hours of C.E.O.s and finance ministers. -- Tim Jackson
  • Automobiles have always been part of my life, and I'm sure they always will be. What is it about them that moves me? The sound of a great engine, the unity and uniqueness of an automobile's engineering and coachwork, the history of the company and the car, and, of course, the sheer beauty of the thing. -- Edward Herrmann
  • Everyone and his Big Brother wants to log your browsing habits, the better to build a profile of who you are and how you live your life - online and off. Search engine companies offer a benefit in return: more relevant search results. The more they know about you, the better they can tailor information to your needs. -- Barton Gellman
  • Love runs the engine -- Nora Roberts
  • Done is the engine of more. -- Bre Pettis
  • Curiosity is the engine of civilisation -- Peter Cundill
  • Enthusiasm is the engine of success.. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Curiosity is the engine of achievement. -- Ken Robinson
  • a combustion engine of ambition and disappointment. -- Tina Fey
  • Immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity. -- Jeb Bush
  • Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine. -- Henry Miller
  • Choice is the engine of our evolution. -- Gary Zukav
  • Honor commerce as the engine of change. -- William McDonough
  • Love is the only engine of survival -- Leonard Cohen
  • Bass guitar is the engine of the band. -- Suzi Quatro
  • Boston is the engine of the state's economy. -- Thomas Menino
  • Education is the great engine to personal development. -- Nelson Mandela
  • Knowledge is our most powerful engine of production. -- Alfred Marshall
  • Pakistan without Ajmal is like car without engine -- Sunil Gavaskar
  • What makes the engine go? Desire, desire, desire. -- Stanley Kunitz
  • The great growling engine of change - technology. -- Alvin Toffler
  • Enthusiasm is the steam that drives the engine. -- Napoleon Hill
  • Use fear as an engine, not as a brake. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel. -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  • Responsibility is a tremendous engine in a free government. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Sometimes shame is a more powerful engine than rage. -- Jonathan Maberry
  • Life without emotions is like an engine without fuel. -- Mary Astor
  • When the road ahead seems impossible, start the engine -- Benny Bellamacina
  • Small businesses are really the engine in the economy. -- Karen Mills
  • No reporter is flying around in borrowed twin-engine airplanes. -- Dee Dee Myers
  • Conflict is the primary engine of creativity and innovation. -- Ronald A. Heifetz
  • The engine which drives enterprise is not thrift, but profit. -- John Maynard Keynes
  • The engine of growth is also the engine of inequality, -- T.J. Stiles
  • Ideas can be willed, and the imagination is their engine. -- Theodore Levitt
  • The free intellect is the chief engine of human progress. -- Bertrand Russell
  • Marriage remains the most efficient engine of disenchantment yet invented. -- Caitlin Flanagan
  • Younes Kaboul is a vital clog in the Portsmouth engine -- Bobby Gould
  • Private capitalism makes a steam engine; State capitalism makes pyramids. -- Frank Chodorov
  • Invest in yourself. Your career is the engine of your wealth. -- Paul Clitheroe
  • The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine. -- John Howard
  • Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine running. -- Zig Ziglar
  • [The] discretion of the judge is the first engine of tyranny . . . -- Edward Gibbon
  • Purpose is the engine, the power that drives and directs our lives. -- John R Noe
  • Enthusiasm is a good engine, but it needs intelligence for a driver. -- Woody Allen
  • The Church is a terrible engine of oppression, especially as concerns woman -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • The only engine big enough to impact Mother Nature is Father Greed. -- Thomas Friedman
  • Yahoo today is not a portal. Yahoo today is a search engine. -- Jack Ma
  • Under the engine cover, no one cares what's in there. Nobody cares. -- Bernie Ecclestone
  • Prayer is the mighty engine that is to move the missionary work. -- A. B. Simpson
  • A search engine can determine who shall live and who shall die. -- Marc Goodman
  • This is mankind's destiny, the engine with fuels us as a race. -- Janet Finch
  • The engine of the tank is a weapon just as the main-gun. -- Heinz Guderian
  • The Indian Railways will become the growth engine of the nation's 'Vikas Yatra'. -- Narendra Modi
  • Reading is a mighty engine, beside which steam and electricity sink into insignificance. -- Melvil Dewey
  • If becoming a high performing organization is the destination, leadership is the engine. -- Ken Blanchard
  • Excellence is the jet engine, that pushes you faster and higher to success. -- Mark F. LaMoure
  • Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine. -- Paul Cookson
  • Every living being is an engine geared to the wheel-work of the universe. -- Nikola Tesla
  • The ship is going by a mighty engine, and you are busy rowing. -- Mooji
  • A people without a positive history is like a vehicle without an engine. -- Steven Biko
  • Better a poor steam engine that runs, than a good one never finished. -- R. G. LeTourneau
  • Real genius of moral insight is a motor which will start any engine. -- Edmund Wilson
  • There is not an alternative to the US as the engine for growth. -- Rodrigo Rato
  • Worry is like racing the engine of an automobile without letting in the clutch. -- Corrie Ten Boom
  • I realized that a methane-oxygen rocket engine could achieve a specific impulse greater than 380. -- Elon Musk
  • The eagle may soar, but the weasel never gets sucked into a jet engine. -- John Benfield
  • The engine is the heart of an aeroplane, but the pilot is its soul. -- Walter Alexander Raleigh
  • Without the religious element, life is like an engine running without oil-it seizes up. -- Romano Guardini
  • The Internet, like the steam engine, is a technological breakthrough that changed the world. -- Peter Singer
  • I don't really write plots. I use history as the engine that drives everything. -- Alan Furst
  • Son, you've got a good engine, but your hands aren't on the steering wheel. -- Bobby Bowden
  • If this bloke's a Test match bowler, then my backside is a fire engine -- David Lloyd
  • Science owes more to the steam engine than the steam engine owes to science. -- Lawrence Joseph Henderson
  • Talent without craft is like fuel without an engine, it burns wildly but accomplishes nothing. -- Robert McKee
  • I am like a Rolls- Royce. I can run without an engine, purely on reputation -- Shah Rukh Khan
  • A world where everyone creates content gets confusing pretty quickly without a good search engine. -- Ethan Zuckerman
  • There are excellent public interest grounds to have a search engine whose rankings are transparent. -- Mitch Kapor
  • Even the development of the steam engine owed but little to the advancement of science. -- James Bryant Conant
  • It is the Democrats who get the economic engine of this economy moving forward again. -- Terry McAuliffe
  • Enthusiasm is the electric current that keeps the engine of life going at top speed. -- W. Clement Stone