Endings quotes:

  • Endings to be useful must be inconclusive. -- Samuel R. Delany
  • Endings are a part of life, and we are actually wired to execute them. But because of trauma, developmental failures, and other reasons, we shy away from the steps that could open up whole new worlds of development and growth. -- Henry Cloud
  • When I did 'Scrubs', we were able to always do one as scripted, and then we got to play a little bit and do some stuff. I thought that was pretty loose, but then coming on 'Happy Endings,' it's even looser. -- Eliza Coupe
  • Endings are beginnings-if we allow them to be. -- Laura Day
  • Endings are always the beginnings of something else -- Holly Goldberg Sloan
  • I had a very quick moment on 'Happy Endings.' -- Justin Baldoni
  • Endings are not always bad. Most times they're just beginnings in disguise. -- Kim Harrison
  • Endings are beginnings, and beginnings are ours to turn into something good. -- Elizabeth Chandler
  • Endings must come naturally, you're supposed to let it happen, not just to make it happen like that. -- Barry Harris
  • Endings are elusive, middles are nowhere to be found, but worst of all is to begin, to begin, to begin. -- Donald Barthelme
  • There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middle And a very happy start. -- Shel Silverstein
  • Endings are not our destiny...They are merely interruptions-temporary pauses that one day will seem small compared to the eternal joy awaiting the faithful. -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • Endings of television shows are sometimes such depressing things. It's like you're not going to hang out with these people anymore, and that's bad enough. -- Scott Aukerman
  • Happy Endings are an illusion. Real life is filled with brief moments of fleeting happiness, but ultimately every life is a tragedy that ends in death and grief. -- Oliver Gaspirtz
  • I watch so much TV, it's sad. I watch 'Happy Endings', '30 Rock', 'Parks and Rec', 'The Office', 'Eagleheart', 'Children's Hospital'. 'Modern Family' I guess I'm still kinda watching. -- Anders Holm
  • Endings are the toughest, harder than beginnings. They must satisfy the expectations you have hopefully generated in your reader - not frustrate them, leave the reader grasping at elusive strings. -- Jeffrey Thomas
  • Endings are never neat, because when life goes on, there is no end. You may want to speculate about what the characters get up to afterwards, but I feel it would be presumptuous of me to dictate that. -- Stef Penney
  • Endings are like, I always say, like a women's pregnancy. When she has a child, she is happy to have the child, but there is a thing called postpartum depression, that is that she is no longer carrying the baby. -- Peter Eisenman
  • FlashForward' was a really fun show to make. Not to mention, I only worked, like, one day a week, and it paid the same as 'Happy Endings.' I got to make out with beautiful women on that show as well. -- Zachary Knighton
  • Endings are the hardest part. I find there's a great relief that at the end of every episode, every hour of TV you produce, while you want a proper and satisfying ending, it doesn't have to end The Story, in capital letters. -- Vince Gilligan
  • Nothing surprises me on 'Happy Endings,' because the show - I think one of the awesome things about the show is that it's so open to doing anything. We could do a genre episode. We have the green light to do whatever we want. Mostly because no one's watching. -- Adam Pally
  • True love stories never have endings. -- Richard Bach
  • The beginnings and endings of all human undertakings are untidy. -- John Galsworthy
  • I'm incredibly cheesy. I'm all about happy endings and all of that. -- Rebecca Mader
  • That's something I think is growing on me as I get older: happy endings. -- Alice Munro
  • And in real life endings aren't always neat, whether they're happy endings, or whether they're sad endings. -- Stephen King
  • Our culture thrives on black-and-white narratives, clearly defined emotions, easy endings, and so, this thrust into complexity exhausts. -- Caroline Knapp
  • My favorite thing about movies is the ending, and so all my favorite movies have really great endings. -- Emma Stone
  • I find it ironic that happy endings now are called fairytale endings because there's nothing happy about most fairytale endings. -- Joe Wright
  • Life is not so much about beginnings and endings as it is about going on and on and on. It is about muddling through the middle. -- Anna Quindlen
  • That's kind of the weird thing that M. Night Shyamalan has sort of unleashed upon the world is this need for every movie to have these ridiculous endings. -- Alex Winter
  • Fortunate people often have very favorable beginnings and very tragic endings. What matters isn't being applauded when you arrive - for that is common - but being missed when you leave. -- Baltasar Gracian
  • I get tired of stories that keep going and going and never get anywhere. It's like a promise that's never fulfilled. Stories need endings. Otherwise, they aren't really stories. Just pages. -- Ted Naifeh
  • I'm still trying to re-create a Ray Charles concert that I heard when I was fifteen years old, and all my nerve endings were fried and transformed, and electricity shot through me. -- Boz Scaggs
  • I've never done a film before where every single person in the audience knows the ending. I mean suspense, twists are almost impossible these days. People are blogging your endings from their cinema seats. -- Danny Boyle
  • I don't believe in happy endings, but I do believe in happy travels, because ultimately, you die at a very young age, or you live long enough to watch your friends die. It's a mean thing, life. -- George Clooney
  • Pride' is my first film with a happy ending. Before, I naively thought they were a cop-out, but now I've come to believe that happy endings and wish fulfilment are an incredibly important part of our cultural life. -- Joe Wright
  • I used to be a freelance journalist, so I had to write fast, but I always found writing nonfiction constraining. I like the freedom of fiction, where I get to invent everything, and tidy, conclusive endings are within my control. -- Michelle Gagnon
  • The side of fairytales I don't like is that they always have happy endings, that there's just good and evil, and things are perfect. But life is a little more complicated, and that's what I try to teach my kids. -- Angelina Jolie
  • Everything has seasons, and we have to be able to recognize when something's time has passed and be able to move into the next season. Everything that is alive requires pruning as well, which is a great metaphor for endings. -- Henry Cloud
  • Titles are important; I have them before I have books that belong to them. I have last chapters in my mind before I see first chapters, too. I usually begin with endings, with a sense of aftermath, of dust settling, of epilogue. -- John Irving
  • God wants us to know that life is a series of beginnings, not endings. Just as graduations are not terminations, but commencements. Creation is an ongoing process, and when we create a perfect world where love and compassion are shared by all, suffering will cease. -- Bernie Siegel
  • I used to feel defensive when people would say, 'Yes, but your books have happy endings', as if that made them worthless, or unrealistic. Some people do get happy endings, even if it's only for a while. I would rather never be published again than write a downbeat ending. -- Marian Keyes
  • Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart. I know the sun will rise in the morning, that there is a light at the end of every tunnel. -- Michael Morpurgo
  • FlashForward' was on the outs when I was approached with 'Happy Endings.' I literally got the script on a Friday, and on Saturday morning I met with David Caspe, Jamie Tarses, and the Russo brothers. I took the role on that Saturday, and on Monday I was doing a table read. It all happened very fast, but it was super exciting. -- Zachary Knighton
  • Happy endings. *Groan* -- Carla H. Krueger
  • I like happy endings. -- Harmon Killebrew
  • There are no endings. -- Kevin Brooks
  • Bad beginnings, bad endings. -- Livy
  • And in stories, endings matter. -- Atul Gawande
  • Observe how endings become beginnings. -- Laozi
  • Happy endings are still endings. -- Gregory Maguire
  • There are no happy endings. -- George R. R. Martin
  • Happy endings make me puke. -- Roman Polanski
  • Ice is for death and endings. -- Guy Gavriel Kay
  • Happy endings come in different packages -- Jason F. Wright
  • I don't believe in happy endings. -- Jeanette Winterson
  • Story book endings, fairytales coming true. -- Carrie Underwood
  • Stories don't always have happy endings. -- Patrick Ness
  • happy endings start with new beginnings. -- Luanne Rice
  • You want happy endings, read cookbooks. -- Dean Young
  • True enjoy stories never ever have endings. -- Richard Bach
  • Civilization creates discontents; barbarism creates quick endings. -- Mason Cooley
  • Happy endings are a luxury of fiction -- Trudi Canavan
  • She lived in fear of ifonic endings. -- Anne Lamott
  • In film, you can have sad endings. -- Anna Torv
  • A true love story has no endings. -- M.F. Moonzajer
  • There are no happy endings, because nothing ends. -- Peter S. Beagle
  • ..there are two possible endings to every story. -- Christie Watson
  • Taking chances almost always makes for happy endings. -- Barbara Corcoran
  • I have an instinctual distrust of conventional happy endings. -- George R. R. Martin
  • What really counts are good endings, not flawed beginnings. -- Ibn Taymiyyah
  • Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet. -- Angelina Jolie
  • Small beginnings are the launching pad to great endings. -- Joyce Meyer
  • --
  • And there are really never endings, happy or otherwise. -- Erin Morgenstern
  • You'll only find happy endings in books. Some books. -- Ellen Hopkins
  • Unhappy endings can be as cheap as happy endings. -- David O. Russell
  • Happy endings are bullshit. There are only happy pauses. -- Brian K. Vaughan
  • There are no happy endings there are only happy people. -- Dorothy Gilman
  • Happy endings always made her cry. It was the relief. -- Liane Moriarty
  • Beginnings come at random but endings always have a reason -- Ayumi Hamasaki
  • Carmen didn't like change, and she certainly didn't like endings. -- Ann Brashares
  • Real ugly endings are better than fake happily ever after's -- Colleen Hoover
  • Pawn endings are to Chess what putting is to golf -- Cecil Purdy
  • In my limited realm of experience, beginnings led to endings. -- Ellen Hopkins
  • Where are the beginnings, the endings, and most important, the middles? -- Julio Cortazar
  • Ireland is where strange tales begin and happy endings are possible. -- Charles Haughey
  • In His plan there are no true endings. Only everlasting beginnings. -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • I know all about endings. It is beginnings that elude me. -- Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • There are no happy endings, only breaks in the regular action. -- Lauren Oliver
  • If we had happy endings, we'd all be under gravestones now. -- Stephenie Meyer
  • So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings. -- J. R. R. Tolkien
  • My horizon's have shrunk and I have only endings to write. -- Salman Rushdie
  • All deaths, all endings, are a path to the next beginning. -- Alberto Villoldo
  • Princes don't come around everyday, and happy endings don't grow on trees -- Jodi Picoult
  • I don't believe in happy endings but I believe in happy journeys. -- George Clooney
  • Storybook endings never appear. They're just 'someone's' way of leading us here. -- Dan Fogelberg
  • Sometimes the kids come up with better endings than the real story. -- Gail Carson Levine
  • I read *old* novels. The reason is simple. I prefer proper endings. -- Diane Setterfield
  • The sad part about happy endings is there's nothing to write about. -- Tammy Wynette
  • There are no happy endings in history, only crisis points that pass. -- Isaac Asimov
  • A romance novel should leave readers joyous. My books all have happy endings. -- Judith McNaught
  • Some stories don't have happy endings. Even love stories. Maybe especially love stories. -- Kristin Hannah
  • Unity, I thought, implies the possibility of disunity. Beginnings imply and require endings. -- Ann Leckie
  • Partings are the beginnings of new meetings. Beginnings happen because there are endings. -- Natsuki Takaya
  • The theatre is a tragic place, full of endings and partings and heartbreak. -- Iris Murdoch
  • Yeah, I don't necessarily like endings that contrive an artificial moment of completion. -- Daniel Clowes
  • If you like books with happy endings then put this book down immediately. -- Daniel Handler
  • The fact was, I didn't know if I was built for happy endings. -- Maggie Stiefvater
  • Life isn't a fairy tale, and happy endings are few and far between -- Kristen Bell
  • About endings....unless we do them well, we have to keep repeating them. -- Ursula Hegi
  • My parents believe in the happy endings to the stories of their children. -- Glen Duncan
  • That's what happens. You just get on with it. There are no endings. -- Kevin Brooks
  • You'll never learn how to do your endings until you FINISH your endings. -- Brandon Sanderson
  • All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time. -- Mitch Albom
  • The clitoris contains 8,000 nerve endings. It makes it easy to have sex. With yourself. -- Dannii Minogue
  • Beginnings are definitely the most exciting, middles are perplexing and endings are a disaster. -- Sam Shepard
  • If we told every story from the middle, we would never appreciate happy endings. -- Jessica Brody The Karma Club
  • People who live in difficult circumstances need to know that happy endings are possible. Page 1. -- Sonia Sotomayor