Emo Love quotes:

  • Why can't love be a fairy tale? -- Amy Davis
  • The most violent friendships soonest wear themselves out. -- William Hazlitt
  • Her love was trembling in laughter on her lips. -- Oscar Wilde
  • There is a woman at the begining of all great things. -- Alphonse de Lamartine
  • Love is blind, but desire just doesn't give a good goddamn -- James Thurber
  • Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself. -- Andre Breton
  • I love you as you are, but do not tell me how that is. -- Antonio Porchia
  • If you work on a lobster boat, sneaking up behind someone and pinching him is probably a joke that gets old real fast. -- Jack Handey
  • Some people claim that marriage interferes with romance. There's no doubt about it. Anytime you have a romance, your wife is bound to interfere. -- Groucho Marx
  • Throughout our lives we long to love ourselves more deeply and to feel connected with others. Instead, we often contract, fear intimacy, and suffer a bewildering sense of separation. We crave love, and yet we are lonely. Our delusion of being separate from one another, of being apart from all that is around us, gives rise to all of this pain. -- Sharon Salzberg
  • They call me Good Time Emo. Because I love a good time! And my name is Emo. -- Emo Philips