Demos quotes:

  • DUST includes rarities, demos, unreleased songs and instrumentals, live recordings, and more. -- Adrian Belew
  • We always started these albums as making demos, that went right on until Scary Monsters. -- Tony Visconti
  • It's taken a long time but eventually when I had the songs in place and demos right and I found myself a manager, that's when everything started happening quickly but I think that's always the way it is. -- James Blunt
  • But I like to listen to demos. I like to hear the finished product. It's like listening to a song - I mean, a story. If you're going to sit here and tell me a story, I just like to listen. I don't want to make them up. -- Reba McEntire
  • Demos are something you do in the early stages of your career, but when you get going, you just go in and record the song. -- Mark Kozelek
  • France had shown a light to all men, preached a Gospel, all men's good; Celtic Demos rose a Demon, shriek'd and slaked the light with blood. -- Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • I love listening to demos. They're so raw. -- Lykke Li
  • There is not, in my view, a single European demos. -- David Cameron
  • In those days I don't' think they were even demos. -- Roger Daltrey
  • Opinions are like demo tapes. I don't want to hear yours -- Stephen Colbert
  • Mutineer is the first album of mine without a demo stage. -- Warren Zevon
  • I never record anything like a demo, I just go for it. -- Nuno Bettencourt
  • At the time, I was making good money doing background work and demos. -- Dee Dee Warwick
  • Also I played on a lot of demos in the early days of the Stones. -- Big Jim Sullivan
  • Also I played on a lot of demos in the early days of the Stones. -- Big Jim Sullivan
  • I got a publishing deal with BMG, they were supportive, and some money to record demos. -- Duncan Sheik
  • I got a publishing deal with BMG, they were supportive, and some money to record demos -- Duncan Sheik
  • I have started to record some demos so hopefully in the near future I can play live. -- Luke Treadaway
  • Recording at home enables one to eliminate the demo stage, and the presentation stage in the studio, too. -- Warren Zevon
  • I would love to make a bunch of country demos and write country songs for really great country singers. -- Kathleen Hanna
  • Every band I knew or played with had flyers and properly-recorded demos and contacts; I couldn't even get a gig. -- Beck
  • I'm the most indecisive person in the world. I'll do three versions of a song, then think, "Is the demo better?" -- Marc Almond
  • I'd done recordings, little demos, since I was in college, which I used to get gigs. But I never thought I'd have a record label. -- Norah Jones
  • If people are really excited about their music, and that's their primary motivation, then that comes through in demo tapes. That's the most important ingredient. -- Greg Ginn
  • There was nothing more I wanted to do than to see my dad react well to my music. I still do. I send him my demos all the time. -- Dan Reynolds
  • I have been a harmony enthusiast since I was a child, singing in choir and with friends growing up. I always put a ton of harmonies on my demos. -- Zooey Deschanel
  • In 1980, I moved to Chicago, and I recorded demo tapes for my friends' bands, and in 1981, the first Big Black record - the first thing I did that was an actual record. -- Steve Albini
  • At that time, I was signed to Columbia Records as an Independent Producer. I spent many weeks forming, auditioning, rehearsing and recording demos for Kenny, who was finally signed to Columbia Records. -- Jim Messina
  • I listen to everything that comes in. I'm not real worried about demo sound quality. I can hear through that sort of thing. If a band can play, then they can play. -- Greg Ginn
  • If you wanna get away with murder, all you gotta do is shoot somebody in the head and put a demo tape in their pocket! "This is a rap killing. Let's go home!" -- Chris Rock
  • Throughout the '50s, tons of unknown locals came through Sun to record their demos. Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis all made their first recordings at the former Memphis Recording Service. -- Shawn Amos
  • I've been making demos at home for many albums now. So over those years, I've learned how to record music, and I love being at home. I excel when I can make things at home. -- Jason Mraz
  • I thought I'd be wasting my time to go to commercial record companies and make demos for them, because don't forget, I was doing what I was doing and nobody understood what I was doing. -- John Fahey
  • What has happened is that to some degree they have taken an attitude where they don't listen to demos of diverse subject matters. They're looking for demos like the record the guy on the left just did. -- Grandmaster Flash
  • I know I can't do everything myself. So I know I specialize in my melodies and I do some of my demo work. I pass it on to my producers who are much better at the production level -- Paul Taylor
  • I was producing demos for a band that was called Physical Ed. Out of production of demos I went and did a few jam sessions with then in Northern California clubs, but I never actually toured with them. -- Ronnie Montrose
  • Rebel Heart changed everything. First of all, it drove me insane - and made me feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety. It made me second guess everything, because suddenly I thought, 'Oh god, everyone's heard all these demos.' -- Madonna Ciccone
  • I tend to like to write a song and then think about it for a while. I record a demo of it and then put it away and wait until I've gotten more thoughts on it or get sure exactly how to approach it. -- Christopher Owens
  • I don't particularly enjoy standing alone and recording my own voice or my own stuff. It's sometimes fun to do for demos and stuff, but I really enjoy the social act of recording records, because writing it is so lonely. And it has to be. -- Sondre Lerche
  • I think the true test of a pop song, for me, and I've talked to a lot of other writers about this, is you take your demo, you pop it in your car and you drive down Sunset Blvd. to Santa Monica, and that's the Hollywood car test. -- Ryan Tedder
  • When I was in seventh grade, I asked my parents for a mobile recording system for Christmas, and I got it. I didn't come out of my room for years after that. I'd get invited to the movies and I'd say, 'I'm gonna finish a couple of demos.' -- Hunter Hayes
  • Most of my early records were not cohesive at all, just collections of demos recorded in different years. 'Odelay' was the first time I actually got to go in the studio and record a piece of music in a continuous linear fashion, although that was written over a year. -- Beck
  • The process always starts with detailed conversations with the director, followed by a spotting session (deciding where the music goes and doesn't go in the film, and what the music should be saying or not saying) in each scene. This is followed by sending the director demos of each cue for feedback. -- John Keltonic
  • I think Pantera is a type of band that has been documented very, very well over the years. With the past re-releases, we were fortunate enough to have old demos and stuff that never really saw the light of day. But Pantera was not the type of band to waste many riffs or many parts or songs. -- Phil Anselmo
  • Nine Inch Nails was born out of Cleveland, Ohio, with me and a friend in a studio working on demos at night. Got a record deal with a small, little label, went on tour in a van, and a couple years later found that somehow we touched a nerve, and that first record resonated with a bunch of people. -- Trent Reznor
  • I started doing some demos and got online and bought a refurbished laptop, bought a microphone off of eBay. A lot of folks said you can't really do it that way at a pro level, but I did some vocals that way, turned it into the label and they said, 'Wow, where did you record this? The vocals sound great!' -- Rodney Atkins
  • I think I first realized I wanted to be in country music and be an artist when I was 10. And I started dragging my parents to festivals, and fairs, and karaoke contests, and I did that for about a year before I came to Nashville for the first time. I was 11 and I had this demo CD of me singing Dixie Chicks and Leanne Rimes songs. -- Taylor Swift
  • I've always been shy, but I see that as a good thing because it kept me focused on music. When I was in seventh grade, I asked my parents for a mobile recording system for Christmas, and I got it. I didn't come out of my room for years after that. I'd get invited to the movies and I'd say, 'I'm gonna finish a couple of demos.' -- Hunter Hayes
  • All vendor demos are boring. It's the law, I think -- Scott Adams
  • I don't make demos. I don't have the interest or the energy or the time. -- Mark Kozelek
  • I hope somebody does this to all my crap demos when I'm dead, making them into hit songs. -- George Harrison
  • We need to have a bigger and more significant role for national parliaments. There is not, in my view, a single European demos. -- David Cameron
  • The hard part was when I went into the studio with co-producer Eric Broucek, and he started slashing my demos. I always sweat that. -- Britta Phillips
  • There is only one Steve Jobs, but if you want a shot at being the next Steve Jobs, learn to communicate using stories, demos, and pictures. -- Guy Kawasaki
  • I started making music professionally when I was 14. I did songs on that program GarageBand, and then I'd put demos up on MySpace with my friends... -- Sky Ferreira
  • For a business plan written when the hardware was a wire-wrapped board and the software was three demos on a graphics substrate, it was pretty close. -- Chris Espinosa
  • I started as a writer and when I sent my demos out everyone wanted to know who was singing and if that person wanted a record deal. -- Brian McKnight
  • You can always pound out demos and send them to record companies, but most of the successful bands I've seen are the ones that can sustain themselves. -- Joe Perry
  • My main objective with a home studio - I could get into doing full band demos - but my first objective is to cut things like guitar tracks and solos at home. -- John Petrucci
  • Some people will totally get restless, since you can make demos pretty easy. It's not unreasonable for someone to say, "All right, can you just record this and go home and work on it?" -- Craig Finn