Demonstrating quotes:

  • Demonstrating faith and optimism in the child or adolescent's ability to work things out in their own time and in their own way can be very difficult but it is possible to do this while also offering assistance. -- Timothy Carey
  • Demonstrating verbal kindness looks better on everyone know matter what the situation. There's a peace in the heart of the kind person who handles everything with love. -- Ron Baratono
  • Angel is right,"said Dr. G-H quickly. "This is my clumsy way of demonstrating." "Demonstrating what?" I was barely able to keep a snarl out of my voice. "How to get yourself beat up in one easy step? -- James Patterson
  • Time has a way of demonstrating that the most stubborn are the most intelligent. -- Yevgeny Yevtushenko
  • Activists and geeks, standing together, are demonstrating powers beyond the reach of government control. -- Barton Gellman
  • My mum would like to see me on the cover of 'Good Housekeeping' demonstrating children's toys with some nice lipstick on. -- Tracey Ullman
  • This is a historic moment in global public health, demonstrating the international will to tackle a threat to health head on. -- Gro Harlem Brundtland
  • It's not uncommon for people to overvalue the importance of demonstrating their competence and power, often at the expense of demonstrating their warmth. -- Amy Cuddy
  • The speed of movement towards independence will depend on Kosovo demonstrating that it is capable of treating minorities well. We have not always seen that. -- Emma Bonino
  • The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability... When the leader demonstrates vulnerability and sensibility and brings people together, the team wins. -- Howard Schultz
  • As you become more successful, the gender barrier disappears. The credibility challenges you have during your growing up years starts disappearing when you start demonstrating success. -- Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
  • Pay attention to those employees who respectfully ask why. They are demonstrating an interest in their jobs and exhibiting a curiosity that could eventually translate into leadership ability. -- Harvey Mackay
  • The important achievement of Apollo was demonstrating that humanity is not forever chained to this planet and our visions go rather further than that and our opportunities are unlimited. -- Neil Armstrong
  • The cooperation of navies from around the world promises high tactical value for the ships, aircraft, and divers involved; while demonstrating international resolve in defending maritime security against potential threats. -- John C. Stennis
  • Thank you... 'Real Housewives of Atlanta,' for demonstrating a universal truth: Idiots like me will always watch idiots like you fight on TV. You will forever be in my TiVo. -- Jimmy Fallon
  • It was easy to present figures demonstrating the contrast between lead work in the United States under conditions of neglect and ignorance, and comparable work in England and Germany, under intelligent control. -- Alice Hamilton
  • President Obama seems to think that you win by demonstrating that you're a more reasonable person than your opponents. It didn't work too badly, I'll grant, as an electoral strategy in the 2012 election. -- Timothy Noah
  • We didn't set out to be educators or even scientists, and we don't purport that what we do is real science but we're demonstrating a methodology by which one can engage and satisfy your curiosity. -- Adam Savage
  • Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends. -- Maya Angelou
  • The United States was seriously defeated in Iraq by Iraqi nationalism - mostly by nonviolent resistance. The United States could kill the insurgents, but they couldn't deal with half a million people demonstrating in the streets. -- Noam Chomsky
  • There was no silver bullet that could have prevented the 11 September attacks. There was nothing demonstrating or showing that something was coming in the United States. If there had been something, we would have acted on it. -- Condoleezza Rice
  • My dad's a doctor, and when I was 8, I went to one of his medical conferences where they were demonstrating laser surgery on a chicken. I was so mad that a chicken had to die, I never ate meat again. -- Natalie Portman
  • The psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has shown great courage, in the face of spiteful vested interests, in demonstrating how easy it is for people to concoct memories that are entirely false but which seem, to the victim, every bit as real as true memories. -- Richard Dawkins
  • The later it gets the more disturbed the city becomes. I go with Albert through the streets. Men are standing in groups at every corner. Rumours are flying. It is said that the military have already fired on a procession of demonstrating workers. -- Erich Maria Remarque
  • When you gossip, it's self-hexing. Because when you do it, it comes back to you. Everything starts with the word. The word is demonstrating a condition of the mind. If it's in your mind and comes out of your mouth, it will be created. -- Iyanla Vanzant
  • Companies and their brands need to reach out and speak directly to consumers, to honor their values, and to form meaningful relationships with them. They must become architects of community, consistently demonstrating the values that their customer community expects in exchange for their loyalty and purchases. -- Simon Mainwaring
  • There is a long list of psychology research demonstrating that appearances matter more than most us would care to admit. As shallow as it may be, better-looking people have been shown in various studies to have higher self-esteem and more charisma, are considered more trustworthy and are better negotiators. -- Andrew Ross Sorkin
  • The second, and I think this is the much more overt and I think it is the main cause, I have been increasingly demonstrating or trying to demonstrate that every possible stance a critic, a scholar, a teacher can take towards a poem is itself inevitably and necessarily poetic. -- Harold Bloom
  • But last year there were 540,000 people, roughly, detained coming across the border illegally. Forty-five thousand of them came from countries other than Mexico, demonstrating the fact that Mexico itself now is a pathway into the United States for people all around the world, and we don't know what their intentions are. -- John Cornyn
  • People are least aware of others when demonstrating their own power over them. -- Rachel Cusk
  • What clinical lectures I will give in heaven, demonstrating the ignorance of doctors! -- Israel Zangwill
  • Here in the enclave, one didn't prosper by demonstrating too much independent thought. -- Ann Aguirre
  • The generous giver, demonstrating the nature of God by his behavior, can never outgive God. -- Max Anders
  • Teaching is only demonstrating that it is possible. Learning is making it possible for yourself. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Whatever materializes worship hinders man's spiritual growth and keeps him from demonstrating his power over error. -- Mary Baker Eddy
  • The film is the first art form capable of demonstrating how matter plays tricks on man. -- Walter Benjamin
  • Cherish your family connections. They are one of God's greatest ways of demonstrating his love and fellowship. -- Norman Vincent Peale
  • An artwork should point in more than one direction, not be this sort of placating, self-demonstrating, witnessing element. -- Luc Tuymans
  • When Jesus performed miracles, he wasn't demonstrating what God can do, but what God can do through a man. -- Bill Johnson
  • In a sick society, women who have difficulty fitting in are not ill but demonstrating a healthy and positive response. -- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • The whole value of history, of biography, is to increase my self-trust, by demonstrating what man can be and do. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Running from fear only strengthens fear-you are demonstrating that fear has power over you. Fear must be faced and gone through. -- Peter McWilliams
  • By being persistent, you're demonstrating faith. Persistence is simply another word for faith. If you didn't have faith, you'd never persist. -- Earl Nightingale
  • The hardest thing about being a leader is demonstrating or showing vulnerability. And that has a lot to do with trust. -- Howard Schultz
  • You`re demonstrating a courage that most people can`t even fathom: giving it all away in order to have yourself -- Iyanla Vanzant
  • Only my current situation has enabled me to accomplish the expensive task of demonstrating that the preferred sustenance of painting is painting. -- Asger Jorn
  • I am known for what I'm do. But I'm not a five-year-old Hong Konger, I'm not a kid demonstrating in the streets. -- Christopher Doyle
  • Life may more than once call upon you to prove Who You Are by demonstrating an aspect of Who You Are Not. -- Neale Donald Walsch
  • You don't have to justify your education by demonstrating its financial rewards. Anyone who expects you to has no sense of the arts. -- Cheryl Strayed
  • --
  • The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law. -- Harold Pinter
  • Mr. Vandemar showed them his teeth, demonstrating his sunny and delightful disposition. It was unquestionably the most horrible thing Richard had ever seen. -- Neil Gaiman
  • When the students in the South, the blacks, started demonstrating, that was the beginning of the time of students becoming a social force around the world. -- Tom Hayden
  • The greatest missionary tool we have is that of demonstrating friendliness, brotherly kindness, harmony, love and peace in our homes and in all our church meetings. -- Theodore M. Burton
  • How can we ask for our young stars to have a high level of responsibility if we are not demonstrating that same level of responsibility towards them? -- Jada Pinkett Smith
  • Great leaders are great servants because the only way of setting an example is by demonstrating an example. Service to mankind is the key to true leadership! -- Israelmore Ayivor
  • We are demonstrating for services for all the people and not just services for money. It's very important that this message goes to the European Parliament today. -- John Monks
  • I love that Toronto is demonstrating that a big, highly diverse, multicultural city can actually work and work well, if its residents have the attitude of Torontonians. -- Roger Martin
  • History shows that pay-TV subscribers flee in droves to alternative providers when there is even a rare service disruption - demonstrating a quantifiable value for 'must-have' broadcast programming. -- Gordon Smith
  • Science is a method of logical analysis of nature's operations. It has lessened human anxiety about the cosmos by demonstrating the materiality of nature's forces, and their frequent predictability. -- Camille Paglia
  • I began demonstrating against serious culture. In hindsight, the actual course of events has been very humiliating for me, because no one picked up on the intellectual critique I made. -- Henry Flynt
  • Ever since we invented fire and the wheel, we've been demonstrating both our ability and our inherent desire to fix things that we don't like about ourselves and our environment. -- Aubrey de Grey
  • But they also awarded a quite respectable 55th place to Enoch Powell, thereby demonstrating that, for certain sections of the population, being an unpleasant racist constitutes no bar to greatness. -- Marc Morris
  • This WikiLeaks document dump is showing - it's demonstrating, it is illustrating - that there is no boundary between the media and the Democrat Party, that it's one and the same. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • This WikiLeaks document dump is showing - it's demonstrating, it is illustrating - that there is no boundary between the media and the Democrat Party, that it's one and the same. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • Never worry that rote exercises aimed at developing skills will suffocate creativity. At the same time, it's important to recognize that demonstrating great technique is not the same as being creative. -- Twyla Tharp
  • But in all His dealings with His creatures God has maintained the principles of righteousness by revealing sin in its true character-by demonstrating that its sure result is misery and death. -- Ellen G. White
  • The scariest, ugliest stories about in-home nursing usually are the result of nurses demonstrating a lack of professionalism, bad morals or a disregard for the child for whom they are providing care. -- Charisse Montgomery
  • By 1948, the Italians had begun to pull themselves together, demonstrating once more their astonishing ability to cope with disaster which is so perfectly balanced by their absolute inability to deal with success -- Gore Vidal
  • By releasing these five top Taliban commanders, the U.S. is demonstrating that it is throwing in the towel in the long struggle against the Taliban and its al-Qaeda allies in Afghanistan. -- Jonathan S. Tobin
  • The impulse to mar and to destroy is as ancient and almost as nearly universal as the impulse to create. The one is an easier way than the other of demonstrating power. -- Joseph Wood Krutch
  • Transmit your vision emotionally by gaining credibility, demonstrating passion, establishing relationships and communicating a felt need. Transmit it logically by confronting reality, formulating strategy, accepting responsibility, celebrating victory and learning from defeat. -- John C. Maxwell
  • Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, teachers. -- Richard Bach
  • Without the tape-recorded evidence demonstrating irrefutably, in Nixons own voice, his knowledge of and active involvement in obstruction of justice, it is likely that Nixon would have escaped impeachment and removal from office. -- Richard Ben-Veniste
  • Without the tape-recorded evidence demonstrating irrefutably, in Nixon's own voice, his knowledge of and active involvement in obstruction of justice, it is likely that Nixon would have escaped impeachment and removal from office. -- Richard Ben-Veniste
  • I've always felt that anyone who wants to talk about my private life is only demonstrating the paucity of his/her imagination when there are so many more important and exciting things to discuss. -- David Gerrold
  • As an actor, demonstrating your feelings in front of people is not what you're supposed to be doing. You're supposed to hold your emotions and control them, and not show them all over the place. -- James Hong
  • Chace shook his head, not at odds with how he felt about Tatum Jackson and Tyrell Walker, two of the biggest badasses he knew, demonstrating signs they were pussy whipped and didn't give a shit. -- Kristen Ashley
  • I was in a community where we were out demonstrating. We were holding vigils against the Vietnam War, in - like, starting in around '67, I think,before it really exploded as a big movement. -- Jill Stein
  • The goal of all my work is essentially the same: demonstrating that magic is real or that reality is magic, by paying attention, and finding compensation or consolation for what is essentially a tragic existence. -- Peter Blegvad