Demonic quotes:

  • Demonic figures and occult themes have disappeared from modern magic. -- David Copperfield
  • Metallica - they're so demonic, they're crazy, I don't know how they do it. -- Dee Dee Ramone
  • I had to confront my fears and master my every demonic thought about inferiority, insecurity, or the fear of being black, young, and gifted in this Western culture. -- Lauryn Hill
  • All religion seems to need to prove that it's the only truth. And that's where it turns demonic. Because that's when you get religious wars and persecutions and burning heretics at the stake. -- John Shelby Spong
  • Tony Iommi - the undisputed king of demonic heavy rock riffs. In this area, no one had never surpassed him. -- Ozzy Osbourne
  • Now... all opposed to being rescued, raise your hands, otherwise, I'd like to get the fuck out of here~Veiron, Her Demonic Angel ~ -- Felicity Heaton
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  • Cancer is a demonic pregnancy. -- Susan Sontag
  • Love without knowledge is demonic. -- G. I. Gurdjieff
  • Every institution is inherently demonic. -- Paul Tillich
  • Spirituality, without the Holy Spirit, is demonic. -- Mark Driscoll
  • Evil' is quite a blanket term. People aren't the demonic characters we would like them to be sometimes. -- David Morrissey
  • 'Evil' is quite a blanket term. People aren't the demonic characters we would like them to be sometimes. -- David Morrissey
  • I've always had a really active imagination. Lots of kids have imaginary friends. Mine just took on a rather demonic form. -- Claire Danes
  • Abortion is the Antichrist's demonic parody of the eucharist. That's why it uses the same holy words, "This is my body," with the blasphemous opposite meaning. -- Peter Kreeft
  • Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic. -- Pope Benedict XVI
  • Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light. -- Beverly Sills
  • Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light. -- Beverly Sills
  • By the way, if you get mad at your Mac laptop and wonder who designed this demonic device, notice the manufacturer's icon on top: an apple with a bite out of it. -- Peter Kreeft
  • I felt impelled to write. It felt demonic, and I wanted to improve, the way some people habitually pick up a guitar and get better at playing it and making up songs. -- Sarah Hall
  • I got to grow up in a situation where drugs were demonic. To watch your dad go through heroin withdrawal is something that would keep you from doing any of that yourself. -- Shia LaBeouf
  • Leadership that exploits and sacrifices young people on the altar of its goals is nothing more than raw, demonic power. Genuine leadership is found in ceaseless efforts to foster young people, to pave the way forward for them. -- Daisaku Ikeda
  • I grew up on Stephen King, reading the books. I love the small town, 1950s feel to it, that nostalgia, and that old America. What happens when something weird starts happening to all these people, something other-worldly, something demonic? -- Alexander Koch
  • The unconscious is not just evil by nature, it is also the source of the highest good: not only dark but also light, not only bestial, semihuman, and demonic but superhuman, spiritual, and, in the classical sense of the word, "divine." -- Carl Jung
  • A heavenly portal is a spherical opening of light that offers divine protection by which angels and heavenly beings can come and go, without demonic interference. God has designed portals to begin in the third Heaven, travel through the second Heaven, and open upon Earth. -- John Paul Jackson
  • How apostles are received is a key measuring stick as to how the Lord will release blessings or judgements on a territory. Apostles also have authority over the demonic rulers of a region. They have the ability to demonstrate supernatural power that draws a whole region to our life-giving God -- Chuck Pierce
  • I hight don Quixote, I live on peyote, marijuana, morphine and cocaine. I never know sadness, but only a madness that burns at the heart and the brain. I see each charwoman, ecstatic, inhuman, angelic, demonic, divine. Each wagon a dragon, each beer mug a flagon that brims with ambrosial wine. -- Jack Parsons
  • For all her active goodness, Florence Nightingale herself was far from being the angelic figure of popular adulation: according to Lytton Strachey's Eminent Victorians she was a self-righteous, domineering amazon, who was ruthless in her compassion, merciless in her philantropy, destructive in friendships, obsessional in her list for power, and demonic in her saintliness. -- David Cannadine
  • Everyone finds their own version of Charles Dickens. The child-victim, the irrepressibly ambitious young man, the reporter, the demonic worker, the tireless walker. The radical, the protector of orphans, helper of the needy, man of good works, the republican. The hater and the lover of America. The giver of parties, the magician, the traveler. -- Claire Tomalin
  • Although a system may cease to exist in the legal sense or as a structure of power, its values (or anti-values), its philosophy, its teachings remain in us. They rule our thinking, our conduct, our attitude to others. The situation is a demonic paradox: we have toppled the system but we still carry its genes. -- Ryszard Kapuscinski
  • The way I wanted to write it, is with a hero, or sort of a pure character who was the protagonist. And the antagonists were these demonic evil children, cause when you're a kid, seven or eight years old, and you're looking at the world around you - everything seems black or white, good or bad. -- John Wozniak
  • My Barbies were usually naked. Once, I took their heads off, cut their hair, drew on their short, spiky hair with some markers, then stuck the heads on Christmas lights. Every year, we'd string our tree with those Barbie heads. It looked demonic. My parents were so cool - they saw it as a form of self-expression. -- Jessica Biel
  • Our prayer service today and my words are not meant to demonize anyone, but are intended to call attention to the diabolical influences of the devil that have penetrated our culture, both in the state and in the Church. These demonic influences are not readily apparent to the undiscerning eye, which is why they are so deceptive. -- Thomas J. Paprocki
  • The teachers tried everything, even pleading, but Tomas was in the habit of addressing them only in Latin, a language he spoke with papal fluency and in which he did not stammer. Sooner or later they all resigned in despair, fearing he might be possessed: he might be spouting demonic instructions in Aramaic at them, for all they knew. -- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • Renounce love and you can achieve demonic focus. -- Glen Duncan
  • Fasting will also overcome sexual additions and demonic powers. -- Jentezen Franklin
  • Conclusion 2: There's nothing more demonic than two bored twins. ~Signed Tamaki -- Bisco Hatori
  • Riley. How bad has it been?" "Just fabulous. The demonic kitten really made my night. -- Jana Oliver
  • Wars are fought by children. Conceived by their mad demonic elders, and fought by boys. -- Penelope Lively
  • All children... feel a demonic sympathy with those things that cause disorder in the grown-up world. -- Thomas M. Disch
  • Americans will buy anything, as long as it doesn't cross the thin line between cute and demonic. -- Ian Shoales
  • The telephone becomes an instrument of torture in the demonic hands of a beloved who doesn't call. -- Alain de Botton
  • But in all the annals of human vice, no power is as destructive or demonic as perverted sincerity -- G. B. Caird
  • They say Im demonic in humor in the sense that I think people need somebody to wake up their mental processes. -- Kenneth Williams
  • Another related source of demonization is the homosexual relationship itself...That attachment and communion are indeed inspired, but their source is demonic. -- Andrew Comiskey
  • The only abyss that exists is the demonic sphere of consciousness created by the erroneous ideas and beliefs of the collective ego. -- Carol Anthony
  • Give a man a mask, and he'll tell you deeper and darker truths. But he'll also be more abusive, unaccountable, and demonic. -- Cory Duchesne
  • Eating meat and drinking liquor are demonic vices. Those indulging in drink lose all sense of propriety, have no compassion or love and become demons. -- Sathya Sai Baba
  • We are the carriers of health and disease - either the divine health of courage and nobility or the demonic diseases of hate and anxiety -- Joshua L. Liebman
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  • Too many Christians reverse New Covenant commands as we seek, through condemnation of the world, the return of the never-existent, demonic myth of the "Christian Nation"! -- Gary Patton
  • We pray against the domestic enemies of the Constitution, against this demon of tyranny who is using the White House occupant. That demonic spirit is oppressing us. -- Gordon Klingenschmitt
  • Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light -- Christianity
  • I worked on a case in Pittsburgh that you would call a demonic haunting. Blood would materialize on the walls, crosses were bending, we'd hear sounds. Just crazy things. -- Ryan Buell
  • Lady Gaga is a pop prostitute, a satanic b-- with her fascist and demonic secret signs! Her pop prostitution has more to do with bikini advertising than with warmth, -- Nina Hagen
  • Rocher was on the floor, crawling on her stomach toward Jate's feet. "I love you...," she kept repeating, in a demonic whisper. "I have to show you... my butt. -- Paul Rudnick
  • If you go to a lower crossover point, a negative place of power, then the beings there are very unevolved, very demonic, crazy, lower than the people of this world. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • I would say that Edgar Allan Poe, [Georges] Perec, Thomas Pynchon, and [Jorge Luis] Borges are all boy-writers. These are writers who take... a kind of demonic joy in writing. -- Paul Auster
  • What happened to California will release a spirit that is more demonic than Islam, a spirit of lawlessness and anarchy. And a sexual insanity will be unleashed into the Earth. -- Lou Engle
  • Only one endowed with restless vitality is susceptible to pessimism. You become a pessimist-a demonic, elemental, bestial pessimist-only when life has been defeated many times in its fight against depression. -- Emile M. Cioran
  • I was...a journalist...though my typical beat was freelancing articles on Canadian politics, which never included any mention of demonic phenomena, though it might explain the rise of the neoconservatives. -- Kelley Armstrong
  • The cultural propaganda embodied in two liquor advertisements, "Living well is the best revenge" and "Sip it with arrogance," have a curious, perhaps demonic appeal. Consumerism indeed has its own spirituality. -- Brennan Manning
  • The money complex is the demonic, and the demonic is God's ape; the money complex is therefore the heir to and substitute for the religious complex, an attempt to find God in things. -- Norman O. Brown
  • I really believe," said Wanda thoughtfully,"that your madness is nothing but a demonic, unsatisfied sensuality. Our unnatural way of life must generate such illnesses. Were you less virtuous, you would be completely sane. -- Leopold von Sacher-Masoch