Deluded quotes:

  • I have been Foolish and Deluded, and I am a Bear of No Brain at All. -- A. A. Milne
  • Deluded beings think that if they get in a battle with a Zen Master or with a Don Juan, that it's going enhance their life if they win. You can never take power from someone else any more than you can take sunlight. -- Frederick Lenz
  • Deluded beings think that if they get in a battle with a Zen Master or with a Don Juan, that it's going enhance their life if they win. You can never take power from someone else any more than you can take sunlight. -- Frederick Lenz
  • The myth of fascist efficiency has deluded many people. -- Henry A. Wallace
  • I am deluded enough to think I can bring something to the table. -- Huey Lewis
  • Only the most deluded of us could doubt the necessity of this war. -- John McCain
  • Fear not, the people may be deluded for a moment, but cannot be corrupted. -- Andrew Jackson
  • We had a military and political leadership at that period which was genuinely deluded. -- Neil Sheehan
  • But deluded people don't realize that their own mind is the Buddha. They keep searching outside. -- Bodhidharma
  • People of this world are deluded. They're always longing for something - always, in a word, seeking. -- Bodhidharma
  • I'm in this business to make films, not get deluded by the system. The system is set up to give you a headache. -- George Tillman, Jr.
  • I can't think of anyone who is up on evolutionary psychology and related areas who is deluded enough to be called a utopian. -- Keith Henson
  • I used to write a lot of songs. I was an English major in college. I was a deluded poet for a year. Totally deluded. -- Paul Dano
  • What is feminism? Simply the belief that women should be as free as men, however nuts, dim, deluded, badly dressed, fat, receding, lazy, and smug they might be. -- Caitlin Moran
  • You'd be a fool or a deluded idealist to think ethics would be prominent on Wall Street. That is not a statement against people in the money business, just a fact. -- Steven Levitt
  • I was surrounded by nature and trying to come to terms with this blissful nature versus the inhumane mentality of war. People were being deluded by someone using the word peace. -- Thurston Moore
  • He never admitted anything, even on his deathbed. He was a deluded liar. If it weren't for my father, I don't think I would be so open. So that's a huge blessing. -- Anne Heche
  • If the works of Jesus were so much more wonderful than man could perform as to deserve to be called miracles, was it not nonsense to caution his disciples so strongly against being deluded by the works of others? -- Lysander Spooner
  • We in Congress must take action to keep assault weapons and high-capacity clips out of the hands of those who are so dangerous or deranged or deluded that they can snuff out the life of innocents on a whim. -- Gregorio Sablan
  • I'm not deluded enough to think that everyone who knows my name is a listener. You know, I hope that part of that interest - part of that public interest - has to do with me still making records that people like. -- John Mayer
  • Maybe that first, gigantic deficit the Reaganites piled up was an accident, just a combination of deluded 'supply side' tax cuts and a huge bag of good stuff for the Pentagon. But pretty quickly conservatives discovered that deficits, when done correctly, did something really cool: deficits defunded the Left. -- Thomas Frank
  • I have to say I enjoy physical comedy and I've always loved to kind of take risks. I don't like worrying too much about how I look or how I come across, so that can sometimes... You know, I like to play those kinds of deluded but fun characters. -- Amy Poehler
  • Television is the same as the telephone, and the same as the World Wide Web for that matter. People who become obsessed by the peculiarities of these communications media have simply failed to adjust to the shock of the old. People who bleat on about the 'artistic' potential of television qua television are equally deluded. -- Will Self
  • Much as I like and admire Richard Dawkins, I do think that to call a book 'The God Delusion' is very worrying because the title implies that if you don't believe in what I believe then you are 'deluded.' That, I think, is a dangerous concept and one that is unlikely to win hearts and minds. -- Robert Winston
  • The worst deluded are the self-deluded. -- Christian Nestell Bovee
  • Many people have delusions of grandeur but you're deluded by triviality. -- Eugene Ionesco
  • We have somehow deluded ourselves into thinking that wealth is wisdom -- Harry Leslie Smith
  • ... to be "literary" appeared to my deluded innocence as an unending romance. -- Ellen Glasgow
  • The most successful tempters and thus the most dangerous are the deluded deluders. -- Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • Conan Doyle deluded a century of readers into thinking we're all deductive geniuses. -- Rob Thomas
  • How deluded we sometimes are by the clear notions we get out of books. -- Thomas Merton
  • It is for the good of states that men should be deluded by religion. -- Marcus Terentius Varro
  • How deluded we sometimes are by the clear notions we get out of books. -- Thomas Merton
  • When we're deluded there's a world to escape. When we're aware, there's nothing to escape. -- Bodhidharma
  • Like the juggler, deceiving by his tricks, one is deluded by egotism, falsehood and illusion. -- Guru Nanak
  • To annihilate the world by annihilation of oneself is the deluded height of desperate egoism. -- Sylvia Plath
  • Those who greatly enlighten delusion are buddhas; those who are greatly deluded about enlightenment are sentient beings. -- Kim Hee-jin
  • If someone as deluded as I was can be brought out of homosexuality then surely anyone can. -- Joe Dallas
  • We are apt to be deluded into false security by political catch-words, devised to flatter rather than instruct. -- James A. Garfield
  • Two people who are a little bit deluded in each other's favour. That's what love is, isn't it? -- David Mitchell
  • The world being illusive, one must be deluded in some way if one is to triumph in it. -- William Butler Yeats
  • There are some whom the applause of the multitude has deluded into the belief that they are really statesmen. -- Plato
  • Fear is only my ego's deluded perception that it is possible to experience a lack of love in my life. -- Bijan
  • Let no one be deluded that a knowledge of the path can substitute for putting one foot in front of the other. -- Mary Caroline Richards
  • If we say something often enough, we come to believe it. We don't usually delude others until after we have first deluded ourselves. -- David Frum
  • Don't be deluded into believing that the titular heads of the networks control what appears on their networks. They all have better taste. -- Edward R. Murrow
  • No matter how confused or deluded we may be at the moment, the underlying and essential nature of our being is clear and pure -- Thubten Yeshe
  • Get away from all books and forms and let your soul see its Self. "We are deluded and maddened by books", Shri Krishna declares. -- Swami Vivekananda
  • Without seeing the origin of light, the true form of one's Self, the ordinary man sees by the mind different things and is deluded. -- Ramana Maharshi
  • I feel that as women we've allowed ourselves to be deluded by certain ideas that hold us back, such as the over-glorification of masculine consciousness. -- Marianne Williamson
  • There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know. -- John Heywood
  • There were some things that only time could cure. Evil men could be destroyed, but nothing could be done with good men who were deluded. -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • The deluded mind is the mind affectively burdened by intellect. Thus, it cannot move without stopping and reflecting on itself. This obstructs its native fluidity. -- Bruce Lee
  • There is on earth among all dangers no more dangerous thing than a richly endowed and adroit reason...Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. -- Martin Luther
  • Taste of metal on my tongue. Poison the color of envy- I'm delirious, you're delicious, I'm deluded and delusional. I'm lost without you. I need you. -- Cecily von Ziegesar
  • I have, he went on, betrayed myself withbelief, deluded myself with lovetricked myself with sex.the bottle is damned faithful, he said,the bottle will not lie -- Charles Bukowski
  • When [Republicans] say they can reduce taxes and trim deficits at the same time, they are either deluded or deceptive, and they are playing voters for fools. -- E. J. Dionne
  • Through True Love, she merges with Him. She who does not know her Husband Lord, the Architect of karma, is deluded by falsehood she herself is false. -- Guru Nanak
  • I suppose I really seemed mad, then; but it was only through the awfulness of having said nothing but the truth, and being thought to be deluded. -- Sarah Waters
  • Anti-utopianism continues to suffuse our culture...Today few imagine that society can be fundamentally improved, and those who do are seen as at best deluded, at worst threatening. -- Lewis H. Lapham
  • Unless all ages and races of men have been deluded by the same mass hypnotist (who?), there seems to be such a thing as beauty, a grace wholly gratuitous. -- Annie Dillard
  • Yet it is necessary to hope, though hope should always be deluded, for hope itself is happiness, and its frustrations, however frequent, are yet less dreadful than its extinction. -- Samuel Johnson
  • Do not be deluded by the abstract word Freedom. Whose freedom? Not the freedom of one individual in relation to another, but freedom of Capital to crush the worker. -- Karl Marx
  • A man of correct insight among those who are duped and deluded resembles one whose watch is right while all the clocks in the town give the wrong time. -- Arthur Schopenhauer
  • The risks involved in the pursuit of magic are--put simply--either getting frightened by unpleasant perceptions or becoming deluded. Unfortunately it is possible to suffer from both symptoms at the same time. -- Philip Carr-Gomm
  • Don't be concerned with other people's impressions of you. They are dazzled and deluded by appearances. Stick with your purpose. This alone will strengthen your will and give your life coherence. -- Epictetus
  • Human beings are confused, deluded and generally un-awakened. So as a person who seeks to increase their energy, you have to be very careful about who you have intimate contact with. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • I was surrounded by nature and trying to come to terms with this blissful nature versus the inhumane mentality of war. People were being deluded by someone using the word peace -- Thurston Moore
  • We believe in a society in delusion, and if you're awake and not deluded people tell you you're mad. That's why I'm a freak and they're not. But I'm actually not. -- Billy Childish
  • An artist in 2014 who is thinking about album sales is either sadly deluded or has to make so many commercial compromises that it sort of takes the joy out of making music. -- Moby
  • How deluded we sometimes are by the clear notions we get out of books. They make us think that we really understand things of which we have no practical knowledge at all. -- Thomas Merton
  • I will not avoid doing what I think is right, though it should draw on me the whole artillery that falsehood and malice can invent, or the credulity a deluded population can swallow. -- William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield
  • I desired as many as could to join together in fasting and prayer, that God would restore the spirit of love and of a sound mind to the poor deluded rebels in America. -- John Wesley
  • Republicanism is not the phantom of a deluded imagination. On the contrary, laws, under no form of government, are better supported, liberty and property better secured, or happiness more effectually dispensed to mankind. -- George Washington
  • Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and ... know nothing but the word of God. -- Martin Luther
  • You poor, deluded you believe there is any such thing as love?...You're living an illusion. Do you believe the words of love they whisper in the ears of penniless women like us? -- Nawal El Saadawi