Centralization quotes:

  • In the area of macroeconomic policies, I think we'll see more centralization, like in the budgetary sphere. -- Mario Monti
  • Today we know that centralization and big bureaucracies have not, as promised, been the answer for promoting better opportunities for society. -- Carlos Salinas de Gortari
  • If we hope and even assume that the social question will be answered through communism, and not in this or that country but in the world, any thought of centralization must be a monstrosity. -- Johann Most
  • The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization, and where this exists, there the parasitic Jewish nation - which speculates upon the labor of people - will always find the means for its existence. -- Mikhail Bakunin
  • If you're going to have centralization, why not have it! -- Frank Lloyd Wright
  • Centralization as a system is inconsistent with a non-violent structure of society. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The real trick in highly reliable systems is somehow to achieve simultaneous centralization and decentralization. -- Karl E. Weick
  • A dreary censorship, and self-censorship, has been imposed on books by the centralization of the book industry. -- Erica Jong
  • Centralization at the national capital or within a business undertaking always glorifies the importance of pieces of paper This dims the sense of reality. -- David Lilienthal
  • The centralization of power in Washington, which nearly all members of Congress deplore in their speech and then support by their votes, steadily increases. -- Calvin Coolidge
  • Many individuals and organization units contribute to every large decision, and the very problem of centralization and decentralization is a problem of arranging the complex system into an effective scheme. -- Herbert Simon
  • In the American political lexicon, 'change' always means more of the same: more government, more looting of Americans, more inflation, more police-state measures, more unnecessary war, and more centralization of power. -- Ron Paul
  • The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups. -- Carroll Quigley
  • They do not want to know that centralization is not only the death-knell of liberty, but also of health and beauty, of art and science, all these being impossible in a clock-like, mechanical atmosphere. -- Emma Goldman
  • the net effect of increasing scale, centralization of capital, vertical integration and diversification within the corporate form of enterprise has been to replace the 'invisible hand' of the market by the 'visible hand' of the managers. -- David Harvey
  • No method of procedure has ever been devised by which liberty could be divorced from local self-government. No plan of centralization has ever been adopted which did not result in bureaucracy, tyranny, inflexibility, reaction, and decline. -- Calvin Coolidge
  • Democracy can hardly be expected to flourish in societies where political and economic power is being progressively concentrated and centralized. But the progress of technology has led and is still leading to just such a concentration and centralization of power. -- Aldous Huxley
  • I firmly believe that the army of persons who urge greater and greater centralization of authority and greater and greater dependence upon the Federal Treasury are really more dangerous to our form of government than any external threat that can possibly be arrayed against us. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • It is no accident that on the whole there was more beauty and decency to be found in the life of the small peoples, and that among the large ones there was more happiness and content in proportion as they had avoided the deadly blight of centralization. -- Friedrich August von Hayek
  • Palaeontological research exhibits, beyond question, the phenomenon of provinces in time, as well as provinces in space. Moreover, all our knowledge of organic remains teaches us, that species have a definite existence, and a centralization in geological time as well as in geographical space, and that no species is repeated in time. -- Edward Forbes
  • To check centralization and usurping of power ... we require a new laissez-faire. The old laissez-faire was founded upon a misapprehension of human nature, an exultation of individuality (in private character often a virtue) to the condition of a political dogma, which destroyed the spirit of community and reduced men to so many equipollent atoms of humanity, without sense of brotherhood or purpose. -- Russell Kirk
  • Being the governor of a state is a more pivotal job in the future. I do indeed hope there's someone that says, "I'm going to go to Washington, try to get back to our constitutional roots, devolve the centralization of government back to the states." So why would you want to be up there if the action is down here in the states? -- Rick Perry
  • In a democracy there is a centralization of governmental power in a simple majority. -- Robert W. Welch, Jr.
  • Cloud computing is a great euphemism for centralization of computer services under one server. -- Evgeny Morozov
  • Moreover, all our knowledge of organic remains teaches us, that species have a definite existence, and a centralization in geological time as well as in geographical space, and that no species is repeated in time. -- Edward Forbes
  • The power of the web is not in centralization; it's not in closed systems or anything like that. It's in its open nature, and that's what allowed it to flourish for the first 10 or 15 years. -- Matt Mullenweg
  • The rise of the presidency began with the Louisiana Purchase, which in 1803 doubled the land mass of the United States. History taught the framers that, just as Rome changed from republic to empire with conquest of new lands, territorial acquisition would lead to the centralization of political power. -- Noah Feldman
  • On the vaporization and the centralization of the Self. All is there. -- Charles Baudelaire
  • The struggle between centralization and decentralization is at the core of American history. -- Anthony Gregory
  • I'm a federalist. I believe in the Italy of municipalities, of the Renaissance, not in Mussolini's centralization. -- Matteo Salvini
  • Its true that contemporary technology permits decentralization, it also permits centralization. It depends on how you use the technology. -- Noam Chomsky
  • I would consider a socialism a mixture of the minimum of centralization necessary for a modern industrial state, and a maximum of decentralization. -- Erich Fromm
  • [Written in 1901:] Nothing has been so deplorable for countries as centralization. I am afraid when I see Germany grow so powerful, and centralizing in Berlin; it is the beginning of the end! -- Elisabeth of Wied
  • People who resist authority, who defend the rights of the individual, who try in a period of increasing totalitarianism and centralization to reclaim these rights - this is the true left in the United States. -- Murray Bookchin