Brick And Blanket quotes:

  • You can sit on a brick, and milk a cow with a blanket. -- Nicole McKay
  • You should go into every relationship as a brick and not a blanket. -- Nicole McKay
  • A blanket is great for covering things, like the dead guy, I just killed with this brick. -- Nicole McKay
  • A brick could be used to keep warm, and a blanket could be used to build a house. -- Jarod Kintz
  • Soak blanket in gravy and make a delicious brick wrap. Serve in All Gravy Room at the Mandrake Hotel. -- Christoph Fischer
  • A brick could be used as a frame for a door, and the blanket could be used as the door. -- Nicole McKay
  • I had a dream about you last night... I was a brick and you were a blanket. Damn that improbability drive. -- Nicole McKay
  • The Bible talks about building houses on sand and rock, but says nothing about a brick house built on a blanket. -- Nicole McKay
  • A brick and blanket could be used as a large slingshot, put the brick in the blanket swing it around and release. -- Amy Summers
  • If you're a struggling artist having money problems just superglue a brick in the middle of a blanket, and call it art. Someone will buy it. -- Nicole McKay
  • Instead of Rock, Paper, Scissors, you could play Brick, Blanket, Action Fingers, in which brick cripples action fingers, blanket smothers brick and action fingers beats blanket. -- Nicole McKay