Allowances quotes:

  • I'm a pushover. I make allowances for people if I like them. -- Zaha Hadid
  • Great allowances ought to be made for the petulance of persons laboring under ill-health. -- Samuel Richardson
  • All of us have to make some accommodations and allowances if we are to live with another person. -- Graeme Simsion
  • Parents sometimes make not those allowances for youth, which, when young, they wished to be made for themselves. -- Samuel Richardson
  • Only a kind person is able to judge another justly and to make allowances for his weaknesses. A kind eye, while recognizing defects, sees beyond them. -- Lawrence G. Lovasik
  • I used to have to save my allowances to buy a quart of rubber to make a mask, and it's how I spent all my free time. -- Rick Baker
  • For no art and no religion is possible until we make allowances, until we manage to keep quiet the enfant terrible of logic that plays havoc with the other faculties. -- John Crowe Ransom
  • I didn't want readers to have to make allowances for what they couldn't see, but to be able to say to themselves that the fabric of the magic detailed was perfectly believable. -- Terry Brooks
  • The government is also looking at further benefits including enhanced capital allowances; the use of Tax Incremental Finance; and extra help from UK Trade and Investment on inward investment and trade opportunities. -- Andy Sawford
  • When there's trouble in a family, it tends to show up in the weakest member. And all the other members of the family know that. They make allowances for the one in trouble. -- Ross MacDonald
  • Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. -- Ann Landers
  • It is certain, indeed, that the sacred writers were apt to make great allowances for people with empty stomachs, and though I am well aware that the present profane ones think this very reprehensible, I venture to agree with the sacred writers. -- James Payn
  • Young children need to develop good habits that will be useful to them the rest of their lives. It is important to keep the lessons age-appropriate. For example, when your children start earning allowances, that would be a good time to teach them how to put some money in the bank instead of spending it all. -- Bill Rancic
  • Viking women, if they were left behind, were ruling their town. They were earls in their own right; they owned land in their own right. They could divorce their husbands if they wanted to. All of those wonderful allowances that were made for women in the Viking culture weren't really part of the Christian culture at the time. -- Alyssa Sutherland
  • I think I have made allowances for the kind of despair which would test my faith, but you cannot know in advance what disaster to those you love would be too much to bear faithfully, and like everyone's, my faith is weakly conditional in some ways. I hope, I pray not to lose it. My fingers are crossed. Also my heart. -- Francis Spufford
  • Unless you make allowances for your friends foibles, you betray your own. -- Publilius Syrus
  • The recommended daily allowances are based on arbitrary, unscientific, and tainted standards. -- William Proxmire
  • Make allowances for your friends' imperfections as readily as you do for your own. -- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  • You do realise modern social mores exist for a reason?" "I was hungry, allowances should be made. -- Gail Carriger
  • The doer and the thinker, no allowances for the other, as the failing light illuminates the mercenaries creed. -- Jethro Tull
  • All sorts of allowances are made for the illusions of youth, and none, or almost none for the disenchantment of age. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  • The longer I live, the larger allowances I make for human infirmities. I exact more from myself and less from others. -- John Wesley
  • It is a severe rebuke upon us, that God makes us so many allowances, and we make so few to our neighbour. -- William Penn
  • Taking a scenic route in Southeast Iowa is like talking about a good Barry Manilow album. You have to make certain allowances. -- Bill Bryson
  • What a shame that allowances have to stop with the teens: both those that are paid to us and those that are made for us. -- Mignon McLaughlin
  • All I say is, kings is kings, and you got to make allowances. Take them all around, they're a mighty ornery lot. It's the way they're raised. -- Mark Twain
  • Authors have established it as a kind of rule, that a man ought to be dull sometimes; as the most severe reader makes allowances for many rests and nodding-places in a voluminous writer. -- Joseph Addison
  • in the traditional family structure of Persia ... one simply cannot discard close relatives just because one does not like them; rather one has to accommodate them, make allowances and accept them, like misfortune. -- Shusha Guppy