Affiliation quotes:

  • I love being able to be political without any political affiliation. -- Lady Gaga
  • We shall say clearly that any symbol conspicuously displaying religious affiliation in school is prohibited. -- Jean-Pierre Raffarin
  • The writer is the person who stands outside society, independent of affiliation and independent of influence. -- Don DeLillo
  • Anyone with a gun can go out and commit an act of terrorism, even without a political affiliation. -- Aaron McGruder
  • I have been unable to live an uncommitted or suspended life. I have not hesitated to declare my affiliation with an extremely unpopular cause. -- Edward Said
  • Let them be reassured, it has never been one of our intentions to ban religion in society, but solely to protect the national education system from any conspicuous display of religious affiliation. -- Jean-Pierre Raffarin
  • I hope that no American will waste his franchise and throw away his vote by voting either for me or against me solely on account of my religious affiliation. It is not relevant. -- John F. Kennedy
  • There are people hell-bent on the idea that we're a Christian band in disguise, and that we have some secret message. We have no spiritual affiliation with this music. It's simply about life experience. -- Amy Lee
  • As a black woman, my politics and political affiliation are bound up with and flow from participation in my people's struggle for liberation, and with the fight of oppressed people all over the world against American imperialism. -- Angela Davis
  • I have never belonged to a party. I don't have party affiliation. -- William Eldridge Odom
  • I promised to have no partisan affiliation and no subsidy except advertising. -- Benjamin Day
  • Everybody seems to be imprisoned in their own sectarian or political affiliations. They don't seem to be able to rise above these things. -- Adnan Pachachi
  • If the media isnt slanted toward the Left, why is everyone so worried about my affiliation with Glenn Beck but not with Alec Baldwin? -- Adam Carolla
  • Wonder is our erotic affiliation with all of life. If we develop this, enjoy it, and follow its promptings, our wants will be fewer and our needs plainer. -- Stephanie Mills
  • Americans are the only people in the world known to me whose status anxiety prompts them to advertise their college and university affiliations in the rear window of their automobiles. -- Paul Fussell
  • The Empathic Civilization is emerging. A younger generation is fast extending its empathic embrace beyond religious affiliations and national identification to include the whole of humanity and the vast project of life that envelops the Earth. -- Jeremy Rifkin
  • Husbands lie, Masha. I should know; I've eaten my share. That's lesson one. Lesson number two: among the topics about which a husband is most likely to lie are money, drink, black eyes, political affiliation, and women who squatted on his lap before and after your sweet self. -- Catherynne M. Valente
  • In its conception the literature prize belongs to days when a writer could still be thought of as, by virtue of his or her occupation, a sage, someone with no institutional affiliations who could offer an authoritative word on our times as well as on our moral life. -- J. M. Coetzee
  • What some now call 'emerging Christianity' or 'the emerging church' is not something you join, establish, or invent. You just name it and then you see it everywhere- already in place! Such nongroup groups, the 'two or three' gathered in deep truth, create a whole new level of affiliation, dialogue, and friendship... -- Richard Rohr
  • No one can deny that a network (a world network) of economic and psychic affiliations is being woven at ever increasing speed which envelops and constantly penetrates more deeply within each of us. With every day that passes it becomes a little more impossible for us to act or think otherwise than collectively. -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
  • That's what running does to lives. It's not just exercise. It's not just achievement. It's a daily discipline that has nothing to do with speed, weight, social status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, where you live, what car you drive, or whether anyone anywhere loves you. It's about the slow and painful process of being the best you can be. -- Martin Dugard
  • All the critics who could not make their reputations by discovering you are hoping to make them by predicting hopefully your approaching impotence, failure and general drying up of natural juices. Not a one will wish you luck or hope that you will keep on writing unless you have political affiliations in which case these will rally around and speak of you and Homer, Balzac, Zola and Link Steffens. -- Ernest Hemingway
  • A lack of affiliation may mean a lack of accountability, and forming a sense of commitment can be hard without a sense of community. Displacement can encourage the wrong kinds of distance, and if the nationalism we see sparking up around the globe arises from too narrow and fixed a sense of loyalty, the internationalism that's coming to birth may reflect too roaming and undefined a sense of belonging. -- Pico Iyer
  • I have never belonged to a party. I don't have party affiliation. -- William Eldridge Odom
  • Your race and gender don't change, but you can choose to change your political affiliation at will. -- John Podhoretz
  • My affiliation with England is borne out by the fact that I do come back for periodic visits. -- George Shearing
  • I plan to work my utmost for Singaporeans, whatever be their political affiliation. The presidency is above politics. -- Tony Tan
  • Whatever my party affiliation, I will continue to be guided by President Kennedy's statement that sometimes party asks too much. -- Arlen Specter
  • Georgians aren't interested in labels or affiliation, they're interested in solutions. And that begins by making Washington smaller and America bigger! -- Paul Broun
  • Many people who say they have no religion are simply saying they have no official religious affiliation. They may actually have strong personal beliefs. -- Rodney Stark
  • If the media isn't slanted toward the Left, why is everyone so worried about my affiliation with Glenn Beck but not with Alec Baldwin? -- Adam Carolla
  • I've always had a natural affiliation with nature. If I wasn't an actor, I'd be some sort of biologist working in the field in Africa or something. -- Callan McAuliffe
  • Whatever your political affiliation may be, whether you are a conservative or liberal, we should all be bound by the belief that we need to support the troops. -- Candace Kita
  • Regardless of your political affiliation, most people agree that Ronald Reagan was an American icon. He was a president of national significance and for that reason he deserves an honor in the nation's capital. -- Henry Bonilla
  • Touch seems to be such an important tool for enhancing social cooperation and affiliation that we have evolved a special physical route along which those subliminal feelings of social connection travel from skin to brain. -- Leonard Mlodinow
  • Burton Cummings joining the Guess Who in January 1966 changed my life forever. It's been a rocky affiliation, no doubt. One journalist once described our relationship as the longest running soap opera in Canadian history. That may be a bit oversimplified. -- Randy Bachman
  • I think youth will always be connected to the strongest music at the time because... I don't want to use the word 'tribal,' but there was this sort of familial affiliation that people would feel with the music they were listening to. -- John Darnielle
  • Companies in the East put a lot more emphasis on human relationships, while those from the West focus on the product, the bottom line. Westerners appear to have more of a need for achievement, while in the East there's more need for affiliation. -- Daniel Goleman
  • The philosophical point is that our happiness and wellbeing is not based on incomes rising. This is not just the wisdom of sages but of ordinary people. Prosperity is more social and psychological: it's about identification, affiliation, participation in society and a sense of purpose. -- Tim Jackson
  • I am sick and tired of hearing that it is our moral duty to serve the state, because conservatives believe that it is our moral duty to serve our fellow man regardless of race, sex, affiliation or creed, and when we serve, we believe that it is the state's duty to get out of the way. -- Allen West
  • Disease does not recognize congressional districts or party affiliation. -- Steve Kagen
  • I'm 100 percent Jewish by blood, but by education I'm nothing. By affiliation I'm nothing. -- Joseph Brodsky
  • I would describe my spirituality as exactly the opposite of having a religious affiliation. -- Bill Maher
  • The definition of terrorism is killing civilians with the intent of changing their political affiliation. -- Caleb Carr
  • Regardless of your race, religion or political affiliation, never hesitate to question those in authority. -- Tavis Smiley
  • It is different [to perform in Israel] because it arises from very deep wells of affiliation. -- Leonard Cohen
  • Those of us who don't have a party affiliation ought to be able to register under the heading "Confused. -- Andy Rooney
  • Biophilia, if it exists, and I believe it exists, is the innately emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms. -- E. O. Wilson
  • [T]he public library is where those without money, power, access, university affiliation, or advanced degrees can get information for free.. -- Siva Vaidhyanathan
  • The behavior of an individual is determined not by his racial affiliation, but by the character of his ancestry and his cultural environment. -- Franz Boas
  • Yesterday in New York City, Donald Trump officially changed his political affiliation from Republican to Independent. And Donald's hair has switched from pelt to carpet sample. -- Jay Leno
  • Our predecessors understood that the ties that bind America are far stronger than disagreements over any particular policy and far more durable and profound than any party affiliation. -- Madeleine Albright
  • Peace cannot come by legislation or through affiliation with any political philosophy...Peace, joy, and happiness can come only through an acceptance of God's revealed plan of life. -- Theodore M. Burton
  • certain kinds of people become Republicans and certain kinds of people become Democrats, and ... it's more than a matter of party affiliation. It's a way of thinking and being. -- Marya Mannes
  • The day will never come when any Palestinian would be arrested because of his political affiliation or because of resisting the occupation. The file of political detention must be closed. -- Said Seyam
  • Truthfully, we don't want my Weezer affiliation to have any bearing on whether someone likes us or not. It's an entirely different thing. The Space Twins have our own chemistry. -- Brian Bell
  • I've always been a big fan of the Yeti, simply because I have an affiliation to Everest - who was the New Zealander, Sir Edmund Hillary, the guy that conquered it. -- Rhys Darby
  • Motherhood is the second oldest profession in the world. It never questions age, height, religious preference, health, political affiliation, citizenship, morality, ethnic background, marital status, economic level, convenience, or previous experience. -- Erma Bombeck
  • I think you get some attention and some hype from the marijuana affiliation but I think also there's obviously problems still. My mother is not very excited about it. Understandably, I suppose. -- Doug Walters
  • It's comprised of both Republicans and Democrats and their membership in this club known as the establishment, party affiliation is second or third in terms of your qualifications to be in the club. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • It's comprised of both Republicans and Democrats and their membership in this club known as the establishment, party affiliation is second or third in terms of your qualifications to be in the club. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • [Lyndon Baines Johnson ] technique in negotiation would be that he'd lean into you and take away your personal space, it didn't matter your party affiliation when he was trying to convince you of something. -- Jay Roach