Teddy Sanders Quotes in The Martian (2015)


Teddy Sanders Quotes:

  • Teddy Sanders: If we are going to have a secret project called "Elrond", then I want my code name to be "Glorfindel".

  • Teddy Sanders: Every time something goes wrong, the world forgets why we fly.

  • Annie Montrose: What the hell is "Project Elrond?"

    Vincent Kapoor: I had to make something up.

    Annie Montrose: But "Elrond?"

    Mitch Henderson: Because it's a secret meeting.

    Annie Montrose: How do you know that, and why does Elrond mean secret meeting?

    Bruce Ng: The Council of Elrond. It's the... it's... it's... from The Lord of the Rings. It's the meeting where they decide to destroy the one ring.

    Teddy Sanders: If we are going to call something Elrond, I would like my code mane to be Glorfindel.

    Annie Montrose: I hate every one of you.

  • Teddy Sanders: Rich?

    Rich Purnell: Yeah?

    Teddy Sanders: Get out!

  • Mitch Henderson: The truth is that Mark's right. The longer we wait the worse it's going to get. We need to tell the crew.

    Teddy Sanders: You're saying this now while Vincent is in Pasadena so he can't argue the other side.

    Mitch Henderson: I shouldn't have to answer to Vincent or anyone else. It's time Teddy.

  • Teddy Sanders: [From Extended Version] I just had to explain to the President of the United States what a beaurocratic felcher is.

    Mitch Henderson: I made the mistake of typing it into Google. Don't.

  • Teddy Sanders: Mark Watney is dead.

  • Annie Montrose: But if something goes wrong?

    Vincent Kapoor: Then we lose the crew.

    Bruce Ng: So what, we either have a high chance of killing one person, or a low chance of killing six people. How do we make that decision?

    Vincent Kapoor: We don't.

    [pointing to Teddy]

    Vincent Kapoor: He does.

    Mitch Henderson: Yeah, bullshit. It should be Commander Lewis' call.

    Teddy Sanders: We still have a chance to bring five astronauts home safe and sound. I'm not risking their lives.

    Mitch Henderson: Let them make that decision.

    Teddy Sanders: Mitch, we are going with option one.

    Mitch Henderson: You god damn coward.

  • Teddy Sanders: We need to use the Taiyang Shen.

    Vincent Kapoor: Uh huh

    Annie Montrose: What am I missing? Why is that important?

    Vincent Kapoor: Beause we can only do one.

    Teddy Sanders: Send Watney enough food to last until Ares IV, or send Hermes back to get him right now.

    Vincent Kapoor: Both plans require the use of the Taiyang Shen. So we have to choose.

  • Teddy Sanders: They don't understand the most important role of sisterhood. There's no "I" in "Sorority".

    Mac Radner: Yeah, there is. There's two actually.

    Kelly Radner: No, actually there's just one.

    Teddy Sanders: No, that's an "Y".

    Mac Radner: No, in the middle.

    Teddy Sanders: That's an "O".

    Mac Radner: Two "I's" straddleing the "Y". S-O-R-R-I-A-Y-O-R-I-T-Y.

    Kelly Radner: What?

    Teddy Sanders: There's a "U" in there that you guys are all missing.

    Kelly Radner: S-O-R-R-I-R-O-I-T-I-T-Y.

    Teddy Sanders: Sorroritity?

    Kelly Radner: That's how you spell it.

    Mac Radner: You think the "tity" is silent?

  • Teddy Sanders: [from trailer] Hey, neighbors. Let's shut this shit down.

  • Teddy Sanders: That was really gross! Ew, why would you do that? That was like, WAY over the line!

  • Teddy Sanders: I've been playing for the wrong team!

  • Pete: Do you think maybe we've gone too far? I'm a child of divorce and I sympathize with them.

    Teddy Sanders: My parents love each other, and I think it's hilarious.

  • Teddy Sanders: We're throwing a Robert De Niro party.

    Pete: You call the cops, you violate the circle of trust, Focker.

    Mac Radner: Who are you?

    Garf: I'm Sam Jackson from Jackie Brown.

    Scoonie: [pause] Hoah!

    Garf: Hooah!

    Kelly Radner: That's actually Al Pacino.

    Garf: The Path of the righteous man.

    Mac Radner: That's the wrong Sam Jackson speech.

  • Teddy Sanders: You make the store more approachable.

    Mac Radner: Like, I'm more of an attainable goal?

    Teddy Sanders: Yeah, you're like Relaxed Fit.

  • Pete: Bros before hoes

    Pete: Junk before Trunk

    Teddy Sanders: Balls before dolls

    Pete: Padres before I sleep with two Madres

    Teddy Sanders: Brad Pitt before Grab Glit

    Pete: These nuts before skinny sl***

    Teddy Sanders: M********* before ask her to date

    Pete: Beef stew before watching The View

    Teddy Sanders: Male erection before One Direction

    Pete: Mario and Luigi before Thelma and Laweezie

    Teddy Sanders: Bert and Ernie before Squirt and Spermy

    Pete: Man purses before regular purses

    Teddy Sanders: Sports before genital warts

    Pete: John Madden before Jasmine from Aladdin

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