Samuel Sterns Quotes in The Incredible Hulk (2008)


Samuel Sterns Quotes:

  • Major Kathleen 'Kat' Sparr: Are you telling me you can make more like him?

    Samuel Sterns: No! Not yet. I sorted out a few pieces, but it's not like I can put together the same Humpty Dumpty if that's what you're asking. He was a freak accident! The goal is to it better!

    Major Kathleen 'Kat' Sparr: So Banner's the only...

    [Blonsky knocks her out from behind]

    Emil Blonsky: She's an annoying bitch.

    Samuel Sterns: Why are you always hitting people?

    [cocks gun, points it at Sterns]

    Samuel Sterns: Now what possibly could I have done to deserve such aggression?

    Emil Blonsky: It's not what you've done. It's what you're gonna do. I want what you got out of Banner. I want that.

    Samuel Sterns: You look like you've got a little something in you already, don't you?

    Emil Blonsky: I want more. You've seen what he becomes, right?

    Samuel Sterns: I have. And it's beautiful. Godlike.

    Emil Blonsky: Well, I want that. I need that. Make me that.

    Samuel Sterns: I don't know what you've got inside you already. The mix could be an abomination.

    [Blonsky grabs Sterns and lifts him up]

    Samuel Sterns: I didn't say I was unwilling. I just need informed consent. And you've given it.

  • Samuel Sterns: [nervously, in front of a mutating Blonsky] ... This is what I was trying to explain... I don't know what you've been ladling into yourself... Let's assume you don't understand a word I'm saying... but if you'll just get back on the table... I can... fix this...

    [with a laugh, Blonsky shoves him aside]

  • Samuel Sterns: [to Blonsky] WHY are you always hitting people?

  • Samuel Sterns: If we overshoot this by even the smallest integer, we're dealing with concentrations with extraordinary levels of toxicity.

    Betty Ross: You mean it could kill him.

    Samuel Sterns: Kill him? Yeah, I should say so.

    Bruce Banner: You should know that there's a flip side to this, too. If we miss on the low side, if we induce me and it fails, this will be very dangerous for you.

    Samuel Sterns: I've always been more curious than cautious, and that's served me pretty well.

  • Samuel Sterns: You didn't send me much to work with. So I had to concentrate it and make more.

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