Panel member Quotes in Edtv (1999)


Panel member Quotes:

  • Panel member: A joyous celebration of boobery, that's what it is.

  • Panel member: Doctor Arroway, you come to us with no evidence, no record, no artifacts. Only a story that to put it mildly strains credibility. Over half a trillion dollars was spent, dozens of lives were lost. Are you really going to sit there and tell us we should just take this all... on faith?

    [pause, Ellie looks at Palmer]

    Michael Kitz: Please answer the question, doctor.

    Ellie Arroway: Is it possible that it didn't happen? Yes. As a scientist, I must concede that, I must volunteer that.

    Michael Kitz: Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You admit that you have absolutely no physical evidence to back up your story.

    Ellie Arroway: Yes.

    Michael Kitz: You admit that you very well may have hallucinated this whole thing.

    Ellie Arroway: Yes.

    Michael Kitz: You admit that if you were in our position, you would respond with exactly the same degree of incredulity and skepticism!

    Ellie Arroway: Yes!

    Michael Kitz: [standing, angrily] Then why don't you simply withdraw your testimony, and concede that this "journey to the center of the galaxy," in fact, never took place!

    Ellie Arroway: Because I can't. I... had an experience... I can't prove it, I can't even explain it, but everything that I know as a human being, everything that I am tells me that it was real! I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever... A vision... of the universe, that tells us, undeniably, how tiny, and insignificant and how... rare, and precious we all are! A vision that tells us that we belong to something that is greater then ourselves, that we are *not*, that none of us are alone! I wish... I... could share that... I wish, that everyone, if only for one... moment, could feel... that awe, and humility, and hope. But... That continues to be my wish.

  • Panel member: If you were to meet these Vegans, and were permitted only one question to ask of them, what would it be?

    Ellie Arroway: Well, I suppose it would be, how did you do it? How did you evolve, how did you survive this technological adolescence without destroying yourself?

  • Panel member: Does our subject still wear pink socks?

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Characters on Edtv (1999)