Old Guy in Alley Quotes in Lightning Jack (1994)


Old Guy in Alley Quotes:

  • Lightning Jack Kane: [hands news paper over] Read that out to me.

    Old Guy in Alley: Yes sir, but, you dont need the gun son, i aint the law.


    Old Guy in Alley: Younger gang wiped out.

    Lightning Jack Kane: [takes news paper and points to his section] That part.

    Old Guy in Alley: The only flaw in the trap was the escape of Lightning Jack Kane


    Old Guy in Alley: Although several witnesses swore he was shot full of holes and riding dead in his saddle. Kane is of medium height and build, blonde hair

    [looks at Jacks hair]

    Old Guy in Alley: with a mean withered face and has an English accent.

    Lightning Jack Kane: English?

    [snatches paper]

    Old Guy in Alley: Yes sir

    Lightning Jack Kane: I dont speak english

    Old Guy in Alley: No?

    Lightning Jack Kane: Im a bloody Australian

    Old Guy in Alley: Ohhh

    Lightning Jack Kane: Can i send this to my mates back home and tell 'em what a big success i am if it says im english? Bloody news paper, they never get anything right y'know.

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